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毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍(三篇) 英语毕业生自荐信

更新时间:2023-06-14 来源:互联网 点击:


毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇一

in reply to your advertisement in the of june 2, i wish to say that i am seeking the kind of position you offer.

i am nineteen years old,and expect to graduate from the morrison hill technical college this month. during three years of the course i have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops.

my father is a driver, and i have helped him in repairing automobiles. i can repair cylinders and rig up steering wheel.

enclosed you will fine a copy of my resume and my photo. i believe they may be found satisfactory. concerning my character i am permitted to refer to . head of the mechanical section of the college.

yours truly

毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇二

respect leadership:

first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material.

also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me.

my name am ni x, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates.

the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprise's choice, i the position which provides to your firm is interested very much.

“in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study”.

three year university life, i record “one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest” the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the study and the work.

three year study, i mainly studied foreign trade shan zheng to study, curricula and so on economic, accounting, market marketing, international trade and practice, foreign trade letters and telegrams, international commerce english, through the international trade practice's study and the practice, caused my to further be familiar with the foreign trade service detailed flow, while learned the specialized knowledge.

i have also studied computer's related knowledge, could utilize office series office softwares well and so on word, had the good team spirit and the very strong sense of responsibility, could bear hardships and stand hard work, honestly, is self-confident, is professional.

as a graduating university graduate, i also lack the rich work experience, but i will work even more diligently, will enrich themselves and consummates unceasingly.

simultaneously also believed that through own diligently the help which can provide with your firm, i can be competent this work and with your firm together diligently, promotes company's enterprise unceasing development forward.

even if your firm thought that my present condition has not met your requirement, i will pay attention to your firm's development as always, and expresses i sincerest wish!

“the sea depends on the fish dive extravagantly, day gao renniao flies.”i hoped earnestly your firm can give me an opportunity, i take the work filled with warm, the rigorous practical work will serve as the company

sets sail, depends strength of your east wind.

will be anticipating your soon answer!

毕业生英文自荐信 毕业生求职英文自我介绍篇三

dear leaders:


i am a xxx university in xx outstanding graduates fresh. in the upcoming graduation, filled with confidence in the future, for the cause of desire, an ideal vision, i have been concerned about your company's development, and finally in xx from the internet that your organization has graduates recruitment program. i really wanted to be a member of your company, thereby playing skills, and work together with colleagues, for your company's development give their light and heat to fulfill its duties and achieve common glory!

i was born in ordinary families, very young will be able to self-reliance, has the simple ordinary people, and thrifty. be able to endure hardship, has a self-reliant, motivated, good at thinking, i am cheerful enthusiasm, able to handle interpersonal relationships, can be better and faster to adapt to the new environment, the collective heaven and earth, i can give full play to their talents , is a strong sense of responsibility of people, while there are a lot of work-study experience in the school during the regular use of spare time to go to work, each holiday is also different companies to learn practical work experience. waves through the community of their own baptism, i am minded to fight the road at the foot, as long as i'm handling, i am willing to suffer all the way will be, i overcome the wind does not allow me to change the way forward, but also my line of sight must not be ambiguous difficulties not scare me, bitter and tired, can not hindered my progress.

i will use my own wisdom and sweat of the action in good faith to my culture back to society, and your confidence in me. hopes to have the opportunity to your company's primary re-training re-learning, for your organization's aspirations and their own circumstances into account, want to do due diligence for your organization if they can get your organization's hiring, i would be honored, i am quiet waiting for your good news.



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