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更新时间:2023-06-05 来源:互联网 点击:



i am glad to be here to meet all of you. first please let me introduce myself.

my name is*****, 21. i come from qinhuangdao,a beautiful cost city of hebei province. i am a college student majored in food science and engineering,studying at the life science department of heilonjiang university,chemisty and biology is my major subjects.i have been studying hard since i enter the life science i am monitor of my class and get along with my classmates.

since this march ,i’ve been working as an assistant at the heilongjiang university work-study office,and performe well.i am very lucky to get the chance to be inteviewed by you。

i am open-minded ,quick in thought energetic and positive .like other youngers。i havebroad interests,especially search the internet and do some schemes。i usually organise team-work activities,thus,i’m good at communicating with others and making frieds widely. what’s more i can act consonace with the requirements of the occasions and have a experience of administrate a calss which consists of 60 students. at the end of the work i became friends with them.

i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .of course, if i were given the chance to work for new oriental, i would spare no effort to make a difference.

thank you



i have over two years experience in administrative work. i am familiar with personnel attendance, logistics, office supplies procurement, employee mindset communication and administrative affairs. responsible, strong executive ability, love for my job, good communication skills and coordination ability. willing to endure hardships and hard work. if i can join your company, i will go all out.

i am honest and trustworthy, careful, active, responsible, ambitious and hardworking. the personality is bright, very good to get along with, the application ability is strong, the principle is strong, has the strong communication and coordination ability, has the strong dedication spirit and the team spirit, is sensitive to the digital and has the keen awareness. skilled computer, skillfully using the financial software of disc, after years of accounting practice, i have been able to handle all accounts of all sectors of the accounting profession skillfully, with a certain financial basis.

i am open-minded, optimistic, positive, and have strong compression ability.

1, more than 5 years of financial work experience, have a solid accounting foundation, can independently complete the accounting, familiar with the current account.

2, understand the relevant laws and regulations of the state tax, familiar with the general taxpayer electronic declaration system and tax control invoice system.

3. can operate the office software skillfully, be familiar with the financial process of the enterprise, have the experience of dealing with the accounts receivable and dealing with the salary, and be familiar with the operation of erp system (erp).

4, work on the ground, serious, strong sense of responsibility, active, honest and dedicated, adhere to the principle, good professional ethics and team spirit, can face the difficulties in the work life with a positive attitude.

i have been engaged in financial related work for ten years. i have a good command of the license of limited companies and inspanidual business households (such as business license, tax registration and social security, etc.), proficient in the internal and external account compilation and tax declaration of the general taxpayers and the inspanidual, and have been well received by the boss. because i am a native of humen, i have higher stability.


good morning,my dear teachers.i am very glad to be here for my name is ....,i am 12 years old . my biggest interest is reading whelloch can let me get more knowledge. all thellos make me more confident when i communicating with others . also i like making friends, and i hope we can become good friends and share the follow three years in thellos new school .

thank you


my name is xxx, thellos year twelve years old. my greatest interest is reading a book. reading a book can gave us more knowledge when we communicate with others ,reading books can gave us more then i like make more friends too.i hope we can becoming good friends to enjoy three year.

thank you all

the good:

my name is xxx, 12 years old.

my biggest interest is reading, reading can let us get more knowledge, when communicating with people and more confident. i like making friends, hope in the new school we can become good friends and share thellos three times. copyright

thank you

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