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英文简历 篇一

Name: Sex: female

Birthday: July,19XX President Location: Wuhan

Educational Status: Undergraduate Marriage: married

Tel N E-Mail:

Self Assessment:

years work experience in foreign company, High teamwork spirit and responsibility, Good interpersonal communication and coordination skills, optimistic, self-initiative.

Application for:

Working Kind:Full-Time

Working Location:Wuhan, Hubei Province

Objective Position:Office Supervisor / Assistant、Financial or Administration Supervisor、Logistic Supervisor / Assistant etc.


l Familiar with PC operation, such as: Word、Excel、Access、PowerPoint and so on.

l Know well working procedure of large-scale enterprise, possess strong expression and language ability.

l Possess financial knowledge and good at data analysis.

Work Experience:

XX-Now Wuhan Coca-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd

Industry: Fast-consumable(Foods、Beverages、Cosmetics)

XX.8–Now Manager Assistant of Production and Engine Dept.

英文简历 篇二




Date of Birth: May 3th, 1971

Place of Birth: Gaobeideian City, Hebei Province

Professional Titiles: Senior Agronomist

Marrital status: Married

Current Adress: No. 2 Wenyuan Road, Gaobeidian City,

Hebei Province(Agricultural Bureau of Gaobeidian City)

Post Code: 074000

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

Driving license number (if you have ):


Education degree: Agricultural Extension Bachelor,Hebei Agricultural University

Major: Agricultural Technology Popularization

Name of emloyer: Agricultural Bureau of Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province

Working experience:

19xx---19xx: Worked in Sizhuang Township government of Gaobeidian City,as a agrotechnician;

19xx---present: Worked in Agricultural Bureau of Gaobeidian City ,from a Agronomist to a Senior Agronomist, Section chief of the Gaobeidoan Agricultural Technology Popularization station.

I have been engaged in Agricultural Science and Technology Research, popularization and management of important projects since I graduated, especially in the area of wheat and maize, cotton, mushroom, etc. I have been working for agrotechnique for 22 years. With professional knowledge techniques and experiments, I have taken part in the projects “service system of prospering village by science and technology ” as a expert.

educational back ground

1987---1991: studied in Baoding Agricultural College

major in Plant protection;

1995---1998: studied in Hebei Agricultural University,

major in Horticulture;

20xx---20xx: studied in Hebei Agricultural University,

major in Agricultural Extension.


In 20xx, I won the second prize by Ministry of

Agriculture for the project “ Wheat for quality high

yielding varieties and optimization supporting cultivation technology”;

In 20xx, I won the second prize by Ministry of

Agriculture for the project “Wheat advantage of

cultivation techniques of super-high-yield formation experiment and demonstration”; In 20xx, I won the prize of Jinnai Fund Award of farming ability promotion by The Chinese agricultural science and education foundation

英文简历自我介绍 篇三

just graduated from a junior. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother in the garment business, the younger brother is also a college student. I am optimistic personality is a person who likes to communicate with others. I love sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends who are very fond of sports. All the spare time, I will some on my classmates and friends to exercise together. Movement of the happy is very real. I like that feeling. And I like to watch sports events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf. Some of my favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX. Finally, I want to say is very pleased to be able to apply for this position today, the movement of professional, believe in your company some training and learning, I believe I can do the job. And would love the job. Please give me the chance.

Iam a third-year students have just graduated. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother engaged in garment business, the younger brother is also a university student. I am optimistic personality, is a person who likes to communicate with others. I like sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends are very fond of sports people. Any time after school, I will some friends on my classmates to physical exercise. Movement which is very real pleasure. I like that feeling. I would also like to watch sporting events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf, I have some favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX. Finally, I want to say is that today this is very pleased to be candidates for the sport, profession, believe in your company a number of training and learning, I believe I can do the job. And will fall in love with the job. Please give me such an opportunity.

I am a third-year students have just graduated. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother engaged in garment business, the younger brother is also a university student. I am optimistic personality, is a person who likes to communicate with others. I like sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends are very fond of sports people. Any time after school, I will some friends on my classmates to physical exercise. Movement which is very real pleasure. I like that feeling. I would also like to watch sporting events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf, I have some favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX. Finally, I want to say is that today this is very pleased to be candidates for the sport, profession, believe in your company a number of training and learning, I believe I can do the job. And will fall in love with the job. Please give me such an opportunity

everyone, I am going to introduce myself to you today. My name is XXX. By the end of July, I will become 12 years old( 月份和年龄随便你改)。 Being an elementary school girl, I am very proud of my talent in drawing, singing, and dancing. (特长随便改)Moreover, I love talking in Chinese and English. I think the most interesting thing in life is acquiring knowledge. I want to become a doctor in the future. Thank you for listening to my presentation.

英文个人简历 篇四


in middle age: 21

Registered permanent residence is in: maoming countries record: China

Marital status: single people race: han

Body high: 175 cm

Body weight: 62 kg

Talent type: fresh graduates

Applied position: logistics/storage, production/operations, sales

Term: 1

Job types: internships available date: at any time

Monthly salary requirements: 20xx-3500 hope work areas: guangdong, guangzhou, guangdong province

Work experience

Oriental hotel

Start-stop years: 20xx-12 ~ 20xx-

By sector: the hotel/travel

Position: part-time

Job description: mainly for large wedding banquet guests and general guests dining services, provide the guest service requirements.

Leaving reason: continue to education

Xing bo enterprise

Start-stop years: 20xx- 20xx-08

By sector: furniture/appliances/handicraft/toys/jewelry

Position: summer part-time

Job description: mainly responsible for the semi-finished products processing, toys manufactured goods and the packing of the goods of loading and unloading.

Education experience

Graduate school: guangdong electrical and electronic professional technology institute

The highest degree: college degree: graduation date: 20xx-

Special industry: logistics management

Starting years years (institution) terminated school field obtain the certificate certificate Numbers

英文个人简历 篇五

(1)个人资料或个人详情 personal data or personal details

一、name(姓名),英语的习惯写法是名在前,姓在后,如:daguang wang(王大光)

二、address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,汉语是从大到小,英语是从小到大,如:88 gaodi lane, beijing road, guangzhou(广州市北京路高等街88号)

三、postal code(邮政编号)。

四、phone number(电话号码)。


五、sex(性别):male (男)或female (女)

倘若在姓名前面已经加上了mr. (先生),miss (小姐)、mrs. (太太)或到代替与,则不必填写此项。如果招聘的职位没有限制性别,也可省略此项。

六、date of birth, birthdate(出生日期):march 12, 1958(美式英语)or 12 march, 1958(英式英语)亦可用来代替。


八、nationality(国籍或民族),如:p. r. c.(中国),the han(汉语),亦可用citizenship:chinese(中国)。如有双重国籍则写:duel citizenship:如:chinese and canadan(中国和加拿大)。倘若不是求职于海外,则不必填写国籍。



十一、martial status(婚姻状况):married or single or divorced(已婚、单身、离异)

十二、number of children(子女人数),如:one or none(1个或无)当然,未婚者可不填写此项。


十三、health condition(健康状况):excellent(极佳)、very good(很好)、strong(强壮)。

十四、hobbies(业余爱好),如:playing basketball(打篮球)、playing the violin(拉小提琴)、jogging(慢跑),dancing(跳舞),etc.有些招聘单位喜欢录用有体育和文艺等方面的专长的。人员,因此,如果你有这方面的嗜好或专长也是一种优势。某些需要耐心的工作,倘若你有钓鱼(fishing)之嗜好,亦可填写进去。

十五、membership(会员资格),如:translators'' association of guangzhou(广州翻译协会),etc.现在各行各业都有协会和学会或者研究会,在此项中有则填之,无则不用填。当然,你若是参加了某个或几个学术组织,特别是担任了理事、会长之类的职务,这无疑会增添你的求职竞争优势。

十六、number of identification card (身份证号码)



另外,如有必要,可以写明到职时间,例如:available may 4, 1994(1994年5月4日便可到职)


(2)应聘职位job objective



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