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英语自我介绍初一 篇一

Hello, everyone, my name is XXX, graduated from urumqi 9 primary school.I this year 13 years old.I have many hobbies, but I am one of the most persistent, is reading a book.Whenever someone came into my room, can't help said: "it's unbelievable!"I have a comic book a wide variety of claes, a juvenile literature, there are reference books, and inspirational novels.As long as reading a book, I will be absorbed into books, obtain knowledge, joy and touched.That was a daydream, is everywhere!

Regarding grades, some say, I am a good student, because I'm smart, is, and and good grades;Some people say that I am a bad student, because I never learning seriously, hard work, and a test misfired, fallen off.In high school, I don't like elementary school liberal again.I work hard, I believe, only, grades will not bad!

About personality, someone said, I am a gentle and quiet girl, whenever you are reading in a quiet;Some people say that I'm a crazy girl, climb on the low never under the words.

Some people say that I am a caring girl, like small animals, hate the Japanese, like road sees rough a roar, hate with big deceit small, or in order to crush the weak;Some people say that I am a shamele girl, I used to raise many animals, but it is all because I care to die.

Yes, this is me, a man is almost double.I sometimes cheerful, lively, like making friends;Sometimes melancholy, love shut himself in the sea.

This is me, a variety of glaes a younger sister, a lively a nerd, a girl with great love.

初一英语自我介绍 篇二

My name is little A, 14 years old this year, in mountain city, the sixth middle school reading. On the face of it, I am a more gentle and more obedient girl, actually I am a wild, unruly, careless crazy girl.

I comb the hair, with a full-figured frame, small eyes, nose, is the most characteristic of the number of my mouth. My little mouth contains rich expression, happy, pie pie, dress up as a face; When angry, pursed mouth can live a little oil. From the mouth to say, sometimes to other gas fire emit three zhangs, SOB unceasingly, sometimes make people laugh, laugh at...

I am a man of a very wonks, no problems, to get out. So, my grades return calculate can. This gives me a revelation: do as long as serious, hard, it is sure to succeed. Also make my wu arrived "cheese, instead of, don't fold the deadwood, perseverance, stone can be used in" the deep meaning of the words.

I am a unwilling lonely people, like to make friends. I think friendship is a kind of invisible tremendous force, life without him, you will feel lonely, cold and cheerless. So, whether older than me or younger than me, learning bad or good, as long as the good character, I am willing to become good friends with him.

Here, I'm a thick paint my profile, I wrote now learning and life on me. Later I what? Please let me in the future with life colorful pen my image is clear, complete appear in front of you!

初一新生英语自我介绍 篇三

My name is , I am xx years old. I like listen sings ,enjoy movies, browse the internet to see something interesting,andI like reading architecture books, I want to become a construction engineer.which is my dream.Though my English is poor ,I will try my best to catch up.

初一英文自我介绍 篇四

My name is Huang Zichen. And I'm 13 years old. My hobbies are read book and ride bike.

.And I'm a person.My favourite are Shu Chang and JJ Lam.I like playing computer game and reading classic

in the rest.I'm studying at hongqi centre

I am so glad to meet all of you. I will cherish this luck, and make great efforts with you . I am always ready to offer my help. Feel free to ask me if you need any help. It would be nice if you can give me some aid. Thank you all.

初一学生自我介绍英语 篇五

Everybody is good! My name is prince. The king of the mountain king, his son's son. You don't think that I am the mountain king, the king's son since (laughs), I am the king of the happy prince, the son of the happy prince. I was born in the 1990 s, long in the new century, bathed in the spring breeze, I am a cross-century newcomer. I belong to the rat, with a lovely animals as smart, clever and active. Although I was a cheerful boy, but I like a girl, a smiling face has two small dimples on, have been make me said, "the two small dimple is my mother gave birth to use chopsticks soon poke at the two dots on the gills. Also don't know is true or not, that I don't know. Anyway, a smile has two small dimples.

Is love smile said to my advantage. My grandma said I was born to smile. My ears are long to listen to a joke, my mouth is long to tell jokes, my eyes are long to embarrassment and my nose is long to smell the joke, all in all, my whole body endless laughter and happiness, my smile can fill the universe, the vast universe of the universe because of my smile and wonderful, I was brilliant smile on the earth. Remember I smile for no reason often primary school class discipline by the teacher. I long to 12 years old now, happy all day, never know what is sad and worry, pain and sorrow. I love to laugh, his classmates regarded me as a "god"。 I say a word to killing a herd of cattle. (laughs) below or not, you try.

When it comes to my faults, it! My dad said, orangutans are better than good son IQ is high, the muddy little faults can be several laps around the earth. (laughs) below don't smile, to be honest, it's too e_aggerated, but math homework red fork, that's true. Alas, all is the fault of the carelessness of ah! I once won the sloppiness in class, the students addressed me as "world-class careless prince"。

This is what I -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the father of the cosmic shortcoming, the world's top happy prince.

初一英文自我介绍 篇六

Dear students, hello, everyone, my name is xxx. In school, this is my 4 times to meet with you, we also is not very familiar with to me. So, let me do a simple introduction for you.

I am 13 years old, round face, intense with a pair of small eyes. My dark and thick eyebrows, like the two big broom, below the round nose, with a glib mouth.

I live in a happy family of four, my mother is a teacher, working in 3, that is I now of the school. My father is also a teacher, working in haidai yue township central school, my sister, is an excellent student in high school this year high school in grade one.

I go, is a cheerful child. I love sports, especially ball games of this aspect. Such as: football, basketball, badminton, table tennis, choose a suitable text book also because of the cheerful and lively, I love to laugh, a smile, his small eyes mi became a crack.

初一自我介绍英语 篇七

Hello,everyone,my name luona,my English name is susie.I this year already 13 years old,my birthday is November 6.Scorpio.My ideal‘s ising to grow up is an experienceds university professor behind.I like to play badminton,like to eat ice-cream,like to do the matter that I like to do.I am very always ready to smile.This also no wonder that,don‘t I smile a difficult way to want me to cry?,To,what I don‘t like most is to cry,having another difficult see.So I even want to cry to also want to endure,but that didn‘t also how much time.Life,will be good to live so much,weep and sniffle always of,much depressed.Want to be a happy person.

To,would you like to be a friend with me?I stay a contact method to you.QQ:electronics mailboxes:the susie 。 coms contact me quickly!



初一英语自我介绍 篇八

My name is xxx I was xx years old.I am a senior high school student.I am good at surfing online.

My hobby is widespread,such as reading,listening to music, playing basketball.I am young,bright,energetic with strong study-ambition.I have good presentation skills and positive active mind future is to be a teacher.I hope I can make more children acquire knowledge


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