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英文自我介绍四年级 英文自我介绍简单三篇(优质)

更新时间:2023-06-07 来源:互联网 点击:


英文自我介绍四年级 英文自我介绍简单篇一

i am a star, an ordinary star, i pursue because of the dream, i pursue because of the bright. i am enthusiastic, cheerful, and bold, naughty, my favorite thing is of course to laugh. whenever standing in front of the mirror, i always smile in front of the mirror, i believe that a smile is the most beautiful, isn't it? the slogan of the school has such a sentence: smile you the most beautiful, will learn you the best! i have always kept these words in mind, so smile is an inseparable thing in my life.

whenever i see the funny action, hear the joke, i will laugh my head off, sometimes such as thunder used to hear, and even climb down on the ground. laughter is the expression of life, because our life is full of sunshine. remember: a smile can wash away the haze of life, free and easy wave, nothing can not be repeated.

maybe it is the factor of my personality. people say that i am like a wild boy, playing with the boys in the neighborhood every day -- climbing trees, chasing rabbits and catching fish? in this way, my mother will worry for me, often always meaningful said to me: "the girl will have a girl's appearance, you should not look out of the window, and to read only textbooks." no matter how hard mom, i ah, still go my own way.

as the ancients say, "no man is perfect without gold." so, i also have their own shortcomings, such as: special love watching tv, a tv will forget everything.

but i believe: "the road is long, i see no end, i will search high and low." one day, i will have a new me to show in front of everyone.

英文自我介绍四年级 英文自我介绍简单篇二

everybody is good! my name is yang bo, general yang, doctor bo, han nationality. i'm not short, but i'm dwarfed by the other tall people in my class. like most of my classmates, i am 11 years old.

my shortcomings. the main thing is not quick, self-consciousness is not high, do not care about their own affairs. when i was in fifth grade, the school was right across the street from my house. i often get up at 7:30, spend more than half an hour getting ready to leave, and i'm often late. so my classmates call me "the late king". now, at least six more have to get up, in order to have enough time to eat, bus, etc. it's a challenge for me. however, i must take this opportunity to get rid of my bad habit of not being quick.

in addition, self-consciousness is not high, class can not avoid doing small movements, speech. a few days ago, we all took part in military training, so we should stand still. i feel that through this military training, my consciousness has been improved. i also hope to get rid of this problem in the future study. not taking care of your own business. when i was a math class representative, there were several times when i forgot to send out the book, homework confiscation, get a lot of teacher blame. i wish i could change it. i am determined to get rid of my shortcomings and bad habits.

my strengths: like many of my classmates, i can't find out my strengths. after discussing with my parents, i came to the conclusion that i am more self-motivated and optimistic. as for my more advantages, we rely on the excavation!

my hobbies. i prefer swimming, playing football, and also interested in the military. if anyone has anything in common with me, they can make friends with me.

expectations for the future junior high school life. i hope i can spend the three years happily, can form a deep friendship with my classmates, can learn more knowledge and truth from my teachers.

learning goals: to be admitted to a key senior high school; should be good in class; be able to surpass your classmates in elementary school. i hope you can know me and like me.

英文自我介绍四年级 英文自我介绍简单篇三

my name is wang huilin, 7 years old this year, read the third grade in chunmiao primary school.

i have an oval face, curved eyebrows, a pair of big eyes. i see people praise me looks like a doll, because my eyelash is very long.

i love dancing. others have asked me to dance at home playing so hard, but i feel good, or learn something better. and i did not feel hard. although i was only 7 years old, i can dance for 4 years, whether it is a cold winter or hot summer. i never drop a class, in this summer, i was successful after dancing 5 exams, i really very happy. then i have to work harder, to participate in the national dance competition, get better results.

i am a cheerful and lively girl, whether in school or play outside, i will take the initiative to greet the teacher and classmates, the yard grandparents often praised me is a sensible boy.

i especially love to help people, remember that time in the yard to play, a little brother suddenly can not find her mother, crying in it, i hastened to comfort him, and accompanied him to play, until the little brother's mother before i leave.

this is me, i believe that you are no longer strangers!

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