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英语经典广告词 篇一

1. Take Toshiba ,take the world.(Toshiba)拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝)

2. No business too small, no problem toobig.(IBM)没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM)

3. Obey your thirst.(sprite)服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

4. Just do it.(nike)只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

5. Intelligence everywhere.(moto)智慧演绎无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

6. The choice of a new generation.(pepsi)新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

7. Elegance is an attitude (Longines)优态雅度。(浪琴)

8. Impossible is nothing(adidas)没有不可能!(运动鞋)

9. Nothing can come of Nothing.物有其本,事有其源。(莎士比亚)

10. Buy Australian,Buy you a job买澳洲货,给你买份工作。(澳大利亚)

11. One world,One dream.(北京奥运会)

12. 1%inspirationisbiggerthan99%perspiration.(Genius)灵感一闪,胜于劳碌一生。(天才)

13. Tomorrow is always the busiest day!明日复明日,明日何其多,(明天)

14. Where there is marriage without love,there is love without marriage.(Lover)有姻无爱,就会有爱无姻(情人)

15. Opinion covers over Facts.(Lawyer)雄辩胜于事实。(律师)

16. Anything is possible.一切皆有可能。——李宁

17. Father And Mother,I Love You!(family)爸爸妈妈,我爱你!(家庭)

18. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

19. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

20. Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

英语经典广告词 篇二

1. Seven-dimensional sanitary napkins Seven-dimensional space girls out sanitary napkins, I am comfortable to me

2. Olay surprise from the skin began

3. Nokia people-oriented science and technology of the most classic, it seems useless

4. Motorola hello, moto impressive

5. Anerle sanitary napkins Aner music protection and thoughtful

Melatonin this year does not receive gifts, gifts received only brain white Platinum Platinum advertising despite the garbage, but the classic classic ad, almost all to see

7. TV people know

8. China Unicom to lead the future of communications

9. Metersbonwe not take the unusual way, Metersbonwe

10. Li Ning everything is possible

11. Coca-Cola Forever Coca-Cola, a unique taste

12. Kentucky Fried Chicken with KFC, a good taste of life

13. China Mobile communication is everywhere

14. Fiyta once owned, nothing to do

15. Master delicious delicious see

英语经典广告词 篇三

1. Take Toshiba, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

2. No business too small, no problem too big. ....没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)

3. sumsung digital(三星数码):everyone's invited 三星数字世界欢迎你——亲切,已经够了吧。

4. hsbc(汇丰银行):the world's local bank 环球理财,当地智慧——你只能相信他了。

5. carsberg(嘉士伯):probably the best beer in the world可能是世界上最好的啤酒——有实力所以有魅力。

6. mcdonald's(麦当劳):every time a good time 更多欢笑更多欢乐就在麦当劳——麦当劳文化的。最佳诠释。

7. de beers(戴尔比斯,钻石权威):a diamond forever 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传——太使人感动了!

8. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

9. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

10. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

11. We lead. others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

12. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

13. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

14. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

15. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

16. Come to where the flavour is. marlboro country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

17. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. ....对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却一直是彩色的(轩尼诗酒)

18. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

19. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

20. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

英语经典广告词 篇四

1、 Enjoy Coca—Cola.(Coca—Cola) 请喝可口可乐。(可口可乐)

2、 Generation Next.(Pepsi) 新的一代。(百事)

3、 The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus) 追求完美永无止境。(凌志汽车)

4、 Communication unlimited.(Motorola) 沟通无极限(摩托罗拉)

5、 Feast your eyes.(Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment) 滋润心灵的窗户。(庞氏眼贴片)

6、 Focus on life.(Olympus) 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)

7、 Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste) 健康笑容来自佳洁士。(佳洁士牙膏)

8、 Time is what you make of it.(Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

9、 Make yourself heard.(Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

10、 Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes—Benz) 人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯—奔驰)

11、 Start Ahead.(Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

12、 A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

13、 Fresh—up with Seven—up.(Seven—up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)

14、 Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔 奔腾)

15、 Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

16、 For the Road Ahead.(Honda) 康庄大道。(本田)

17、 Let us make things better.(Philips) 让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)

18、 our wheels are always turning. 我们的车轮常转不停。(五十铃汽车)

19、 the world smiles with reader’s digest. 《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑。(《读者文摘》)

20、 one should love animals. they are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。

21、 love the neighbor. but don‘t get caught. 要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。

22、 anything is possible. 没有不可能的事。(东芝电子) /take toshiba, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

23、 nobody is perfect. 没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。(苗条健身器材)

24、 behind every successful man, there is a woman. and behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后都有一个女人,每个不成功男人的背后都有两个女人。

25、 every man should marry. after all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。

26、 no business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(ibm公司)

27、 the wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。

28、 we’re the dot. in. com. 我们就是网络。(太阳微系统公司)

29、 children in backseats cause accidents. accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外, 后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。

30、 the new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) love is photogenic. it needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

英语经典广告词 篇五

1. Worth gaining weight.

2. Like a party in your mouth.

3. My heart melts in the warmth of your presence. It doesn't.

4. Hello, sunshine.

5. Bother to get a map?

6. You just make me get lost in your eyes.

7. Sweetie, you make my life sweet.

8. Let her melt in your mouth.

9. My heart was as sweet as chocolate when you came into my life.

10. Life is the flower for which chocolate is the honey.

11. One bite to feel how sweet and strong our love is.

12. Sharing happiness and suffering together, we both understand sweet and bitterness.

13. Take one bar, be my heart.

14. To Choose the right person, COllect beautiful memories, using chocolate is never LATE.

15. Love is how you feel it, smooth and savory.

16. Choose Charlotte's chocolate, charm and cheer never come late !

17. Share the moments of your life.

18. Meet you, love you, sweet you.

19. Heart is more than hearty heart.

20. Taste its strong atmosphere of milk,just like silk fly around you。

英语经典广告词 篇六

1. Welcome to the new three-step four-auspicious

2. Happy holidays, the world's best discount action!

3. New Year to drink healthy green tea.

4. Shopping to send gloves, big surprise chain

5. Very, surprises waiting for you

6. Christmas joy to do

7. Kai Fu Ying Xiang to bring home blessing

8. Posters for gifts, cut angle to send! Happy Christmas!

9. Pure life, healthy green tea.

10. Christmas Carnival Night Happy Offer at Christmas


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