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最新英文简历带翻译字 英文简历带翻译通用(3篇) 英文简历带翻译中文

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英文简历带翻译字 英文简历带翻译篇一



to obtain a challenging position with a market leader that utilizes my experience in product management, sales management, account management, and project management.

professional summary

experienced manager with skills in leading direct reports as well as cross-functional teams, managing a product line from cradle to grave, justifying new product development investments, determining and documenting new product requirements, developing sales forecasts and product pricing, and launching new products to the marketplace. proven ability to manage key account relationships and large-scale projects. experience with presenting to senior management, representing senior management in discussions with others in the company, meeting with customers, training and assisting dealers, and coordinating the activities of region managers.


a company, inc., any city, any state, 7/96 – present. product manager, 1/99 – present.

reporting to the v. p. of product management, responsible for a product line of 20 products representing $12 million in sales revenue for a leading manufacturer of abc equipment generating sales of $450 million annually.

increased product line sales from $8 million in 1999 to $12 million in 2000, a 50% increase, and managed the company’s $30 million accessories and parts program.

launched new product into the marketplace to replace an existing product increasing annual unit sales from 3,000 to 12,000.


university of notre dama , indiana.

bachelor of arts degree : keller graduate school of management, chicago , illinios.


word,excel, powerpoint, baan.

英文简历带翻译字 英文简历带翻译篇二



related coursework: honors research, advanced physical chemistry, advanced organic chemistry,

environmental chemistry, differential equations, advanced inorganic chemistry,

descriptive inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, topology.

publications: hollandsworth, c.w; hollis, w.g"synthesis of new homo-bimetallic complexes using the 1-1-bis-cp-hexafluorobiphenyl ligand" 1999 (in publication)。

hollandsworth, c.w.; hollis, w.g.; "arene/olefin photocycloadditions employing alkenyl-borolane esters." poster, 1997 acs national convention, dallas, tx.

experience: chemistry dept. lab assistant, roanoke college, salem, va 1997-2000

assisted undergraduate students in general ,physical and inorganic, chemistry lab assignments.

prepared laboratory apparatus and assignments.

guided students in explorations and observations with laboratory instruments (e.g. nmr, ir, gc/ms, spec-20, uv/vis)。

info. services helpdesk worker, roanoke college, salem, va 1997-2000

provided online and phone support to faculty and undergraduate students on hardware and software issues related to the campus-wide local area network.

led class demonstrations on popular software packages (e.g. ms word, ms excel, ns page composer netscape communicator)。

dispatcher, roanoke college campus safety, salem, va 1999-2000

dispatched and instructed campus safety officers to a variety of on-campus complaints.

answered several important phone calls to roanoke college from within the community.

summer worker, stone container corporation, martinsville, va

summer 1995 and 1997

completed a wide variety of tasks related to the production of corrugated containers including inventory, finishing and conversion.

activities/honours : chemical society, president 1998-98

omicron delta service fraternity

alpha lambda delta honor

junior scholar award

organic chemistry award

英文简历带翻译字 英文简历带翻译篇三

real name: xx gender: male

age: 23 years old height: 170cm

marital status: unmarried registered residence: shixian county, guizhou province

highest degree: bachelors working experience: 1-3 years

expected work place: guizhou/guiyang city

expected position: full-time

expected salary: 2000 ~ 3000 yuan/month

expected position: other civilian positions, accounting, other financial positions, other financial positions

desired industry: accounting/auditing, finance (banking/insurance), transportation/transport/logistics, government/public sector, other industries

skills: i am a graduate student majoring in economics for a year. i have no rich experience, but i am full of passion and motivation. conscientious effort, meticulous and meticulous, able to do the best work.

i am cheerful and steady in character, with accounting qualification, driving license and so on. at present, i am looking for an opportunity to work hard and to develop in accounting, finance and so on.

guizhou normal university (undergraduate)

date: september 2012 to july 2016

school name: guizhou normal university

professional name: economics

degree: bachelor degree

miya (zhaoqing) metal products co., ltd. - workshop management

date: from july 2012 to september 2012

enterprise name: meiya (zhaoqing) metal products co. ltd

position: workshop management

performance: after the college entrance examination, the summer work in the factory, performed well, fully done the job.

the company is a joint venture with over 500 people, mainly producing metal cookware, exporting abroad and developing fast.

all engineering teams in zhaoqing city, guangdong province - manual labor

starting and ending date: july 2013 to august 2015

enterprise name: guangdong zhaoqing engineering team

position: physical labor

performance: during the university, during the winter and summer jobs, mainly engaged in physical labor, such as the commercial housing brickwork, decoration, so as to earn tuition and reduce the family burden.

company introduction:

rural credit cooperatives - interns in zunyi county, guizhou province

starting and ending date: february 2016 to april 2016

name: rural credit cooperative of zunyi county, guizhou province

position: intern

performance: graduated internship, worked hard to complete the tasks of interns, and added some experience and social experience to lay a foundation for job hunting and work.

enterprise introduction: guizhou rural credit cooperative association

guan shan hu district cppcc office - general staff

starting and ending date: july 2016 to february 2017

company name: guan shanhu district cppcc office

position: general staff

真实姓名: xx 性别: 男

年龄: 23 岁 身高: 170cm

婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵州省石阡县

最高学历: 本科 工作经验: 1-3年

期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市

期望岗位性质: 全职

期望月薪: 2000~3000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 其他文职类职位,会计,其他财务类职位,其他金融类职位

期望从事的行业: 会计/审计,金融(银行/保险),交通/运输/物流,政府部门/事业单位,其他行业

技能特长: 我是一名毕业一年的经济学专业本科生,没有很丰富的经验,但我充满对工作激情和动力。自觉做事认真努力、严谨细致、能够尽最大的力量完成工作。


贵州师范大学 (本科)

起止年月: 2012年9月至2016年7月

学校名称: 贵州师范大学

专业名称: 经济学

获得学历: 本科

美亚(肇庆)金属制品有限公司 - 车间管理

起止日期: 2012年7月至2012年9月

企业名称: 美亚(肇庆)金属制品有限公司

从事职位: 车间管理

业绩表现: 高考后暑期进厂打工,表现良好,充分做好了本职工作。

企业介绍: 该公司为合资企业,规模500人以上,主要生产金属厨具,出口海外,发展快速。

广东省肇庆市各工程队 - 体力劳动

起止日期: 2013年7月至2015年8月

企业名称: 广东省肇庆市各工程队

从事职位: 体力劳动

业绩表现: 大学期间各寒暑假工地打工,主要从事体力劳动,如商品房砌砖、装修等,以此挣取学费,减轻家庭负担。


贵州省遵义县农村信用社 - 实习生

起止日期: 2016年2月至2016年4月

企业名称: 贵州省遵义县农村信用社

从事职位: 实习生

业绩表现: 毕业实习,努力完成了实习生的任务,并增加了一些的阅历和社会经验,给求职和工作打下一定基础。

企业介绍: 贵州省农村信用合作联社

观山湖区政协办公室 - 综合科工作人员

起止日期: 2016年7月至2017年2月

企业名称: 观山湖区政协办公室

从事职位: 综合科工作人员

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