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更新时间:2023-06-14 来源:互联网 点击:


英文的自荐信 篇一

Dear Sir:

How are you!

First of all to your hard work with deep respect, at the same time also sincerely thank you can in time out of his busy schedule to review my cover material.

My name is XX, is**university electronic business professional a graduating student, I love this professional and highly for its input energy and enthusiasm. In the university four years in short, I learned this professional and relevant professional theory knowledge, and by the outstanding result finished related courses, for the later work to lay a solid foundation of professional. At the same time, I pay attention to improve their English level, and the smooth through the country band 4 examination. In the rapid development of technology today, I followed the pace of development of science and technology, and constantly learning new knowledge, master the computer/s basic theory and application technology, and smoothly passed national computer level 2 (VFP language) test.

Big 2:00, I served as the class of life work, committed to the students of the expense of management and organization students/ activities, and at the same time cooperate with other class committee keep relevant student management work, and obtained the teachers and students of the consistent high praise, a year of student cadre work developed my responsible attitude, and at the same time, improve my organization coordination ability and team spirit to help. In the organization of the students/ activities at the same time, I have organized two association, join the school and social activities, such as for disaster area donation, public welfare religion, to donate blood etc. Through the organization of activities, and participate in various activities, I formed the good style of work and attitude.

In August2017, I was appointed the exam guideline signs up for "yunnan university general agent, mainly responsible for the newspaper in yunnan university and the promotion, and to subscribe to the distribution, in the recruitment of campus to subscribe to the member and the organization carries out the various related literature in the process of the cultivation of my organization and management ability. In September2015, I in yunnan joint one hundred network marketing Co., LTD. Practice, mainly responsible for marketing, customer management and organization planning supermarket sales promotion activity, more than a month practice life let I really realized the importance of teamwork, also let their real in the team gets taking exercise.

Four years, in the leadership of the college, teacher to support and care about students help and their own efforts, I/m learning and practice have achieved great success, not only perfected the knowledge structure still exercise my will, improve the ability of my work, I believe that the four years of knowledge and all kinds of practice base, I can certainly well qualified for your company to provide marketing hillock, if I can become a member of your company, I will do this with all my enthusiasm and ability into my work. Please believe: you to achieve the is what I want to achieve.

The pen, the no matter whether you choose me, please accept my sincere appreciation!

Wish your company prosperity!

英文的自荐信 篇二

Beloved leaders:

Hello! Guangxi University XX I am a fresh college graduates who majored in Accounting, I am about to enter a new society for the future is full of expectations, with a self-confidence, take the liberty to put themselves forward your own!

University for three years, I shall focus on learning basic course, and emphasis on ability. In school, I pay close attention to time, to study hard in order to complete the outstanding achievements of the basis of the theory of learning. At the same time, I also have plans to take some time to read all kinds of books, magazines, and seek to maximize the expansion of knowledge. I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting software applications, is now computerized accounting certificate, but also to obtain a certificate of their qualification.

While studying at the school as a college apartment I have been Vice-Chairman of the Management Committee. Busy training and exercise not only my ability to work more exercise my ability to solve problems and deal with all kinds of people, his ability has greatly improved, so that the problems faced by the time I can calm analysis, careful reflection, and All of my professional choice has had a profound impact.

Apartfromthe study, out of college, I try to capture every opportunity to exercise, and get along with others at different levels, so that close contact with their own society, the feelings of life, the life taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, so that the maturity of their own as soon as possible.

The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so I have to learn professional knowledge, actively participate in social practice, to participate in the work of college students have achieved excellent results.

I look forward to your company can give me an opportunity to display their talent, I will use to prove their abilities. Your company the right choice!



英文的自荐信 篇三

Dear Sir,

Please consider me an application for the position which you advertise in . I am twenty-one years of age, a graduate of the Wah Yan College in the class of 1988. The following year I took a course in mechanical drawing in the Morrison Hill Technical College. I am at present an engineer trainee in Morse Company.

I should be glad to have a personal interview,and can furnish references if desired.

Truly yours

英文的自荐信 篇四

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am a student, graduated from XX middle school, XX, XX autonomous region, in 20xx. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is more reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.

英文的自荐信 篇五


I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak, Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing, New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June. I should like to


I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak, Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing, New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June. I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business. The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.

My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies, with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions, I have been assigned with the daily office administraion. The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

Very truly yours

英文的自荐信 篇六

Dear sir:

The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 1978 when I received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present. I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job.

My name is Harry Lin. On May 25, 19xx, I was born in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a farmer, planting bananas and pineapples, and my mother takes care of the house. I have two brothers and one sister. Though not well-to-do, my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences.

My early education was received in my hometown, i.e. six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school. After completing nine years of formal education in 19xx. I went to Xiamen and participated in the joint entrance examination for five-year junior colleges. Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Xiamen Junior Engineering College. I chose Electrical Engineering as my major because, on the one hand , I liked Physics very much; and on the other hand, electrical industry is a major sector of the economy of China.

The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 1978 when I received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present. I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job.

In working, however, Ive Found that what I have learned in school is limited and far from sufficient to handle sophisticated jobs. Therefore, I have decided to extend my education and would like to enter an American institution firstly to earn a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. Then, if possible, I would like to continue my education toward a Masters degree.

After this objective is reached, I will return to my country and seek a job in a public firm. Most probably I will continue to work with Nan Ya Plastic Company.

英文的自荐信 篇七

I think your company can provide suitable work for me, and I am sure I can meet your demand, that’s will benefit both of us. It is my honour to have this chance, if I have the opportunity work for your company, I will do my best.

Look forward to your kind indication,

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your recruiting advertisement for Overseas trainee on xx is of great interests to me. With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by University of Wollongong Australia and one bachelor degree awarded by Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, China - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.

英文自荐信 篇八

Dear School Leadership:


Thank you for your loyalty in his busy schedule written through my job.

West Tian-Ling My name is Anyang Teachers College Department of Music——music graduates professional.

Four years in college, after persistent efforts, I have a relatively solid expertise. Rise to the challenge of music theory, sight-singing, listening, vocal music teaching such courses. However, since the view that the inexperienced, lack of practical experience, hope to be able to gradually improve their work and give full play to its strengths as a school pitch in to help Tim. In addition, I have Anyang tutor over a period of time, have a certain amount of teaching ability. Through the exercise, I deeply understand that a person must have good morals and virtue, a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility in order to face the difficulties and challenges.

In order to realize the value of your life for themselves for a good environment to display their talent, I sincerely hope to join your school. I believe that through their own efforts, your school will soon be capable of teaching.Hoping you can give me a chance. If fortunate enough to become a member of your school, and I will cherish this hard-won opportunity for all teaching staff and schools together, solidarity, with the wisdom and sweat to create a better future school!

Enclose my CV and contact details, sincerely look forward to the chance for an interview!

I wish you good health and good luck!

英文的自荐信 篇九

Dear School Leadership:


Thank you for your busy schedule to read my. Liaoning Institute of Technology I am a 200 English language and culture tend to professional students, will graduate in July this year. House as a result of the teachers who is from an early age I was a good family education, but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusiasm, eager to look forward to your leadership, for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts, and continuous learning in practice and progress.

Honesty, integrity, diligence and pragmatism is the principle of my many years of school life, I formed a good style and advanced ideas, concepts, and have a unique way of thinking, harmonious interpersonal relationships. University life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation, and create a good psychological quality, and effectively I have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.

prerequisite of its browser. Mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, to master a number of skills. In each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in September 20xx through the four English professional examinations, and achieved good results, can ease the use of computer software, familiar with WORD, EXCEL and other office software. Participate actively in the schools, the activities of the Organization Department of the School Games a success on many occasions.

At the same time, I am very focused on all aects of their quality, ability to train and actively participate in various social activities, seize the opportunity to exercise their own. Weekdays, I tutor after school hours engaged in work, so far the whole three years, as it has in the travel guides, and has been widely praised, leave alone to do during the course of English. Therefore, a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability. Also, because of language, literature and love of learning in Japanese is also a slight contribution.

Near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces, municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore, is no accident, but by virtue of the leadership and vision Gaucho staff have a

英文的自荐信 篇十

dear mr ho,

application for the position of senior management

your advertisement for the above position as advertised in todays caught my attention. i think my background and your requirements may be a good match. my resume is enclosed for your review.

i have been working in various business sectors for the past 15 years, with 8 years in the senior management level. with this extensive experience, i adapt quickly to new environments. i have also managed many different personalities and nationalities. here are some of my recent results:

opened and organized new division with responsibilities covering 300 employees.

increasing market share from 10% to 20%

increasing the annual profit from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000

i am seeking a new challenge - one where my innovative and management talents can be applied. your company seems to offer such a challenge, and my credentials match your requirements. i look forward to talking with you.

thank you for your consideration.

yours sincerely

steven cheung

英文的自荐信 第十一篇

Dear leaders:

Hello: Thank you for your busy schedule to read !

I Wang XX, is the traffic in Henan Vocational and Technical College, 20xx session of the students, the professional management of the road, at school during the ban tam road sports members and 07,301 living members, have been colleges and teachers alike.years of bitter time, I at all times in accordance with the "wide professional, thick foundation, strong capacity, high-quality" standards and the development of self-training, in the continuous learning and practice to improve the overall quality of their own, have their own professional knowledge to shape into a solid, structured knowledge and adaptable, collaborative spirit of wealth to the youth of the times. University of the growth phase of the study and the will of my temper and raise my self! "Pains, a harvest"! I will do my best efforts, hard work and realize the value of your life. College students as the new century, I have a dare to put themselves forward, and dare to explore, be good at innovation. Honest men of integrity so I know how to use real people and to pay to obtain the return, I will use the efforts and wisdom to fight for my room for the community to accommodate me.

Approaching graduation, I started learning more and further enhance their practical ability in order to better work in the future for the development of your company to do my best to work for the province to contribute to the cause of highway youth .

I will treasure every opportunity to grasp. While studying at the school I developed a good learning attitude and the ability of the organization and management, I believe it will work in the future to play a bigger role. I consider myself fit and do the job for the company to create effective performance is my goal, is handed my CV!

I will be your company as a new starting point for my life, if your company had the honor to become a member, it will be a great honor for me, I will work in the future to a good working attitude and excellent performance to return on the company. The limited time I will integrate into the work to the infinite. I look forward to your company an opportunity, I will also have the honor to you.

Finally, the company prosperity and bright future! ! !



英文的自荐信 第十二篇

dear sir,

in june of this year i shall receive my masters of science degree from new york university and i am naturally very much interested in securing a position. i believe i can qualify as a communications engineer.

for as long as i can remember your company has been a standard in the field of business machines and i have followed its developments with keen appreciation. i should like very much to have the privilege of working under the supervision of one of your men not only because i sincerely believe that i can serve you well, but also because it would give me a fine opportunity to grow as a physicist.

the course in physics i have taken as a graduate have a

particular hearing on the development work of your firm. as a physics major i selected my courses with particular emphasis on those dealing with integrated circuits, and have had considerable laboratory work in these fields.

if you do not have any vacancies at present for which i might be considered, will you please file my application for future reference? i shall be pleased to supply any additional information you may wish and come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient.

sincerely yours,

英文的自荐信 第十三篇

reect leadership:

how do you do! thank you in ite of being very busy toglance reading my cover material. when you open this job material, you for i opened a new page in life, and i wish this material can help you in the fierce marketpetition and knowledge economy in the ring tide of seeking to your needs of the cross-century talents. in this, to you is my palpitations and ambition!

my name is xxx, the south china sea is the first professional school "vehicle maintenance" professional XX sessions of graduates. i am a love of country teenagers, have already looking forward to devote oneself to the socialist modernization drive in school i study hard, in order to in the fiercepetition in the market has his own position, technical secondary school three years i studies assiduously the professional knowledge, make yourself to car repairs the quite solid. in addition i also prompted from already the expanded aect of knowledge. keep learning, strengthen own social practice and practice ability, so that from learning to use.

during the period of school also cultivate own manner, play, make yourself in the fiercepetition has the following advantages:

in a market economy tide today, i deeply know, need now has not only the diploma, but need to have certain practical ability talents, in this under the guidance of the concept of, i always believe: "eat no cross, no crown." the truth. pay attention tobining both inside and outside the classroom. so i pay ecial attention to self-study and social practice ability training. through the various extracurricular books, constantly expand their scope of knowledge.

pressure and opportunity always, talent market has become increasingly tensepetition, and the desire of the stand out, prompting me in their own quality strive to enrich and perfect. i often grueling study, and striving for. now at the beginning of the school into, in the face of challenge, and i may exhibit what they have learned and create the future!

on the occasion of the pen, solemnly make one small request: no matter whether you choose me, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation!

i wish your career progresses daday, plum full world!

英文的'自荐信 第十四篇

dear leaders:

thank you for taking the time to read me the cover letter, thank you for giving me an opportunity and challenge to success.

my name is xxx, xxx people from fujian province, xxx university, department of tourism and culture school of tourism management graduates in XX. in college life, the systematic study of the tourism management expertise, and actively participated in the hotel internship, work and formal professional learning, so i initially had a manager with the quality and professional skills. in the study of the specialized courses, while also learning the culture, understand the corporate culture of an enterprise is very important. i work hard in school to learn computer by the computer 2, the application of basic computer proficiency. can also be skilled in some english dialogue. also strive to learn the hotel professional managers, and through professional managers certificate.

i was in july XX in kunming xxx hotel (formerly the xxx hotel) for a six-month period of practical work, learned that as a good manager should have good quality and skilled professional skills. internship in the hotel, food and beverage department and in the lobby do not learn some professional skills in different sectors, the company also learned that although there are different for each department, but it is inseparable whole. therefore, mutual understanding should be at work, for themselves and for all, working to create a pleasant and harmonious working environment, in order to profitability! this is my experience during the internship.

i hope i urgently want to get into the heart of your company will receive a response in the future will be dedicated, will be fulfill the expectations! sincere thanks!

finally, once again thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your early reply, and wish your company thrive!




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