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最新大学简单的英文自我介绍带翻译实用 大学英文自我介绍简单点的带翻译

更新时间:2023-05-24 来源:互联网 点击:



university five years, i study all the professional knowledge, at school, all subjects have achieved good results. during the internship, i actively study, for the common diseases of various subjects have a deeper understanding

especially the surgery was performed under the guidance of teachers in an appendectomy, get the teacher's praise.

i have good computer knowledge and application ability, and in the 14 years through the national computer rank examination (two qbasic) of the assessment, is now ready to participate in the three network test. i can skilled operation of windows98, and can use c qbasic programming language, and skilled use of offices software. good english speaking and writing, in 15 years by cet-4.

during my university years, i won many scholarships, published many articles, worked as a class cadre, and had a strong organization and coordination ability. a strong sense of dedication and sense of responsibility enabled me to face any difficulties and challenges

i hope to be able to join your hospital, and play my potential


my name is liu yang. in my free time. they are reading;m 13 years old, grade seven in the no. on saturdays i play basketball or play table tennis with my friends.i'm studying at xiao shi zhong xin school. and i belive myself. i know it`s very hard.3 middle school from luo yang .

i have a colorful life;m a sanguine hobbies are singing, basketball. i`m tall and strong. but i will try my best to do it well, climbing and playing table tennis,dancing and

drawing pictures, playing. i study hard at all my i', sometimes i help my mother with housework or do what i want to favourite stars are shu chang and jj lam, swimming. the way is very long.

i`m a diligent boy.i like playing computer game and reading classic

in the rest. i`m a student of class four. my study is well, running. everyday i all need some time to reading.

i`m a thirteen-year-old boy.i like playing computer game and reading classic

in the rest,grade seven in the no.3 middle school from luo yang .on saturdays i play basketball or play table tennis with my dream is to be a knowledgeable study is well;m 13 years i will try my best to do it well.

i`m a diligent are favourite stars are shu chang and jj lam.i know it`s very hard.

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