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更新时间:2023-05-27 来源:互联网 点击:



precious school life has ended, now to sum up the years of gains and losses, inherited the good aspect of improving deficiencies, to review the road, but also to see the future take the road.

although my grades are not very good, but i was in the process of learning a lot of harvest. the first is my correct learning attitude. i entered the school, originally wanted to free yourself, but i soon understood that the school learning is a more serious need to look around. the students began to learn, the school learning journey, feel left behind. the school learning is not like that junior high school is cramming, but the teacher finish the class, then go and see for yourself, to understand. this time self-study ability and self-control ability is very important. the long-term study since i want to know want to learn the countersunk studies is not only to. learn "method", ways of doing things. the ancients said: "award with the fish with fishing" my purpose here is to learn how to "fish", what are diligent in thinking, you don't know where to ask hard. in the study, the "independent thinking" as the motto myself, always keep in mind alert. learn at this time, i and the teacher to establish a strong friendship between teachers and students. teachers' teaching, i appreciate the fun of learning. around many of my classmates and i, have also established good relations of learning, mutual help, to overcome the difficulties.

study of nursing theory is not enough, but also a good nursing technology. so in practice the class i will strive for the opportunity of multi operation several times, a lot of plus school was less students can give students with space. so i can take advantage of school time practise.

in the school fourth years we went to the hospital practice time, basically a year are stay in the hospital. here i am familiar with the nursing operation technology, combining theory and practice, in teaching under the guidance of teachers with all my patience and love care patients, make patients get good take care, early rehabilitation. the hospital internship recognized that many nursing students are also learning, will increase exchanges with other students and their learning opportunities, training their communication skills, learn the strengths of others, to recognize their own weaknesses. so i love practice. although sometimes feel tired, but happy he does not.

i think his biggest drawback is that love twofor even more. for instant success, love many things in one breath, but can chew, even if it can learn, has made himself very tired. now think about it, this is not good, is the so-called, in essence not wide. if i period of time to focus on a kind of knowledge, but not for bo refinement, i believe we can more deeply understand and master the knowledge. since i found that they have the shortcomings and problems, i often alert themselves into the society can not be one to two.

through four years of school life, learned a lot of knowledge, more important is to master the nursing skills. thought more mature, more perseverance of the character. to meet a lot of students and teachers, and establish a friendship and exchanges with them in improving their own quality, and understand some weaknesses and try to self correct.

four years of school life is a small section of my life line, is a small piece of shiny, it contains sweat and harvest, plays a vital role i zoned for the life line.


i am a very outgoing girl(boy), i like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, i also like to make friends with all the people in the school, i hope i will be your best friends in the sckooe life.


hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.

大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。

my name is xxx, from class 2, grade six,xxxx primary school.


i'm doing well in my study, besides i'm the monitor of my class and i get on well with my classmates.


i'm a happy and talented girl. i'm good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. at the same time, i like telling stories.


i'm interested in learning english very much, and i believe that i will do well in future. i won't let you down!


thanks for your listening.


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