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最新毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍优秀(四篇) 英语毕业生自荐信

更新时间:2023-06-10 来源:互联网 点击:


毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇一


i am a college graduate of seokyeong university. i need to seek a job for my own development when i finish school and are going out of the ivory tower to get out of the community. it is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to introduce me to your unit now.

hello, i majored in electronic commerce. mainly study the computer basic knowledge, the website construction, the operating system function and the use. database maintenance and use, web page making, e-business related courses, etc. and the ability to manage information in microcomputers. it is suitable for governments, administrative departments, telecommunications departments, computer design, sales companies, finance and taxation departments, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions. it is engaged in computer application and maintenance management, as well as website construction and network maintenance of network companies.

i have a strong sense of self - confidence and confidence in myself. in the three years life of university, i collected information from 58 city cvs, and i studied hard and got good grades, which laid a solid professional foundation for my future work. it is able to integrate theory with practice, carry out professional practice both inside and outside campus, test what knowledge is learned, and enable them to have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. in order to meet the needs of economic, technological and social development, the all-round development. it also actively participates in various social activities and participates in a large number of activities planning and organizing. after a long period of study and exercise, a rich experience in social work has been accumulated, with certain work experience and a good foundation for future work.

as a truly cross century generation, with the confidence of future and the desire for talent, i believe that my strong logical thinking and practical operation ability will be a powerful guarantee to transform theoretical knowledge into actual performance.

i remember to take the liberty of introducing myself. i expect to be a member of your organization and give full play to my intelligence.

if you can get the favor of your company, i will serve your company wholeheartedly with the spirit of continuous learning and enterprising spirit, and work together with your company to create a better future.



self recommendation: xxx

xxxx xx xx day

毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇二

dear sir:


job-seeking cover letter how to write? are you writing a cover letter is to upset him? graduates of a cover letter to see the following essay, you want to help.

my name is xxx, graduated from xxxx university. common institutions, common but i hate to have an extraordinary heart. i, self-confidence, optimism, courage to face all challenges. although this is only an ordinary college graduates, but the young is my capital, fighting is my nature, to be my responsibility, i firmly believe that success will be inevitable.

after three years of the university of temper in the face of future career choices, i have a more clear understanding of their own, in the universities exercise a better overall quality.

on the ideological and moral: i have a good moral training, and firm political direction, arm themselves with advanced thinking, strong legal concept, a model system to comply with school rules, respect for teachers, classmates, interest group, set up a proper life concept, values, honor and disgrace. positive approach to the party. at the same time, i participated in may xx, "party activists course" training to learn, so i can be of our party has a more profound understanding of: how to get emphasis on seeking truth from facts with a positive attitude and spirit of the progressive transform themselves and improve themselves.

in learning: first, i correct the attitude of learning: "knowledge of good and those who were not as good of music and those who were not as good as" the pursuit of knowledge is the first love of science, music school, which is the key. in three of the time, i have every day for morning reading english, having a good study up; at least six hours per week of time spent in the reading room. study hard and not satisfied, in silence to remember the knowledge learned in class to actively communicate with their teachers, there are problems in time to ask. discuss with students the next class to learn hard work. school teacher impermanence, i pay attention to learn from others at any time, to take people long to offset our own weaknesses. in the study methods i insist: "reviewing the old" in the meantime, i also paid special attention learning thinking combined with the courage to practice. flexible use of knowledge, can truly integrate theory and practice, i think the study of accumulation and studying the combination of "a hard, a harvest," i won the scholarship certificate on several occasions. in his sophomore year, four passed english, while in school mathematics competition, first prize! in the learning content: i know that learning to bo, to canton, not biased, i often read the literature, history, psychology books, improve their training.

at work, my arrogance, passionate, hard working, responsible, good organizational communication skills, and students together, i focus on well with other student leaders complete the work. a freshman i first came to participate actively in school activities and associations in the mathematical modeling as the secretary-general, i work in association with the right attitude, proactive, responsive, and make contributions. actively serve the students, to take the initiative to help students, so many times by the communist youth league school as "outstanding community cadres." 2, undergo a rigorous screening campaign for the minister of associations liaison department, based on this platform, i would like to play to their strengths, services for students. 3, class leadership in the sophomore year to enter the ranks of leading and actively carry out various cultural activities, and enrich the extracurricular lives of students and improve the overall quality of students. 4 years of college in xx "three civilizations" hundred days to lead the students to take the race of the excellent results and won the "provincial model class group," the honorary title. enhance the students of team spirit and collective pride. i was college as "the three civilized inspaniduals." 5,xx summer i participate actively in the college summer league committee organized social practice, through the social practice and training, teamwork, organizational skills, management ability, the level of awareness has been greatly improved.

read it slowly and study hard for three years gave me a solid theoretical knowledge, practical ability of the community, although i am just an ordinary large specialist graduates, i believe, in my ongoing efforts to study hard, i will certainly be successful in this noble profession , a person only to the good at the input to the community to enable the realization of self-worth. others do not want to do, i will make obligatory; others can do, i will do my best to do better! play to their strengths, i would like to work together with colleagues in your organization, create brilliant.

my life motto is "everyone has a stage, the heart has little stage, the stage will have much." give me a chance, i will dutifully!


毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇三

respect leadership:

first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material.

also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me.

my name am ni x, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates.

the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprises choice, i the position which provides to your firm is interested very much.

“in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study”.

three year university life, i record “one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest” the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the study and the work.

three year study, i mainly studied foreign trade shan zheng to study, curricula and so on economic, accounting, market marketing, international trade and practice, foreign trade letters and telegrams, international commerce english, through the international trade practices study and the practice, caused my to further be familiar with the foreign trade service detailed flow, while learned the specialized knowledge.

i have also studied computers related knowledge, could utilize office series office softwares well and so on word, had the good team spirit and the very strong sense of responsibility, could bear hardships and stand hard work, honestly, is self-confident, is professional.

as a graduating university graduate, i also lack the rich work experience, but i will work even more diligently, will enrich themselves and consummates unceasingly.

simultaneously also believed that through own diligently the help which can provide with your firm, i can be competent this work and with your firm together diligently, promotes companys enterprise unceasing development forward.

even if your firm thought that my present condition has not met your requirement, i will pay attention to your firms development as always, and expresses i sincerest wish!

“the sea depends on the fish spane extravagantly, day gao renniao flies.”i hoped earnestly your firm can give me an opportunity, i take the work filled with warm, the rigorous practical work will serve as the company

sets sail, depends strength of your east wind.

will be anticipating your soon answer!

毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇四

dear manager:

your corporation is of great interest to me. so i wish to apply for the position referred, and believe that my education and project background are appropriate for the position. please consider my application for a qualified job hunter .

i will graduate from the materials science and engineering, mechanics school of daqing petroleum institute , with a b.e. degree in july xx. through almost four years studying in university, i have had profound knowledge in my major, metallic materials engineering. during my education, i have been skilled in use of microsoft office xp/xx, windows xp/sp2, and can solve the actual problem of engineering with auto cad xx/c++/photoshop cs, and passed the necr-3. furthermore, i have won other prizes for my excellent performance.

in addition, i am good at english and have gained the certificate of cet-4/cet-6. my english ability is good enough to read, write and communicate with others.

i am seeking a challenging position as a materials mechanical engineer for metal materials designing , organizes performance and technics analysing, welding and metal materials surface modified etc.

the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. im confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you. if you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in your company please contact me. i would very appreciate if i have an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

thank you for your consideration.

your early reply will be very appreciated.

sincerely yours


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