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更新时间:2023-06-19 来源:互联网 点击:


英语演讲——seize the opportunity 篇一

Seize the opportunity

I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfortunes, yesterday’s defeats, yesterday’s aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad? Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises.

If we do not work with our might, others will; and they will outstrip us in the race, and pluck the price from our grasp.We develop rituals –religious services, music, funerals and wakes---where friends gather, hug one another and cry together, and stories and love. We do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift.

To live with a high ideal is a successful life 。It is not what one does but what one tries to do that makes a man strong. Find out what you want to be and do, and take of your coat and make a dust in the world.

All sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain is not life at all We must grasp the notion that suffering can be a path to wisdom, a cleaning of soul.

It is a truth that promises light bursting from darkness, strength born from weakness and, if one dares to believe, life emerging from death. Overwhelming darkness may endure for a night, but it will never overcome the radiant light of the morning 。When you are in a season of sorrow , hang in there ,because a season of joy may be just around the corner 。For us, sometimes, the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential. A dashed relationship with one can open up the door to a brand new friendship with another. A lost job here can provide the opportunity for a better job there.

A broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future.

In the awareness of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character ,not brains so much as heart ,not genius as much as self-control ,patience ,and discipline ,regulated byjudgment 。The true way to gain much is never desire to gain too much.The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self 。

opportunity演讲稿 篇二

Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

Good evening. My name is XXX. Tonight it is my great pleasure to stand here. The title of my speech is “Opportunity.”

Different people may have different opinions on opportunity. Some people regard opportunity as a rare thing that is hard to get. While others believe that every one of us can seize a variety of opportunities from time to time. As for me, I am totally in favor of the latter.

Have you ever heard a western expression “Every dog has its day”? It means everybody has an opportunity to be successful. In fact, no one can be denied opportunities. Those who claim they don’t have good luck just can’t recognize or take advantage of opportunities. Therefore we must do our best to attempt to find it and make good use of it.

Opportunities are not windfalls but are achievable possibilities for the prepared. Without diligence, courage and continued efforts, opportunities seem to be empty goals. If we want to be qualified for success, we (☆)should be equipped with necessary skills, an abundance of knowledge and rich experiences. In other words, opportunity is only a catalyst for success, but not a precondition of success. For example, William Henry who had a gift for business exactly saw the IT future and used special management methods to make his company stronger. Owing to his diligence in business, he has become the richest person in the world.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, opportunities are coming. Let’s be aware of opportunities, act upon them, and always be prepared to take advantage of them. Thank you.

英文求职信opportunity 篇三

Dear Sir,On my graduation form college in july, I am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of *import and export trading. Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.

I am strong and alert, and shall be *twenty-three years of age in October. At present I am a student in the college of _____ but I shall graduate from the college this coming July, finishing the requirements in four years. I have had no business experience, but my college record has been good. A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference. I shall be glad to call at any time for an interview.

Very truly yours,

My view on opportunity 篇四

My view on opportunity

Everyone have opportunity in life ,however some people think that they have few opportunity ,others think that everybody have some opportunity.As far as i am concerned ,opportunity is to those who are prepared 。 As long as you can work hard for your dreamboat 。in learning and life is full of opportunity ,if you care about it. For example ,some people think a common exam is a opportunity to push theirselves

forward ,conversely ,the others are not approve or don’t prepare. What’s more ,I always believe that god is fair to everyone 。Everyone has the same opportunity 。As long as you can receive it bravely 。For

example ,there are many match at college 。You can take part in match 。 However ,many people are not interested in it 。

In short ,everyone has the same opportunity 。If you think highly of it ,you will find that there are many opportunity.

Opportunity 篇五


Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak to you at here. My name is Leo_hu and I come from Baoshan District.

Today, I want to talk about opportunities. It is well known that opportunities can meet by ourselves but we can’t beg to meet it. In that case, should we give up it or not? In my opinion, we should create some opportunities for ourselves.

I believe some people want to get success. So they restart to study, they work hard and so on. They believe they are more professional than other people. Although they are stronger or more professional or harder, they are still unknown. They begin to complain, they complain: oh, my god. Why do you give other people opportunities? Why don’t you give me an opportunity to get success?

In fact, god is equal to everyone. If god closed one door, he must already be open another window. The key is we need to find that window by ourselves.

For example, look at my left hand please. When I opened my left hand, I drop my pen on the table. Let me try again, when I opened my left hand, my right hand catch the pen, but my pen still drop on the table. Let me try third time, when I opened my left hand, my right hand catch the pen, and I caught my pen. Why? Because my right hand is already prepare to catch.

This example showed some people usually don’t catch the pen. They think it waste time. In fact, opportunities like this pen, when it happened in front of our eyes, we ignored it. After the accident, we think we never meet it.

Certainly, perhaps some people say:” we meet it, but we can’t catch it.” Then, I want to ask:” Are you ready? Are you really ready?” If you catch it in a hurry, do you think you can catch it with confidence?

Chinese proverb: Opportunity is prepared for those who are prepared for it, not for those who say they're prepared for it.

Now, financial crises are continuing, but some good opportunities are appeared. A coin has two sides. Catch you chances while you can. Your hardworking will be rewarded one day.


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