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good morning! nice to meet you here, professor. i am happy to be here and take this interview. i am xxx, 31 years old, a local citizen. i graduated from chongqing technology and business university in 20xx, majoring in financial investment. within the period of my campus life, i studied hard and gained rich knowledge about my major. after that, i worked in xxx, a limited liability company, dealing with assets management work. my main job is to participate in the joint ventures and acquisition, establish new branches, and handle the subsidiaries’ assets effectively. from 20xx-2008, i joined some large projects about acquisition and establishment of new subsidiaries. after 20xx, i was transferred in xxx. but now, i

was dispatched, by disciplinary commission, in xxx company, supervising their relocation work from last april, i have been studying in a mba training institute where i make many friends from all walks of life. and now i am taking this interview for the final result. i hope i can pass the exam smoothly and further my mba study. because, for my part, mba learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey i will meet different kinds of friends with whom i can enrich my studies and personal lives both. furthermore, i am sure i can learn a lot from mba courses, and finish my tasks better. i have so many hobbies, such as playing football, basketball and singing with my friends in ktv. but my

favorite is to fish. once i am free, i will go out for fishing in the pool nearby.

that’s all! thank you!

sample two

good morning, dear professors! i’m so happy to take this interview here.

i’m xxx, born in xxxx.i graduated from chongqing normal university. after that, i have been working in schools for nearly 16 years. and now i am working in xxx as a computer teacher, and meanwhile i am appointed as the chief head of general affairs, responsible for the security and logistics of our school. i am conscientious, steady, aggressive and active to participate in all kinds of tasks assigned by xxx. proud to say, handing with all the staff together in our school, we have made much achievement teaching quality are graded, our teaching and studying atmosphere is harmonious and free care. at present, we are building our school as a “safe school”“healthy school”“”digital school“environmental

school”and “civilized school ”.

all in a word, i love my students and set being a teacher as my whole life career.

after school, i have many interests to enjoy my life freely, such as doing some sports, reading and surfing on the internet. to promote my own quality, and adapt to the developing society, i am determined to study mba.i am sure i can learn a lot from the coming mba courses with which to finish my job creatively

and enjoy my life meaningfully.

that’s all .thanks for you careful attention. hope to see you soon and again.

sample three

good morning, nice to meet you. it is my pleasure to have this opportunity for this interview and i hope i can make a good performance today .my name is xxx, and i am xx years old. i come from chongqing. my

father is an engineer, and my mother is a chemical analyst. it is my greatest happiness that my parents

are in good health.

in 1997,i graduated from chinese department of sichuan university. in the first years, i worked as an assistant in administration department. since 20xx, i have been working in the human resources management, and now with my hard work, i am a manager. during my employment, i have acquired working experience and some skills. i know how to communicate well with my colleagues. i have a strong sense of responsibility for any task designated. i am open-minded, quick in thought , very fond of sports and tour .in my spare time, i also have broad interests, such as reading books, especially those about

administration, finance and history.

i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on leaning. now i realize that what i learned is not enough for my future target. as far as i think, it is would be great if i can apply my academic knowledge and some management skills into my career, and that why i choose to further my study with mba .if i am given a chance to study in this university, i will spare no effort to work hard and

try to be a successful manager after graduation.

ok, that is all. thank you for your attention. i hope to see you again and soon.

sample four

good morning!

nice to meet you here .professor. first of all, please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity to take part in today’s interview. then i will make a brief introduction about myself. my name is xxi’m 29 years old, i’m a native of chongqing girl. i graduated from the chongqing normal university in july, majoring in journalism. during the past seven years,i have been worked in china mobile chongqing branch and i was a secretary.

from last october. i have been studying in a mba training institute where i make many friends from all walks of life. and now i am taking this interview for the final result. i hope i can pass the exam smoothly and further my mba study. because, for my part, mba learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey i will meet different kinds of friends with whom i can enrich my studies and personal lives both. furthermore am sure i can learn a lot from mba courses, and finish my tasks better. i think i’m an optimistic, open-minded, hardworking and responsibility person. i will try my best to do every work. well. in my spear time, i like traveling, surfing the internet. because i think they can broaden my horizon (视野更开阔?)

with 7 years working experiences, i have deeply understand what i have learned was not enough for my target. so that is the reason why i choose to further my study with the mba degree. i think i would be

an excellent student of your mba program.

ok, that is all, thank you for your attention.

sample five

good morning, professors. it is my pleasure to have this opportunity for this interview and i hope i can make a good performance today. to begin with, i am very honored to make a self-introduction here. my name is xx, you can also call me xx, because the pronunciation of it is like my chinese name. i am 27

years old, a local citizen. i graduated from xx university few years ago. majoring in xx . i liked

management very much, and want to make some achievement in this field. and now, i am trying my best

for obtaining a key to chongqing university for mba.

i have worked in xx for four years. in the first year, my main job is computer management. from 20xx, i joined a large project named quality management system about enterprise management. my job is standardize every activities of our company, such as how to assess, how to improve, how to encourage, and so on. now, i realized that what i had learned was not enough for this position, i thought it would be greater if i can study more knowledge about management. my ultimate aim is build a company of my own,

so i can try my best to help more poor child to go to school.

in my spare time, i have so many hobbies, such as swimming and singing with my friends in ktv. but my favorite is playing basketball. after work, i will go out for playing basketball with some of my colleagues.

that’s all .thanks for you careful attention.


good morning/ good afternoon

everyone here.

my name is wang yan xia. and my english name isjenny.i graduated from feng yang university, and majored in my major is not english, my level of english is fine. i have been an english teacher for about two years, my students love me very much.

i choose your school, because i want to give myself more developing field in my teaching career.

my hobbies are sing'dance,learn english .i hope you will give me this precious chance.

thank you!


good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors!it is my great honor to take this you very much for giving me the chance!

my name is*,i come from guangxi province and iam 22years old.i am an undergraduate of nanjing university of technology,major in information management and information g university of technology has along history,the beautiful campus sceneries provide me an excellent study about three years'hard work,i have learned most of the courses of my specialty and have agood command of english.

during the past 3years in my college,as an undergraduate student,i have been working diligently at my specialty.i have built up asolid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality.i got alot of scholarships,once ifeel ifall behind others,i will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.i am confident that my solid education background will lay me afoundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses!

i am agirl full of passion and iam interested in fresh things and iwill be energetic when confront with difficulties.i am aperseverant iset myself agoal,i will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment.i am also an easygoing person enjoying afine relationship with people around and at the same time,i'm also agirl of team spirit.

in my spare time,i like dancing,playing badminton and watching english g and playing badminton are my favorite keep me in good health,full of energy and breed optimism towards s,i really enjoy watching english can not only kill time,but also excise my listening skills.i know my english is not good enough,and iwill continue to study.

that is all,thank you for your attention.

english introduction


hi, my name’s harry, h-a-r-r-y, harry. it’s such a pleasure for me to introducemyself to you.

i’ll soon graduate from guangzhou university with a bachelor’s degree in economics. as a student, my major is international economics and trade, i like it a lot, and i’ve got a pretty good academic performance. my english grade ranks no.2 in the claof 55 students, and my classmates would always like me to give english speeches in class.

for the professional courses i learnt, some impressed me most, like the ones marketing and international businenegotiation, both teachers gave me high compliments in front of clawhich then encouraged me a lot and i appreciated it by putting more efforts into studying.

well, for one thing i’m most proud of, is my english performance. i got 100 full marks once in the university english 4, and got as in oral tests. plus that i’m tall and white, many people may say that i’m a foreigner. well, i was an english dj in a broadcast station back to high school, and i also worked as an english translator in the canton fair once. so here i would like to say that my english ability is fully competent to the position applied.

besides having a good academic performance, i was actively involved in student activities. first, i was in charge of claathletics member of committee. then i joined the debate team, and meanwhile i also joined the new oriental english club in our school. for my outgoing personality, i served as communication department director in both departments and dedicated my hard work to both teams. during my tenure, i learnt co-working and enjoyed lots of fun there.

outside the campus i did some practice jobs. i had a two month internship in shenzhen glory trading cooperation a month ago. i worked as

a sales assistant, i did the inventory check, helped my comates to make the auditing reports, and in spare time i also made phone calls to cell our products. my bowas pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmates to join our team.

another internship was in china unicom cooperation, guangzhou branch. our job was to promote mobile phone cards to freshmen in south china normal university. it came out that the activation rate of the released new cards surpassed 90%, and because of that our team was rewarded 1000 yuan by our company.

lastly, let me tell you a bit of my interests. i recently play table tennis a lot, because i like the feeling that one strike in a hole. and i also like swimming, singing karaoke, watching u.s. tv shows and friends gathering. i keep the habit of learning english by reading and practicing, and i enjoy reading foreign books, especially books on psychology. for example, the road letravelled, it tells us to face the problems straightly and solve them at the first place they appear.

i have to say that your company is my ideal company. what’s more, i have great interests in joining your sales department; it’s so like a dream job to me. i am sure that i have the potential to become a great foreign trade salesman in our company. i wish i could soon join your team.

that’s all, thanks for your listening!

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