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初一英语自我介绍15句(七篇) 初一英语自我介绍20句

更新时间:2023-05-18 来源:互联网 点击:



my name is , and my english name is . (介绍自己的名字)

i like playing basketball, football and swimming. and playing computer. (介绍自己的爱好)

i want to be your friend and play together. (想和同学们成为朋友,一起玩耍)

i am very good at chinese and english. (学习上擅长的科目,可自行添加)

but i am not good at math. (不擅长的科目)

besides, i like listening music and singing. (除此之外,说一下自己特长,如唱歌跳舞)

my favourite song is . (最喜欢的歌曲是...)

but i don't like dancing. (不擅长的)

my favourite thing is: travelling with family. (最爱做的事情,可以写是吃东西,什么东西都可以)


hello! my name is chen danqing. my english name is joy. i'm 14 years old. i'm a happy girl. i have a happy family. my father and my mother are both office workers. they're busy. but at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. i'm happy in the family. i love my parents and they love me very much.

i'm a student at dongzhou middle school. it is very big and beautiful. there are many classroom buildings and office buildings. besides the buildings, there is a big playground. after school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. i think they are happy. there are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. they are beautiful. i like my school. in my school, i have many friends. all my friends are polite and helpful. my friends are all nice to me. they can make me happy. so i like playing with them.

my hobbies are listening to music and reading. i like pop music very much. i dislike sports because i'm not strong. it's hard for me.

i have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. i enjoy every day.






hi everyone, nice to meet you all. (和大家打招呼)

my name is , and my english name is . (介绍自己的名字)

i like playing basketball, football and swimming. and playing computer. (介绍自己的爱好)

i want to be your friend and play together. (想和同学们成为朋友,一起玩耍)

i am very good at chinese and english. (学习上擅长的科目,可自行添加)

but i am not good at math. (不擅长的科目)

besides, i like listening music and singing. (除此之外,说一下自己特长,如唱歌跳舞)

my favourite song is . (最喜欢的歌曲是...)

but i don't like dancing. (不擅长的)

my favourite thing is: travelling with family. (最爱做的事情,可以写是吃东西,什么东西都可以)


hello, everyone. i'm very happy to stand here to introduce myself.

my name is wang xiaoming. i'm 14 years old, from zhen jiang zhong shan road primary school. it's a beautiful school, and i love it very much.

i'm a happy and talented boy. i like to make friends with others, and i get on well with my classmates. basketball is my favorite sport. i always play basketball in my spare time. through this game, i get many benefits.

at school, i study chinese, math, english, history, and so on. i like all of them. and i'm doing well in my study. i'm interested in learning english very much. i believe that i will do well in future. i won't let you down.

thank you for your listening.







i'm 13 years old and i live in the city of zhaoqing. i study very well.

i have a ne loves they often compare my brother with makes me angry.i don't want to be like my brother. i only want to be myself.

i am active girl.i like sports very much.i am good at swimming.i also like riging a e my home is far from school,i ride to school everyday.

i'm you need help,please come to me.i'll try my best to give help to you.i hope we can be friend.






i'm 13 years old and i live in the city of zhaoqing. i study very well.

i have a ne loves they often compare my brother with makes me angry.i don't want to be like my brother. i only want to be myself.

i am active girl.i like sports very much.i am good at swimming.i also like riging a e my home is far from school,i ride to school everyday.

i'm you need help,please come to me.i'll try my best to give help to you.i hope we can be friend.






hello, everyone. i'm very happy to stand here to introduce myself.

my name is wang xiaoming. i'm 14 years old, from zhen jiang zhong shan road primary school. it's a beautiful school, and i love it very much.

i'm a happy and talented boy. i like to make friends with others, and i get on well with my classmates. basketball is my favorite sport. i always play basketball in my spare time. through this game, i get many benefits.

at school, i study chinese, math, english, history, and so on. i like all of them. and i'm doing well in my study. i'm interested in learning english very much. i believe that i will do well in future. i won't let you down.

thank you for your listening.






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