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更新时间:2023-03-31 来源:互联网 点击:


初一英语自我介绍 篇一

Hello,every one!

My name is Xu Chen 。I'm a 13 years old 。I live in the beautiful city of MeiZhou.There are 3 people in my family.They are my father,my mother,and me. My father is a teacher 。He works in a school 。My mother is in home. She is do housework. I like playing chess and reading books. This is me 。A sunny boy.

初一英语自我介绍 篇二

Dear teachers, dear students! I am XXX, XX years old, and I live in XXXXXX.I always hope that the junior middle school life will begin today.I really hope that I will get along well with my clamates and teachers in my new age and new school.Spend the happy 3 years together.Before I came here, my primary school life was colorful.Six years of primary school life, I had double hundred points have three semesters, and the school can be in peace and harmony with the clamate of everyone, but also a little faults, is that I am a little affectations too much, sometimes will affect other students, at the university and get along with later days I will try to correct.I like literature and music.

I once published articles in the school magazine.I like to listen to music in my spare time.In the new semester, I would like to make progre with the university, and with our most precious years to complete the study, with difficulties and mutual help, I will be the first one to come forward.Please supervise me.My personal introduction is here, thank you!!

初一英语自我介绍 篇三

My name is ,I'm 12 years old.I come from primary school.I think I'm a kind and confident girl.I like all the subject that I will learn this year,and I try my best to lear English well all the time.I like listening to pop songs and singing.I've been learning dance for 4 years.I think these hobby will be good for my future.I got on well with my classmates and my teachers when I was in the primary school,I'm glad to meet all the people in our 's be friends!

初一新生英语自我介绍 篇四

I am a girl from __ jurnor high school. I am not very tall. I have long hair, big eyes. I like reading,music,sport. i am a very sunny and nice girl. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I.

My father is an engineer. He is very strict with my study, but he is a good father. He often plays tennis with me and helps me a lot in my study.

My mother is a teacher. She takes good care of my life. I have a happy family and I love my father and my mother very much.

初一英语自我介绍 篇五

My name is zhang xxx.I'm 12 years old and I study in cla 1, beihai primary school, gaoyou city, jiangsu province.I am not tall, I am not fat, I have black hair, I have a pair of big eyes.I like music, especially the erhu.As long as I know the song, will pull.Adults say I'm a bit of a BBB.I heard it, I was very happy.My advantage is that I study hard at home and review my leons.Every time the teacher aigned the homework I did it carefully.The math is also rechecked with draft paper.So, my grades are fine.My disadvantage is that I dare not speak boldly in cla.Take the second unit exam of Chinese language to say, I have some words that can write wrong, the composition also write to go.So that was a really bad test.I'm already trying to get rid of these shortcomings and try to be a better student.

I like to bet with others.Lose, mouth and go.If he had won, his eyes had turned into a time, I bet my clamate that the student said he had 200 yuan, and I thought, "who will have so much money, and the time is a braggadocio"。Let him pay for the money.As expected, he said to me, "I am lying to you", and I laughed and shouted, "I won! I won!" Ha ha! This is me


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