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更新时间:2023-06-07 来源:互联网 点击:



my name is du fu,coming from zunyi,a very beautiful city of guiyang province.i will graduate from guizhou university and my major is biotechnology.

i am a hard working person with great perseverance. i will try my best to finish things i want to do. when i take part in a debate competition,i persisted in practicing speaking every day. the competition not only enables me to improve my logical thinking,but also let me obtain a honor of best debater. i think that keeping preparing the postgraduate entrance examination is just like persisting in speaking. i believe that sticking to paying will have harvest.

in my spare time,i am big on playing bamboo flute. during university,i ever participated in a welcome party and playing a song whose name is luanhong. on the one hand,i can adjust my moon and think deeply though playing it,one the other hand,i can take others happiness.

i always believe that where there is a will,there is a way. if i am give a chance to study in sichuan university,i will make great efforts to master my subjects.

so that is all .thank you for you attention.


good morning, my dear teachers. it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for your interview. firstly, i will introduce myself to you briefly. my name is qiu mengru and my english name is janet. i am a local person who is 23 years old. jinan, the spring city is the capital of shandong province. i am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. secondly, i want to talk about my studying experience. i am majored in你以前的专业and graduated from你学校的名字. i appreciate the education my university gave me. now i got a new plan, i will do my utmost to obtain a key to shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. i choose the clinic as my major.学校简介+你为什么选择这个专业

moreover, i would like to say something about my family.你可以谈谈你家庭的情况。

i have the confidence because i have such ability! i am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. i am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. if i could have the chance to learn here, i will concentrate on the studying and researching in this field. in order to construct a solid base for my future work, i will focus on the theoretical knowledge. next, i would like to do some practical work with the help of my tutor and classmates. by through this, it’s definitely that i may get something that cannot be acquired from the textbooks.

furthermore, i will state several reasons for taking postgraduate exams. first of all, i love my major. i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. i am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing and profound styles as well. next, i love the feeling in the university. it is full of youthful spirit. and i am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. and the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching. in addition, more studying experiences doesn’t equal to success, whereas it’s completely a way to success.

that’s my simple and clear reasons why i took the postgraduate exams.

in spare time, i like reading books, surfing on the internet, listening to music like pop, classic, or light music, because they can make me feel relaxed. nobody could keep on working efficiently, therefore proper amusement is a must. in addition, i insist on do some physical training such as running, swimming and badminton as well. by doing this, we can always stay healthy.

that’s all. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!


nice to meet you, dear teachers and professors. i am honored to be informed to have this interview.

my name is li bai,coming from rizhao, a beautiful city of shandong province. i graduated from qingdao technological university , taking software engineering as my major.

as for my strongest strength ,i think it is my responsibility in work and study ,which promote me unceasingly devote myself to my work. in group cooperative work, i always try my best to finish my part on time and make sure that correct.

in my spare time, i am big on reading books, especially those about biography. these stories of famous person make me wise. i also have passion for running. during the days preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, i persisted in running every day except raining day.

when i prepared my graduation thesis,my adviser impressed me deeply. he is hard-working and treat learning very seriously. sometimes he repeats my email ,telling me many details about what should i do and where i should focus on. so that, i realize i need learn more and more practice. if i am given a chance to study at your esteemed university ,i will concentrate on my study and make great efforts to master my subjects.

so that is all, thank you for your attention!

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