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word论文目录怎么自动生成目录页码 论文目录的页码怎么自动生成最新5篇

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坐堂医师:清华大学就业中心老师 韩威



坐堂医师:智联招聘校园招聘高级经理 贺先生












word论文目录怎么自动生成目录页码(精 篇二

a professor told students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. he asked them to 1 reports (报告)about each boy‘s life and future. most of the students wrote, he doesn’t have any hope.

twenty-five years 2 , another professor read about the earlier reports. he told his students to 3 what happened to the boys, they tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful 4 doctors, teachers or scientists.

the professor was very 5 and decided to study it further. luckily, all the men were living in the same city and he was able to visit and ask each one, what made you 6 ?

they all answered, they was a good teacher.

the teacher was 7 living there, so the professor found her and asked the old lady 8 she had pulled those boys out of the slum, and changed them into successful people. the teacher‘s 9 began to shine and said with a sweet smile, it’s really very easy, i 10 those boys. i‘m proud of them.

( ) 1. a. read b. study c. write d. sleep

( ) 2. a. later b. before c. ago d. soon

( ) 3. a. search b. find out c. look for d. look up

( ) 4. a. for b. like c. as d. to

( ) 5. a. glad b. surprised c. worried d. happy

( ) 6. a. surprising b. successful c. famous d. careful

( ) 7. a. already b. even c. still d. just

( ) 8. a. how b. where c. when d. what

( ) 9. a. face b. eyes c. mouth d. arm

( ) 10. a. taught b. loved c. helped d. looked


cabcb bcabb

1、老师要去学生 写 报告 所以选c

2、 25年后 25年过去了

3、老师要求学生去 找出结果 而find out 就是此意

4、作为…… 用as as后面加职业



7、老师仍旧住在这,still 仍旧

8、教授问这位老师 她是如何把孩子们带出贫民窟的,词句 需要的是状语


10、老师 爱 她的学生

word论文目录怎么自动生成目录页码(精 篇三













精选word论文目录怎么自动生成目录 篇四

1、 she _______ (宾格) 2. country _________ (复数)

3、 close ________ (现在分词) 4. three __________ (序数词)

5、 china ________ (形容词) 6. i _________ (名词性物主代词)

7、 boy _______(复数) 8. swim _______ (现在分词)

9、 photo _______ (复数) 10. mouse ________ (复数)


1、 look! lucy is ______ a new red dress. she is beautiful today.

a. with b. put on c. in d. wear

2、 -- __________?

-- my bike is broken.

a. what is it b. what is wrong with you

c. where is it d. whose is this

3、 there are so many people in the shop. you must ________ your things.

a. look at b. look after c. put away d. put on

4、 i have two good pen friends. one is an american, ______ is in england.

a. the other b. another one c. another d. other

5、 -- _______ are his football clothes?

-- under the bed.

a. where b. who c. whose d. what

6、 i can see ______ in lucys room.

a. other thing b. any other thing c. some thing d. some other things

7、 these are ______. you can buy a pair for your mother.

a. woman sock b. women sock c. women socks d. woman socks

8、 -- thank you very much!

-- ________.

a. youre right b. all right c. you are welcome d. ok.

9、 -- she must be in red.

no, _____. she wears a green coat.

a. she is b. she must not c. i dont think so. d. i am not

10、 the coat _____ the wall isnt kates. its ______.

a. on; his b. to; mine c. in; he d. under; him


1、 the boys like to listen to music when they do ______ (they) homework.

2、 my mothers work is _____ (make) our city safe.

3、 one day, mr green asked mrs green ______ (go) shopping for him.

4、 we would brush our _______ (tooth) twice a day.

5、 this book is the lightest and ______ (thin) of all the books.

6、 she is ______ (good) than alice at swimming.

______ (get) up at 7:30 a.m. eve→←ry day, so she is always late for school.

8、 i think the ______ (four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.

9、 look at the sign. the library is _____ (close) from 1:00 p.m to 2:00 p.m.

10、 jason is used to ______ (watch) tv the whole night.


1、 we are making a model plane. (变成一般疑问句)


2、 the boys are sitting under the tree. (对划线部分提问)


3、 look out of the window. (改为否定句)


4、 we can see some birds over there. (对画线部分提问)


5、 the children have some apples. (改为单数句子)



ⅰ ⅱ

1、 whats your telephone number, please? a. he is a worker.

2、 its very cold today, isnt it? b. it doesnt matter.

3、 can you mend it? c. yes, wonderful, thanks.

4、 how is your mother? d. sometimes.

5、 hi, this is my friend, lily. e. my telephone number is 6262383.

6、 im sorry to trouble you. f. yes, it is. you need to wear warm clothes.

7、 how often do you go to the park? g. certainly.

8、 excuse me. where is the post office? h. nice to meet you.

9、 what does your father do? i. she is ok.

10、 did you have a good trip? j. its about twenty meters from here.

六、阅读理解, 根据短文内容判断正(t)误(f)。(10分)

its sunday morning. the students of class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning.

miss huang, their teacher, is working with them. the children are busy. some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. zhang hua is putting up a map on the wall. it is a map of china. wang fei and weiqing are mending some broken chairs. the children are listening to the radio while they are working. the classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. the children are very happy. they go home for lunch at noon.

1、 the children are playing in their classroom on sunday morning.

2、 miss huang, their mother, is working with them.

3、 there is a map of china on the wall.

4、 two of them are repairing the broken chairs.

5、 they are singing while they are working.








1、 her 2. countries 3. closing 4. third 5. chinese

6、 mine 7. boys 8. swimming 9. photos 10. mice


c b b a a d c c c a


1、 their 2. making 3. to go 4. teeth 5. thinnest

6、 better 7. gets 8. fourth 9. closed 10. watching


1、 are you making a model plane?

2、 where are the boys sitting?

3、 dont look out of the window.

4、 what can you see over there?

5、 the child has an apple.


e f g i h b d j a c


f f t t f


my pencil-box

i have a pencil-box. it is nice and big. it has many colours. there are two blocks on my pencil-box. one is yellow, the other is orange. in my pencil-box, there are pens, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. i like my pencil-box very much and my pencil-box looks like my best friend.

精选word论文目录怎么自动生成目录 篇五

jim johnson

houston, texas 77034,

(315) 525-5445


an opportunity to obtain a treasury analyst position in a finance company that can allow me to apply my knowledge of accounting and finance.


bachelor's degree in finance, university of houston (1991)

master of business administration in finance, university of houston (1993)

special knowledge, abilities, skills:

strong analytical skills to perform in depth financial analysis

strong accounting, negotiation, and influencing skills

ability in interface with senior levels of management internally and externally

strong knowledge of financial principles, treasury, and capital markets

proficient with ms excel, word and powerpoint

excellent verbal and written communication skills

excellent customer service skills

professional experience:

pfizer, inc., houston, tx (1997-present)

senior treasury analyst


performed analysis of all daily and non-daily financial treasury operations activities

participated in cross-functional finance projects as necessary

assisted in developing and performing treasury transactions according to personal goals, objectives and annual accountabilities

worked closely with business customers to identify, prioritize and document business requirements

performed treasury operational functions such as cash management, cash forecasting, interest rate monitoring and forecasting, capital funding and financial derivative analysis

prepared daily/monthly treasury journal entries and upload into sap g/l system

fmc technologies, houston, tx, (1993-1997)

treasury analyst


prepared internal treasury reporting

assisted with subsidiary capital structure management

analyzed operating procedures for the purpose of improving or replacing with more effective substitutes

assisted in the design, testing and implementation of new or enhanced information systems

assisted in the provision of operational and financial analysis of proposed new investments

produced monthly cash forecasts and developed improvements to the forecasting model

uploaded pisional financials reports, producing monthly financial package

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