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考研英文自我介绍多少词 考研英文自我介绍多少词合适4篇(通用)

更新时间:2023-06-04 来源:互联网 点击:


考研英文自我介绍多少词 考研英文自我介绍多少词合适篇一

good afternoon! i'm great honored to meet you allow me togive a brief self-introduction:

i'm *******,26 years old , born in ***** city ,henan year1996,i entered ********university, majoring in machincal designing and producing. during those 4years'study,i worked hard and i was always active invarious activities . i gained the first scholarship for four times and i joinedthe communist party at the my graduation in june 20xx,i worked in ——company.i got a position in the technology departmentthe first year and i was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for college student recruitment in henan provinceand the one for computer center in mathmatics department in zhengzhouuniversity. owning to my hard work ,i was

rewarded thebest newcomer prize in the year 20xx. the next year, iwas transferred into the principal customer department,responsible for the developing and strengthening a good relationship betweenthe principal customers and my company .two major customers, henan provincipal department of transportation and henan

provincialdepartment of personnel, are under my work. however,with time going on ,the more i experienced, the clearer i realized that i'm really interested in the enterprisemanagement .i find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched

managementto its developing speed . i'm eager to learn more about management and i hope ican study further in this university. so i resigned in august , 20xx and started the way to pursuing my studies. after about halfyear's hard work, i'm finally standing before youhonorable professors now. i'm really excited . though i've sacrificed much onmy way to pusuing studies, i believe it's worthwhile. ibelieve working hard will finally be repaied .thank you !

考研英文自我介绍多少词 考研英文自我介绍多少词合适篇二

personal introduction

good afternoon, dear professors, i am very glad to be here for this interview.

my name is xxx , i come from nanjing jiang su province. i’m an optimistic person, outward, easy-going and rich in curiosity. i've finished my undergraduate education at civil engineering college , southeast university. when i was a young boy, i have always possessed a deep fascination with design and construction. therefore, without doubt, four years ago when i needed to choose my major at college, i decided to study engineering project management and aimed to become a civil engineer in the future. motivated to build a solid foundation for this goal, i'm striving for obtaining a key to your prestigious university.

i had a eich and solid undergraduate life, i used to be the chairman of the student’s union and secretary of committee youth league. i have taken great efforts in studying specialized course during my undergraduate years at southeast university. due to my talent, diligence and enthusiasm, i outperformed most of my classmates. i got an average credit of 3.8 points in my whole 4 years, ranked in no.6 in my major. in addition to the high scores, through courses like engineering economics, project appraisal, engineering project management, and architecture and urban planning , i recently have passed the test for jiangsu cost member, the qualification of which i will be awarded soon.

the reason why i join the graduate candidate test is that i am very interested in my major and i will concentrate on the study and research in this field. so firstly , i will choose a certain approach in my study area with your guidance ;then, i will draw a pragmatic research plan and time schedule. i hope i can form a systematical view of my major; thirdly , i will make myself be familiar with the latest development of this area by reading books and journals. and i would like to do some practical work

with the help of my supervisor. and through this, i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textbooks. i am a diligent and capable man ,which i think is very important in project management research. i believe i will have a good performance in my postgraduate life.

that’s all about me. thanks for your attention.

考研英文自我介绍多少词 考研英文自我介绍多少词合适篇三

good afternoon!

first of all, i'd like to say i'm so happy to have the opportunity to be here today.

my name is kxx. i'm from huazhong university of science and technology, majoring in information engeineering.

last month, i just got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

i selected the institute of engineering thermo-physics of chinese academy of sciences to continue my study for its best reputation on xxx where my research interest lies. thi~ is the first reason. secondly, i like the academic atmosphere here. everybody here seems so busy, and this will drive me to work harder to improve myself. thirdly, you know, beijing is a highly-developed offers me a gold opportunity to experience new things and expand my horizon.

in the past three years, i've been working very hard. and the results are encouraging: i ranked no.8 in my grade with 429 students in total. and i really hope to be excellent here as how i was before.

during this summer, i've designed a system of recycling energy from waste water. and i'll compete in the national competrkion of energy conservation and pollution reduction designing in zhejiang university next week. and during my working, i find out that my knowledge is very

limited and superfcial, so it is, urgent to take further steps to change this state.

as for my personality, i am open-minded, quick in thought, creative and easy-going. i am interested in computers, swimming and music. in my spare time, i also like reading books, especially those about self-improvement and how to deal with the tough things in our daily life. i also love basketball, not playing, just watching it. and yaoming is the greatest basketball star in my heart. i ',hirtk a basketball game is just like life, it is not until the end that one knows who will win。

that’s all 。thank you!

考研英文自我介绍多少词 考研英文自我介绍多少词合适篇四

dear professors, thank you for giving me a chance to introduce myself here. my name is xx, i am 23 years old. i graduated from xx medical university. for my personality, i’m open-minded, quick in thought, and easy-going. in my spare time ,i like reading and sharing music. i think literature is the treasure of classical culture. good books make me thinking and give me strength. music can bring calm and happy mood to me.

there are some reasons for my application to this university.

6 years ago ,when i was a senior student in high school , i made a decision to be a doctor. that was because my favorite writer bi shumin once was a doctor too . her works inspired me. affected by her, i chose doctor to be my lifelong career. luckily , i went into this university and got my bachelor degree of medicine.

now i’m applying the digestive internal medicine for my postgraduate study. the reason is from some sad memory.. my grandmother was died with esophageal cancer in 20xx when i was a junior in collage. this matter and this disease brought huge sorrow and burdens to my family. the digestive system is the foundation of our bodies. it affects the quality of our life.

i realized that we are always passive to treat diseases when people get sick. actually what we should do is to put preventions against diseases. i want to be a physician and try my best to help patients and their families from pain and sorrow.

if luckily i got a chance to learn gastroenterology in this university again, i will spare no effort to master a good command of advancement in subject.

that’s all. thank you.

上一篇:2023年考研英文自我介绍 考研英文自我介绍多长时间汇总(三篇) 考研英语自我介绍时间 下一篇:最新护理面试时的自我介绍 面试时的自我介绍(通用四篇)
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