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更新时间:2023-06-06 来源:互联网 点击:


自我介绍英文简短 篇一

Hello, Im Liu Lian, and can also call me Andy liu. Im studying at Peking University, majoring in accounting

During the period of school, academic excellence, one through the National Computer Rank Examination (two C language), the second through the university English four, six level of test, the same year, won the third-prize, the competition of the National College English major, self ACCA (ACCA), for the second stage candidates, 4 at the start of the financial investment, is interested in registration of the June CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) test.

The political aspect, I am a member of the Communist Party of China during the period of school, has served as class secretary position, responsible for a ban on activities within the organization and the comrades to join the group issued opinions, have strong communication skills and coordination ability; I was in school during the school has won the Title of outstanding members, outstanding class cadre title. Three good student title.

In association activities, I served as vice minister of study at the student union. I organized the second oral English competition and so on. It reflected good leadership and team work

On the social practice, I practice in the Finance Department of Tianjin University of Technology in September 20X October settlement center, outstanding performance in practice, led by the praise; in addition, from September 20X -20X year in July, I have been in the school of accounting information center work, participate in the laboratory construction work, and daily network maintenance work.

Finally, please support me a lot, vote for me more, thank you!







英文自我介绍 篇二

My name is is family name and Junyu is given English is Tom I'm cute boy. I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Meishijie Yongchun Fujian China. My Telephone number is xxxx-xxxx. I have a big head,small eyes and wide mouth. Do you want to be my friend!

英文自我介绍 篇三

Hello, everyone。 I am glad to be here for this interview。 Thank you for giving me this chance。

My name is Li Zhiming, 20 years old。 I was graduated from Guangzhou finance occupation school this year。 And my major is Financial Affairs。 In past 2 years, I worked as customer service, shopping guide, insurance agent, and so on。 I hope that I can get more chances to study and enrich my experience。

简短的'英文自我介绍 篇四

Hello, everyone. It is very nice to meet you all. My name is Li Ming. I am from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. My hometown is a big city and very beautiful. If you have time, I will take you to my hometown. I believe you will like it.

I also like this new city and new school. In my spare time, I often play football. Now, I want to play it with anyone. I want to make friends with you. Thank you!


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