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更新时间:2023-06-16 来源:互联网 点击:


英文求职信 篇一

dear mr liu

application for the position of accounting manager

in response to your advertisement in todays for the above position, i would like to submit my application for your consideration.

during the past nine years, my experience has concentrated in the accounting industry with an accounting services firm. being an accounting manager for four years, i assisted in the development of a base reference library for 500 clients.

as you will notice from my resume, i possess excellent oral and writing skills. i have trained four new supervisors through coaching sessions, communication meetings and technical skills sessions.

i believe this background provides the management skills you require for this position. i look forward to your reply.

yours sincerely

英文求职信 篇二

Dear Mr.Wang,

I am a fresh graduate from Xiamen University of Technology,and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday.I hope I can take the job.

The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming,and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my ,I have much spare time this semester,which can ensure my time commitment for the internship.Please find more details in my enclosed resume.

Thank you for your time and patience,and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

英文求职信带翻译 篇三




Dear leaders

First of all, please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wishes to you!Thank you for your attention to my letter of recommendation, when you open this page,you have opened the first door that lead to opportunity and success for me,also it is a good beginning for me to dilay my talent and achieve self-worth.I with a sincere heart and persistent pursuit of work.I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely recommend myself.



Maybe Im not perfect, but Im confident, please give me a chance, I will try my best to make you satisfied.Although lack of work experience, but I will Learning modestly, work actively and conscientious, completes the labor of duty, use time and sweat to make up for.So I deeply believe that myself can keep,dedicate and pioneer to work in a position. Regardless of whether you choose me or not,my reect leader, hope you can accept my sincere appreciation! Looking forward to your reply. All the best in your work.



英文求职信 篇四

Dear Sir,

In reply to your advertisement in todays newsp aper regarding a vacancy in your office, I wish to apply for the position of senior clerk, which you have specified.

I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year. At present I am a student at Renmin University but I shall graduate from college this coming July, finishing the requirements in four years. Though I have had no experience, I feel confident that I can contribute to your company with the professional skills I obtained in college, including a high command of English.

I am enclosing my resume and letter of recommendation from the president of the University, I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.


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