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2023年程序员 英文简历 程序员英文简历resume(实用3篇) 程序员英文简历模板

更新时间:2023-06-10 来源:互联网 点击:


程序员 英文简历 程序员英文简历resume篇一

2、qualifications: four years' work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

3、professional experience: computer programmer, sough china computer company, guangzhou, from 1990 to date. operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, methods of operation. adept at operating ibm-pc and compact computers.

4、educational background: south china university of technology. b.s. in computer science, july 1990.

5、courses included: computer science, systems design and analysis, pascal programming, operating systems, cobol programming, d-base programming, fortran programming, systems management dalian no.34 middle school, 1981-1986

6、english proficiency: fluent in speaking, reading and writing.

7、hobbies: bridge, computer games, boating, swimming.

8、personal data:

born: november 29, 1970 in dalian;

health: excellent;

marital status: single;

height: 175cm; weight: 68kg

9、references: will be supplied upon request.

程序员 英文简历 程序员英文简历resume篇二

position sought: computer programmer with a foreign enterprise in beihai city.

qualifications: four years#39; work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

professional experience:

computer programmer, south china computer company, haikou, from 20xx to date.

coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using java or c. coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams. performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs. documented all programs as completed. tested, debugged and assembled programs. adept at operating ibm-pc and legend computers.

educational background:

-beijing university of technology

-b. s. in computer science, july 20xx. courses included:

computer science systems design and analysis

pascal programming operating systems

cobol programming java programming

fortran programming d--base programming systems management

-beihai no. 14 middle school, 1992—1998

english proficiency: a good command of english in science and technology.

hobbies: homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

personal data:

born: november 29, 1980 in beihai

health: excellent

marital status: single

height: 175cm

weight: 68kg

references: will be supplied upon request.

程序员 英文简历 程序员英文简历resume篇三


gender: female

marital status: single height: 153 cm

weight: 44 kg

intention job description _ position: system analyst software / software engineer internet development engineer

job description: programmers work experience: 0 years

education background

the graduate school

the highest degree of minzu university of china: master specialty: information security

computer level: excellent foreign language: english language proficiency: excellent

education course:

20xx-20xx of the minzu university of china mathematics department of information and computing science

minzu university of china's 20xx-20xx school of mathematics and computer science, information security professional

personal ability and self assessment.

language skills:

through the national english six levels of tests and the city of beijing graduate exam in english, proficient in reading and math computer english literature, has strong english translation and writing ability, can fluently communicate in english.

self assessment:

cheerful self-confidence, learning ability, good expression and communication ability, has the sense of responsibility and team work spirit.

professional skills:

with mathematical and computer based hybrid solid, master the basic theory and method of cryptography; proficient in information encryption principle and algorithms: des, aes, rsa and elgmal, especially ecc; be familiar with all kinds of cryptographic protocols, including network security protocols set and ssl.

has the strong ability of computer application, a basic algorithm analysis, design ability and strong programming skills: proficient in c, c++, vb, asp and other programming language; familiar with the database language sql; familiar with software testing methods and tools, to software testing, software testing report and user manual, software development document.

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