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初一英语自我介绍 初一英语自我介绍带翻译(汇总3篇) 初一英语自我介绍10篇带翻译

更新时间:2023-06-01 来源:互联网 点击:


初一英语自我介绍 初一英语自我介绍带翻译篇一






my name is x x, this year 13 years old, just on the first.

i'm of medium, 1,66, row 10th in the class again, long short nose, hands feet too big, a pair of eyes are not big, blue eyes special, a big mouth special can say, as long as you said, said an hour is also no problem, is neither tall nor short, not fat or thin body. in general is handsome.

i go to school in beijing municipal x x, our school uniform is not good-looking, all is blue, so special good recognition, a see be a middle school student.

my advantage is moved, love exercise every morning i go out, run, play with the horizontal bar, etc., so, i'm in the school sports especially good, i learn also is not in question, the math test has never been under 90 points, my english is good too. so, my face always be permeated with the expression of joy.

my weakness is not playing basketball, also don't know to what it is, just don't like, and i was always absent-minded in class, do not pay attention to the lecture. so, the teacher called me, i'm full of confidence to stand up, eighty percent are on the whole, of the teacher, gas and laughed.

> this is me, as long as a see me, i always smile, i will warm you and say "hello", come on!

初一英语自我介绍 初一英语自我介绍带翻译篇二







hello! hello, everyone, my name is, now study in gaomi city development zone, port mouth junior middle school.

i have a round face, a pair of black eyes, short hair. i this year 12 years old, not small? but always could also not to take off the childlike face.

my hobby is reading a book love. speaking of reading, i still have a little > story! that day, i saw one of my classmates bought a bitter son huckleberry finn, a book i've been yearning for a long time, but dad never promised to my request. my self-esteem is very strong, from small to large, almost never beg others this time, i crustily skin of head, had to borrow from him. behold, he said i can do that, can get books with animals exchange, i have to give the book to him, asked him for the "bitter flushed away.

my weakness is love "king do do". well, you don't laugh, this is also my hobby! keep the pet died, cry! be bullied, cry! exam is bad, cry! reading see a touching and nose a acid, and two rows of "big pearl". however, i do not feel embarrassed, the ancients cloud: "when laugh, laugh, and cry, cry, do not need to hide."

to say i do not love, just for exercise. natural good sports results. third grade, softball throwing a four or five meters to the sky, still had 70 points. however, this shortcoming, i want to change in the future.

i this person, not only love cry smile, love reading paper-cut, also love to make friends. would you like to make friends with me?

初一英语自我介绍 初一英语自我介绍带翻译篇三

大家好~我叫xxx(大名),平时大家可以叫我小依(小名),今年刚好14岁了。说道自己的性格,其实我自己也不是很清楚,有的时候很细心,有的时候很粗心.有时候的很暴躁,也有时候的很耐心. (这话打上去很有个性的,挺脱俗的)






hello ~ my name is xxx (name), you can call me little at ordinary times according to the (nickname), just 14 years old this year. said his own character, in fact, i also is not very clear, sometimes very careful, sometimes is very careless. sometimes very irritable, sometimes also very patient. (this play up very personal, very refined)

my favorite thing is usually sat in front of his desk, pull open the curtain, let the warm sunlight in the body, plug headphones, play your favorite music "xxx" (here must be lyrical songs), after holding a pen, in their own notebook to record their own mood, experience and experience, so i will feel very comfortable ~ ~

actually i also have a "skill", that is "p", then a network is very popular in the technology of beautification photos, if the students or teachers need, i will let their photos more sunshine, beautiful beautiful ~

say me what is wrong with people, that is "lazy", because i didn't like sports, so sports achievement has not been very good, the new semester i will resolutely get rid of the bad habit.

the next to enter junior high school life, how to say, there are both yearning and a strange fear, ha ha ~ it's face, i am not as good as with an optimistic heart to accept it ~ ~ in the face of so many new students, i have confidence to become their each one's bosom friend ~

thank you ~

上一篇:2023年大学生面试课的自我介绍怎么说模板 大学面试自我介绍视频 下一篇:2023年中英文自我介绍 航空中英文自我介绍(精选三篇) 航空中英文自我介绍范文
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