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更新时间:2023-03-19 来源:互联网 点击:


英文工作证明 篇一

Proof of work(

in 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.

computer city

In two, x, x month x day

Proof: , month day to Division I company, in the Division I Division , any post hereby certify! Company ( official seal ) month day

Proof of work - I.

Proof of work this is my unit ( Comrade) ( ID number: proof of in 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.

工作证明英文版 篇二

Proof of work

It is my unit ( Comrade) ( ID number: in department, engaged in work has been years, hereby certify that.

Name of Institution:

Day period:

( seal)

英文工作证明 篇三

To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that xx-x,male born on July first, 1980 has been working in xx-x company as for two years. He started his job as a Merchandising assitant with the salary of RMB 20xx per month working from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. He has performed his arduous tasks with a seriousness, a sense of responsibility. He was promoted to be an administrator/supervisior/manager with an appropriate raise.


工作证明英文版 篇四


兹证明 XXX 女士先生自 XXXX XX XX 至今在我公司工作,他/她将于 XXXX XX ,前往英国探亲,所有费用,包括机票、交通费、住宿费等将由他她本人负责。到访英国后,他她将如期回国,并继续在我公司工作。

姓名 出生日期 护照号码 XXX XX XX XXXX XXXX


负责人: 负责人职位: (签名) 公司盖章 电话: 地址: 公司全称:

工作职位 XXXX 年收入 XXX


Dear Sirs,

Mr. Ms. XXX works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX 。HeShe will be on visiting family purposes visiting BRITAIN in XX.XXXX 。 All the expenses include air tickets, tranortation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself herself. HeShe will be back on time as per hisher schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after hisher visit to BRITAIN.

Name Date of Birth Pasort-No. Position Annual Income XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX

Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Name of the leader: Position of the leader: Signature

Company’s Stamp Tel:


英文工作证明 篇五

To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that xx-x,male born on July first,1980 has been working in xx-x company as for two years.He started his job as a Merchandising assitant with the salary of RMB 2000 per month working from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.He has performed his arduous tasks with a seriousness,a sense of responsibility.He was promoted to be an administrator/supervisior/manager with an appropriate raise.

英文工作证明 篇六

To British Embassy:

Whom It May Concern xxxx Development Co.Ltd.was founded in 1995 with the registered capital of RMB20,000,000.We mainly deal with xxxxx.

Mr.xxx has been working in our company since 1995.Due to his outstanding working behavior,Mr.xxx was promoted to the xxx in

charge of worked hard and had opening up wide market for our company,which made our company has a stable position in the keener competition.His yearly salary is RMB 48,000 and his personal income tax has been deducted and paid by our company.

For better development in the future,Mr.xxx decided to go to Britain for further study.Our company needs high-qualified manager,so we totally agree with his study plan and sincerely hope that Mr.xxx can come back to our company for further work after finishing his study.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information!

Hereby certified!

General Manager:


英文工作证明 篇七

school ( unit ):

Comrades, gender, political affiliation, ID number:。 In to month day in my company department engaged in work, work actively, collective unity, law-abiding, outstanding performance in all aspects. I units of the proof of authenticity.

Hereby certify that

Name of Institution: (seal )

Year, month and day

英文工作证明 篇八

in 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.

computer city

In two, x, x month x day]


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