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我最喜欢的老师英语作文优秀13篇 我最喜欢的老师英语范文

更新时间:2023-03-14 来源:互联网 点击:


我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇一

I most like my English teacher, he was in our class is the most popular teacher, he teaches us English.He often help us witn learn English and ask us to study hard.And He often about our brilliant smile..

Our English teacher has a lot of hobbies, including his most good at singing.He loved singing, and he sing very good to listen, we're all very fond of his songs.

This is my favorite teacher,who is your favorite?




我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇二




She is a rigorous female teacher, a smile on the corner of her mouth can always give me this math idiot a few silk calm and comfort.

Once, I was correct in the application of a mathematical formula for the application of the surface area for 5 times. My teacher and leaves a sigh of relief, I is to conceal the hearts of that joy, hurried out of the office. But behold, I and five (3) class Cheng bright face with a hit, but the partial chapped lips break a hole, the blood flow out hua. I was alarmed, and I cried, and Mr. ye heard that he immediately dropped his homework and ran out at the speed of 100 meters, and he helped me to the clinic, and encouraged me to be brave. She poured cold water on me and gargled me, and on the other hand she took a large group of cotton and pressed my lips. The blood soaked the teacher's finger and dropped it on her white shirt. I real https://m.chayi5.com/ ly annoyed his teacher to get dizzy with success, leaves so much trouble. Ye seemed to have seen my little emotion and smiled and comforted me. "I'll make mistakes 2 times next time, and correct the right ones. Don't fly up!" we both laughed heartily, and the wound on the lips was not as painful as it was just now.

His teacher, the faith in the way, this is to let me worship my favorite leaf teacher, and she is only a good teacher of the ordinary and beautiful part of the Chinese. She was unforgettable for my love.

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇三

My Chinese teacher is Miss LI, she impresses me so much, the first day I see her, I like her, because she is so kind to us.

I am weak in Chinese, so I don’t like Chinese class, but Miss Li can make the class very active and funny, all the students focus their minds. Now my Chinese improves, I owe it to Miss Li.



我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇四









What kind of teacher do I like? I may not be able to answer this question for a half time. Generally speaking, boys will love beautiful and gentle, liberal and dignified teacher; girls will love the teachers, courteous and accessible courtly and gentle but I love such a teacher......

I like the knowledgeable teacher, only the teacher has the rich knowledge, can teach us more knowledge, can let us in the society.

I like a lively atmosphere, so I do not like a teacher like white water, the class is so dead, it is not good for our study. Of course, the teacher is not able to speak humorous language in class.

I like to drive my brain and turn a few more corners to the end, rather than to go straight to the end. So the teacher must not just speak, but also give us the space to imagine.

I like to be fair, so the teacher should be equal to every student. Most of the teachers in junior high school ignore the poor students, which will hurt the young minds of their classmates. We are the flowers of our country, so please don't trample them.

I like the teacher who can get together with the students, so that there will be no separation and contradiction between the students and the teachers. The teacher is our big friend, can have any heart matter to be able to talk with the teacher......

I have this special feeling for the bell, so the teacher can not Tuotang oh! The teacher often teaches us, "time is money, Time is money", although only a class ten minutes, but it is time we should cherish.

This is the teacher I like.

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇五

I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. SWhe is a very good teacher.

She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?






我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇六







Teachers are our instructors; we are the guides on the path of our growth. The teacher's love is selfless, and it is "uncommon". The teacher, like a candle, burned himself, but illuminated us. I respect every teacher of my teacher and love every teacher. Teacher Li, the teacher of my class, is my favorite teacher.

Miss Li, a long black hair in a ponytail, total love. Big eyes, bright.

I like the teacher's eyes with God, bright eyes with sincerity and warmth. In class, when a student speaks, the teacher doesn't criticize the name, but stares at him with a stern gaze. It's like saying, "stop talking, be serious!"

I like the teacher's conscientious and conscientious, meticulous. The teacher's responsibility is obvious to all of us. Not only to work, but to us. The two time I started a parent's meeting, Dad came home and always said to me, "how well your teacher is responsible, every little thing is so thoughtful, meticulous and not careless." Close to the exam, the teacher always said: "there will be 'will, will not be the spirit of not", the study must be solid! "

I like a teacher's word: the emphasis is on participation. In the previous period of the big rope competition, our class was not ideal, the teacher did not criticize us or unhappy, but to help us. "The result is not important," the teacher said. "We need to be involved." The teacher also helped us to summarize the reasons for the mistakes, and the students' confidence increased greatly.

The teacher is a piece of the sea, we are playing in the sea fish; the teacher is a ray of sunshine, we are bathed in the sunshine to grow small trees; the teacher is a piece of blue sky, we are flying in the blue sky under the eagles. Teacher, I want to say, "thank you!"

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇七

Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.

She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?





我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇八

Mr. Tom is one of my beloved teachers. He taught us Geography when we were in senior one, so he was very experienced in teaching Geography. Mr. Tom always made good preparations for the lessons, so he tried his best tomake his class lively. He was very strict with us. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework, he will ask us to correct them and even do the homework again.

I used to be poor in the Geography. Mr. Tom help me with my lesson patiently. With his help, I made great progress and keep up with our class. Though he is retired, he isstill working hard for our educational cards. Teacher's day is coming, I really wish him a good health.



我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇九

I have read three places in primary school, these three places are the former primary school, the peak center primary school and the guangchang experimental primary school, which has taught me many teachers. Among these teachers, my most unforgettable is miss huang.

Miss huang is my Chinese and head teacher in sixth grade. She had black hair, a face that always smiled, and a clever handwriting of beautiful handwriting. She not only CARES about us very much, but also is very dedicated.

One thing I still remember.

At that time, when I was transferred to guangchang experimental primary school, miss huang was giving us a Chinese class, and I suddenly felt sick and couldn't help throwing up in class. Miss huang saw it and called my father while he was busy wiping his mouth. When I got better, my mother went to the school and took me to the hospital. Mom came to the school to see miss huang helping me wipe my mouth, touched by the side voice to miss huang thank you. Miss huang smiled and said to her mother, "this is what I should do, as long as the baby is ok." I'll never forget it for the rest of my life.

Because the teacher has a smiling face, she likes to laugh.

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 篇十

Miss Qin is myfavorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two yearsold. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like hervery much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher.She tells us many stories to us.

It seems she knows everything. Besides, shewrites good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we shouldread books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is importantfor a good teacher.



我最喜欢的老师英语作文 第十一篇

My teacher has a lot of, but the title of "my favorite teacher" still belong to my Chinese teacher -- Xie Laoshi. Xie Laoshi is a female teacher, she has a lot of knowledge. Xie Laoshi face is beautiful: there are hidden under the long eyebrows, dark ruby eyes, high nose bridge here is a plausible mouth.

Remember once, when the school, I suddenly found himself on the watch is missing in the pen bag, hurry up. Just want to go with Xie Laoshi said, Liu Pingping urged me to ask home homework, then I said to her, "my watch is gone!" Then Xie Laoshi overheard, and try so hard to say to everybody: "Jiang Xinyue watch is missing, check each other between deskmate bag." I said, and is also returned to the seat. All of a sudden, Wu Xiangyu said to me: "I remember at noon when you put the watch in the pocket." Wu Xiangyu really touched my savior, my pocket, oh, my watch! He immediately said to Xie Laoshi: "Xie Laoshi, found!" Say that finish, many students are asking: "where to find it?" My classmates around then said: "in his pocket!" At that time, I'm so sorry! But the teacher did not blame me.

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 第十二篇

My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world. I put many toys in it, I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world, sometimes I will ask my friends to come.

I have a good time in my little world.



我最喜欢的老师英语作文 第十三篇

Teacher taught in my school there are a lot of, but my favorite is xu teacher taught us maths.

Xu teacher is medium, large, a pair of eyes, she is very love makeup, often coated with a thick blue eye shadow beautiful eyes. In class, if there are classmates speak little words, her eyes a stare, dare not speak the speech the students immediately. Xu teachers love to laugh, expression is very serious, but once in class, meet interesting things immediately two beautiful dimples.

Xu teacher in class is very humor, often making us laugh, make us more like her math class. Remember once have math, we in the language class because tired at writing homework, have no idea to have math, so not always that kind of learning atmosphere in the classroom. See all this xu teacher then told us: "today, you are tired, but also want to learn, don't like 'little stupid pig silly to sit on a chair." Xu teacher said that we all laughed, and she's funny and do not break seriously put finished this class on, we feel very relaxed.


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