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会议纪要英文 篇一

Meeting time: October 16th 20xx

Meeting place: 4408

Attendees: Class 12, class 2, forestry technology

Host: Xie Mingfei

Recorder: Wang Ruiyang

Content of the meeting:

The monitor summed up the main activities and class progress in the class for a month.

1. review the first theme class meeting - learning Outlook on Development, and soliciting future class meeting with the majority of the students;

2. emphasis on communication and communication issues, including students between classes, students in the dormitory and the communication and communication with the elder sister

3. the committee report to the whole class to his work this month;

4. monitor to summarize the overall class work, and for all students to carry out the activities of recent layout tasks, including the class style construction plan and dormitory layout tentative plan;

Two, each class to all the students to report his work this month:

1. emphasize the class cohesion, class execution, schedule needs to be improved;

2. remind students to pay more attention to their study.

3. to the class of students to put forward a number of requirements, each student is expected to be a class 12 forestry technology class 2 people consciousness;

会议纪要英文 篇二





Recording person:

The first meeting of the conference discussed the feasibility of setting up private schools and the progress in the implementation of the preparatory work in the previous period. It is emphasized that all departments should plan according to the plan, do a good job and make full presupposition of each key work.

The second meetings of the conference discussed the name of the establishment of the school, the school place, the scope of the school, the form of running a school and so on. It is emphasized that all kinds of software and hardware must be strictly controlled, especially the completion of teachers' strength and supporting facilities. All departments must strictly carry out the plan and report on schedule at any time, so as to ensure that the project is carried out according to plan.

The third meetings of the conference discussed the internal management system of the school, the source of capital and the amount of the school. It is emphasized that the management and operation of funds should be open and transparent, while the use of funds is strictly recorded and open.

The fourth meeting of the conference discussed and passed the legal representative of * * * * * * * to be the president of the school.

The fifth session of the conference summed up the work and experience of the past year, and asked for the future work of the school.

1, school management should accept great challenges. First, the management project, the content, the standard should form the common understanding in the whole school, two is whether it is hard to keep, is the high standard management normalization.

2, our source of origin is still very weak. Although some achievements have been achieved, we need to achieve new breakthroughs in this year.

3. The challenge of continuous improvement. Whether a good situation can continue is a huge challenge.

4, the challenge of team building. Excellent schools, not only have a building, but also have a master, great love. This is the soft power of the school, is the connotation of the construction, we will face the dual challenges of ethics and enhance the operational capacity of the.

Key work in the new term

1, to further improve the standard of normal teaching, improve the effectiveness of the classroom, and strive to complete the goal of teaching.

2, strengthen team construction, cultivate a strong team to tackle tough, fine work, provide a solid guarantee for the sustained and rapid development.

3. Through cultural construction, we internalize the idea of running a school and transform the working behavior, and form a unique humanistic spirit.

4, continue to refine and improve the management standards. Through brand building, highlighting both strict norms, tolerant, caring management features

5, analyze the change of the source. Comply with the rules of enrollment, win the trust of parents and students with our team's strength, strength and execution, and keep the quality of teaching good.

会议纪要英文 篇三

Meeting time: October 23rd 20xx

Meeting location: 1A205

Attendees: class 10, class 2, forestry technology

Absentee: no

Host: Xie Mingfei

Recorder: Wang Ruiyang

A Banwei, establish clear responsibilities

1, the class specific responsibilities, their duties, mutual promotion and complementary advantages, to form a fist.

2, the responsibility to the people, after which part of the problem, to find the specific responsibility.

3, read the list of Banwei members responsibility.

Two, to rectify the class

At this stage, there is a common denouncing of laziness, dispersion and slow. The concrete manifestation is that the action is diffuse and the thought is not unified. No one is tight. The set is scattered and the formation is scattered.

Personal thought is serious, collective consciousness is too poor, unorganized and undisciplined, activity is not active, learning is too passive. Concrete rectifying: it is good for everyone to have ideas. It is a teenager, having a personal thought is a good thing. A nation, a class, must have a few people with unique ideas and advanced ideas. Driving the whole class to the whole class. Only if the ideological consciousness has been raised, the material life can be promoted and guaranteed. But we must resolutely resist personal thought. I have made a clear objection here. Our class has organized an activity. You have three activities. There is one thing in our class. You have three things. Do you want to think that if everyone is doing things in their own mind, then 35 people are a class?

A person has a personality to have a personality, a group of people have a personality called a madman. Opinions can be put forward to the class, the class will consider, as far as possible to take scientific and effective measures to control this class. As long as your advice can be done by everyone, and after everyone does it, our class is a class or a class. It is good for the unity of the class, so we will adopt it. One time to knock yourself down is to avoid being knocked down by others.

会议纪要英文 篇四


Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 20xx at 10:15 A.M. in the The Company



1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the meetings held on March 2, 20xx 3. Points arising from minutes as read

4. Report by the Chairman( a copy of the report is attached to this agenda) 5. Resolution or Motion

6. Date of next meeting

7. To transact any other business that may come before the meeting  Minutes of the monthly meeting of a board of directors

Minutes of the Board of Directors of the XYZ Company held on Wednesday, april3, 20xx, at 10:15 A.M. in the company boardroom. Chairman John Brown presided.

PRESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak (George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), Diana Brooking (Washington), Adam Burling (ACRL), Jackie Byrd (Indiana), Jared Ingersoll (Columbia), Sandra Levy (Chicago), Dan Pennell (Pittsburgh), Janice Pilch (Illinois), Emily Ray (Yale), Kay Sinnema (Library of Congress), Andy Spencer (Wisconsin), David Woodruff (Getty Research Institute)。

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.

MINUTES: The minutes of the March 2, 20xx, meeting were read by the secretary and approved.

REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ’s interests in computer software development and the services Mr. Rosenberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in developing these interests. For the information of the Chairman, Mr. Rosenberg outlined the growth of the software industry from the time he launched ABC Software Company in 1987 until today.


Thomas Kilroy summarized his detailed discussions with Jay Jefferson, Chief Executive Officer of Hudson Audiovisual Productions ( “Hudson”) and BZN’s interests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual instructional materials in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries of the European Union has been a major educational trend and has had phenomenal growth. A trend that educators in North America and Western Europe predicting is likely to continue.

Since there are many ways that Hudson can help BZN develop an international audiovisual program for use in English-speaking countries and with translation for other parts of the world, Mr. Kilroy made the following proposal, seconded by Nichols Raines, to authorize a feasibility study to cover the following:

a) The present educational audiovisual marketplace in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and

its potential for expansion. b) Present companies operating in this marketplace and their share.

c) Growth patterns of different types of audiovisual materials and their potential for continued growth and



Thomas Kilroy gave a summary of a study on the feasibility of acquiring an audiovisual instructional materials company in North America and the United Kingdom. Results indicate more investigation is needed. - To select the companies that seem to offer the best opportunities to BZN and to investigate the possibility of acquiring them.

- To inquire about the terms of sales from the owners of the companies selected by BZN and report these terms to BZN.

MOTION: Chairman Brown proposed a motion, seconded by Sharon Moretti, that an ad hoc committee of directors should be instituted to study Mr. Rosenberg’s involvement in greater detail. The board agreed to vote on this motion at the next meeting.

RESOLUTION: A resolution authorizing the company’s transfer agent to issue new shares was unanimously adopted by all members.

NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on May 2, 20xx, at 10:30 A.M., in the company boardroom.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11:45 A.M.

会议纪要英文 篇五

AAR Re-certification Reviewing Meeting Minutes

October 26, 20xx Room 203




OVERVIEW (if any, depending on the type of the www. meeting):


· Meetings called to order at (TIME) by (WHO & TITLE)

· Report by (WHO & TITLE)

· Discussion Topic (if any)




The meeting was adjourned at (TIME) by (WHO & TITLE)。 The next meeting is scheduled for (DATE & TIME)

Respectfully submitted,

(NAME & SIGNATURE), Secretary

(NAME & SIGNATURE), Issuing & Chair





8 MUSTs:

Name of the Organization;

Type of the Meeting;

Date and Place of the Meeting;

List of Members Present and Absent;

Overview of the Topics Discussed and Decisions Made;

Summary of the Action Items;

Date of the Next Meeting;

Time of the Adjournment.


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