男孩起名 女孩起名 公司起名 店铺起名 牛年起名 虎年起名 生辰八字起名 英文起名 诗词起名
励志文章 励志故事 励志文案 励志电影 励志名言 励志句子 励志歌曲 励志签名 励志格言 高考励志 励志诗句 励志网名 励志书籍 励志演讲稿 励志小说 励志座右铭 励志人物 励志对联 励志说说 励志作文
伤感的句子 唯美的句子 爱情的句子 优美句子 正能量句子 经典句子 表白的句子 哲理句子 友情的句子 好词好句好段 美好的句子 朋友圈说说的好句子 搞笑的句子 想你的句子
微信个性签名 QQ个性签名 伤感个性签名 霸气的个性签名 情侣个性签名 男生个性签名 女生个性签名 英文个性签名 超拽个性签名 非主流个性签名 搞笑个性签名 火星文个性签名 唯美个性签名
白羊座 金牛座 双子座 巨蟹座 狮子座 处女座 天秤座 天蝎座 射手座 摩羯座 水瓶座 双鱼座 星座知识
属鼠 属牛 属虎 属兔 属龙 属蛇 属马 属羊 属猴 属鸡 属狗 属猪 生肖基础知识
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 订婚祝福语 新年祝福语 情人节祝福语 母亲节祝福语 父亲节祝福语 建党节祝福语 七夕节祝福语 教师节祝福语 国庆节祝福语 中秋节祝福语 爱情祝福语 毕业祝福语 开业祝福语 升学祝福语 高考祝福语 中考祝福语 考试祝福语 搬新家祝福语
个性说说 伤感说说 搞笑说说 心情说说 爱情说说 经典说说 qq说说 朋友圈说说 情感说说 晚安说说 下雨说说 霸气说说 七夕说说
入党申请书 入团申请书 自我鉴定 工作总结 工作计划 个人简历 辞职报告 检讨书 演讲稿 心得体会 实习报告 转正申请书 导游词 述职报告 策划书 加油稿 慰问信 感谢信 介绍信 邀请函

Lesson优秀10篇(lesson lesson lesson)

更新时间:2023-06-21 来源:互联网 点击:

Lesson 篇一


1.掌握四会单词一个:find, 三会单词一个:broom.

2.四会掌握以下句型及短语:I can’t find the …. Can you see it/ them?

Is it under the teacher’s desk? I know, it’s behind the door.

3.听懂一会短语:Close your eyes./Open your eyes.


课文第一部分的句子:I can’t find the broom.Can you see it?

Is it under the teacher’s desk?


句型:I can’t find the …It’s over there, under the desk.


本课口语训练要注重实际交际活动,可以采取创设实际情景进行教学。教师可事先有意将自己的物品(笔、书、尺等)放到教室某处,最好不引起学生注意。在进行训练时,可以故意表示找不到所需要的物品,然后询问:“Where is my…?”请学生根据实际情况进行回答。也可以根据教室的实际情况进行提问,让学生如实回答。创设这种真实的情景,学生有真实的生活体验,这样才能自由问答,才能达到训练的目的,收到良好的教学效果。




Step 1 Revision

1. Duty report.根据值日生报告,提出问题,然后叫其他学生问答,使学生养成集中精力听课的习惯,同时训练学生的听力。

2.Free talk.叫几组学生根据所学知识自编对话进行表演。(检查作业完成情况)

3.利用教室的实物,通过下列对话复习What can you see…?Can you see…?句型和介词in/on/under/ behind的用法。

教师先叫起一名学生问答,T:What can you see in the classroom?

:I can see a / some…

再叫起另一名学生问答, T:Can you see the…?

:Yes,I can.

T:Where is it?/ Where are they?

:It’s / They’re in/ on…


Step 2 Presentation

1.教师从桌子下面拿起一把扫帚自问自答:What’s this?It’s a broom.板书broom并领读。把broom放到门后。然后教师说:“Oh, where is my pen?I can’t find my pen!”叫起一名学生问:“Can you see it?”让学生找到笔,然后说:“Yes,it’s here.”接着练习找书、尺等。板书:I can’t find…Can you see it?并领读。


T:I can’t find the broom. Can you see it?

S:I’m sorry, I can’t.(帮助学生回答)

T:Is it under your desk?

S:No, it isn’t.

T:Is it under that window?

S:No,it isn’t.Oh,I know.It’s behind the door.

T:(向门后看一看,拿出来)Yes,you’re right. It’s behind the door. Thanks.

板书:I can’t find the broom.

Can you see it?

Is it under the window?

Yes,you’re right. Thanks.并领读。

Step 3 Read and act

1.Now listen to the tape carefully. Then answer my questions. 放录音带之前提出问题:Where’s the broom?Who can find it?接着学生听录音,告诉学生注意语音、语调;再放一遍录音,让学生跟读,模仿语音语调,然后叫学生回答所提问题。




Step 4 Drills and practice


T:I can’t find my book.Can you see it?

:Yes,I can.It’s on your desk.

(让 问 )Where’s the teacher’s pen?Can you see it?

:Sorry,I can’t.Oh, yes. It’s on the floor.(to ).Can you see the raincoat?

:Yes,I can.It’s behind the door.(to )I can’t find….Can you see…?




Step 5 Look, ask and say

1.打开书,领读第三部分对话,解释Do you know?然后齐读对话。



Step 6 Consolidation(Exercises for )


1.一些书包_____________ 2.在墙上_____________

3.在那窗下面_____________ 4.在门后_____________

5. On the blackboard_____________ 6.near the window_____________


1.I can find the broom.(改为否定句)

2.It’s under the teacher’s desk.(改为一般疑问句)

3.We can see our football under the table.(改为一般疑问句)

4.I can see some flowers near the desk.(就画线部分提问)

5.The books are in the box. (就画线部分提问)

Step 7 Workbook


Steps 8 Summary


Step 9 Homework





Lesson 39

New words:

I can’t find the broom.

Can you see it?

broom [brum] n. Is it under the window?

find [faind] vt. Yes, you’re right! Thanks.

Do you know?

Lesson 篇二


(1)blouse, dress, skirt, shirt, trousers.

(2)Whose…is this? Whose…are these?



1.继续巩固Whose 句型。

2.What about…?









Step 1 Revision

1.让学生分别扮演角色表演第55课Part 3的对话(2-3组)。

2.把学生的学习用品和服装,包括coat, sweater等拿到教室前教师的讲桌上,让学生表演,在内容中反复呈现Whose句型、形容词性物主代词的和名词性物主代词。2-3组的学习中应包括学习较差的学生,学习较好的学生和学习较差的学生同在一组表演。激发学生的学习积极性。

Step 2 Listen, read and say

1.教师用幻灯片显示单词:car are class father让学生朗读,找出他们所含有的共同音素,并观察是哪一个字母或哪一些字母,即字母组合发此音,教师总结,板书并领读。


Step 3 Find the words!

1.教师提问:What can you see in the picture?(I can see a shirt.)

Whose is it? (I think it’s Li Ming’s.)



Step 4 Play games

首先学习What about…?可由教师开始,面对一名学生,T:My coat is black. What colour is yours? What about yours?(两个句子紧跟,让学生感觉What about…?的含义,并写到黑板上,让他们译成汉语。用What about…?分别提问几名学生,然后让学生回答教师的问题。My coat (Mine)is blue (red, yellow, dark brown, light purple, etc.)

Action chain.操练课本第三,第四部分。

Step 5 Practice

做WB Page162 Ex.1, 2.

Step 6 Summary


2.让学生总结本单元的重点句型、实用型短语、表达方法并造句:Whose…?Let me have a look, please. Put on…I think…You must…Whose? Jim’s? the twins’, Come here, please. Here you are. It looks like yours. On Mrs. Green’s clothes line. What about…?

Step 7 Exercises


( )1.A. car B. father C. that D. are

( )2.A. how B. window C. brown D. trousers

( )3.A. ruler B. brother C. sister D. skirt

( )4.A. kite B. fine C.light D.his

( )5.A. put B.us C. cup D.plus


1.My coat is black. What colour is_______(你的)?

2.Her gloves are green________ ________ ________(他的呢)?

3.__________(谁的)shoes are these?

4.The coat is yours. _______ it _______(穿上),please.

5.Please _______(拿走)them to the classroom.

Step 8 Homework


2.WB Page 162 Ex 3, 4, 5, 6.


Lesson 篇三

lesson 12teaching aims and demands : to demand ss to hear and speak and read these words correctly : review the words about food and vegetablesto demand ss to hear and speak the sentences correctly :can i help you ? what do we need ?.here’s the materials : tape recorder ; some cardsteaching steps : step 1 greetingst: good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you.step 2 presentationplay a guessing game (1)t: what am i going to buy? what do i want? just guess and say: "you want ..."(2)t= the teacher c= the computer ss= the studentsc: can i help you?(learn to say: "can i help you?")t: i want a sweater, sir. c: how about this one? ss: it's too small.c: how about this one? t: the size is ok, sir. but i don't like this color.c: what's your favorite color?t: (take out a purple sweater)i like this purple sweater. how much is it?c: it’s ...yuan (2) play a game: guess the price of the sweater.ss: how much is it?s1 : ...yuan .(if the price s1 guess is too low, the teacher will say: "up, up, up."; if too high, the teacher will say:'' down, down, down." each students has three chances to guess.)after the students guess the price right, the teacher puts on the purple sweater and asks the students "am i cool?"step 3 practice(1)listen to the dialogue.t: what have you heard in the dialogue?(2)listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence.(3)practice in groups of three.step 4 consolidation(1)divide all the students into 4 groups: toy shop, clothes shop, fruit shop and food shop. put some goods in eachshop. get the students to do the shopping in groups. (2)ask the students to go to different shops and buy different things. step 5 homework listen to the tape & repeat for some times .finish off the activity book of lesson 12.

Lesson 篇四

Step 1 Revision .

Draw the same map on the Bb as in Lesson 33, Step 1 and Step 2 of the TB.

Practise the words and phrases in Lesson 33. Dictate the 4-skill words in SB Lesson 33. Call a student to write on the Bb. Check the spellings with the class.

Step 2 Presentation

Expand the map like this:

Tell the Ss You are here and point to x on the map. Say You want to go to the hospital. Walk along the road and take the third turning on the left . Trace the route in chalk, counting the turnings as you pass. Explain the meaning of turning. Repeat the directions. Ss listen and repeat. Give directions to other places on the map. Ss listen and repeat. Then ask Excuse me, is there a hospital near here? Help the Ss to give instructions . Repeat for other places .

Step 3 Practice

SB page 34. Speech Cassette . Listen to the first dialogue, then read it with the Ss. Let them practise it in pairs . They can draw a map as described in the dialogue.

Step 4 Practice

1 Listen to the tape of the second dialogue and practise it in the same way. (Note You'd better.... =You had better.... )Then talk about your own town or neighbourhood. Ask Is there a post office/park/hospital near here? Only ask about places which are far away!

Explain the meaning of need .

2 Present and practise the third dialogue in the. same way .

Step 5 Practice

Pairwork. Ss ask and answer about places on the map on colour page iv of the SB. One student asks Excuse me, is there a... near here? The other gives directions or says I'm sorry. I don't know....

Step 6 Workbook

Wb , E . 1-3 (oral work ) .

Practise a model answer with the class before the Ss work in pairs.

The answers to Ex . 2 are: 1 along, first, on; 2 turn, left; 3 road, third.

The answers to Ex. 3 are: 1 A: How heavy is the fish? B: It's about 2 kilos . 2 A: How long is the river? B: It's 910 kilometres . 3 A: How heavy is the machine? B: It's 15 kilos .

4 A: How tall is the tree? B: It's 6 metres .


Finish off the Workbook exercises .

Revise the dialogues on page 34 of the

Students' Book.

Write down the dialogues in Wb Ex. 3.

Lesson 篇五

Teaching Objectives:

Students should be able to make suggestions in three ways.

Properties: Overhead projector, recorder

Language Focus: Review the three ways of giving suggestions.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class

Greeting and a duty report

Ⅱ. Revision

1. To review the animal names.

2. To suggest sth to your friend.

III. Practice

Ask students to write out the three ways of giving suggestions, then students work in pairs to make suggestions, agree and disagree, if they disagree, they have to make another suggestion. Call some pairs to do it in front of the class.

Then students find the answers in the book.

Then students make dialogues with phrases given in the box, do it in pairs first, then act it out in front of the class.

IV. Reading and writing

Students read the dialogue and fill in the blanks, then check the answers.

The answers:

① Yes, I am./② Yes, ( sure)/③ Shall I get your house? / ④⑤ No definite answers ⑥ finish (do)⑦ a little later ⑧I like dumplings ⑨ See you then (Thank you)

Teacher draws pictures on the blackboard to teach the word "dumpling". Explain "seafood" is fish or animals in the sea that can be eaten, "have. …to do" eg. "I have many clothes to wash." "He has some questions to ask" etc.

V. Practice

Students go round the classroom to ask about their future arrangements and the students having the same future plans form one group, they go on to talk about more details, then say it in front of the class.

VI. Exercises in class

1. Complete the sentences.

① The teacher has many lessons ____ ____

② The boys have some words ____ _____

③ I don't have anything ____ ____

④ There are many games ____ ___

⑤ I have a lot of food ____ ____

2. Complete the dialogue.

① A: Would you like to see a film with me?

B: Yes, I___. When____?

A: ____ meet at 8:00 tomorrow evening.

② A: Would you like to go skating with me?

B: ____, I can't. I have many things to do.

3. Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning.

①Why not go to the park?

______ ______ ______ go to the park?

②Shall we go to the cinema?

______ ______ going to the cinema?

③Shall we go and see the monkeys?

Shall we go and ______ ______ ______ ______ the monkeys?

④Are you free today?

______ you ______ ______ today?

⑤They often have breakfast at 5: 15.

They often have their ______ ______ at ______ ______ _____.

⑥The dolphin is the most interesting animal of all.

The dolphin is ______ ______ ______ any other animal.

⑦Would you like to go boating?

______ you ______ to go boating?


1. ① to prepare ②to say ③to do ④to play ⑤to eat

2. ① 'd love to, Shall we meet, Let's ② Sorry/ I'm afraid.

3. ①Why don't you ②What/How about ③have a look at ④Do, have time ⑤morning meal, a quarter past five ⑥more interesting than ⑦Do, want

VII. Homework

To make up a dialogue.

VIII. The design of the blackboard

Shall we …?

Why not meet…?

Work must come first.

Lesson 篇六

Period: The Second Period


Properties: Computer / Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures, Sounds.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understanding the Past Perfect Tense.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Language Focus: on line, make a decision, so that, click on the screen, places of interest

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Get the students to watch a video about shopping and practise the dialogues again and present some dialogues that the sentences written for homework.

III. Leading in

Get the students to look at the picture of shopping online and describe it in English. Look the exercise below,

1. What did Sato Miyoko decide to buy online?

2. Why didn’t she buy it in a store?

3. What did her father think of her choice?

4. What did they do after a form appeared on the screen?

5. When did she receive what she had ordered?

Then lead students watch the video / listen the tape of Shopping online.

IV. Watch and Listen

Watch the flash / listen the tape of Shopping online (which is offered) three times.

After the first time, answer the questions above, and show the right answers to them:

1. She decided to buy a camera online.

2. Because she lives out in the country.

3. Her father thought that her choice is right.

4. They filled in the form and typed credit card number, telephone number, address and e-mail address.

5. A week later she received what she had ordered.

After the second time, do the listening exercise about text, such as filling the blanks. (show flash Shopping online )

After the third time, tell the students to read the text more carefully and check their answers, find the sentences of The Past Perfect Tense appeared in this text. Such as:

1) She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera.

2) After she had found more information, she asked her father if she could buy it.

3) After he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision.

V. Explain and Practice

Explain the Language Focus of the text, for example, online, so that, as well, make a decision, etc. The main point is:

1. shopping online(互联)网上或在线购物

2. take pictures of this trip在旅游中照相

3. as 是连词,作“由于,因为”解,引导原因状语从句。

4. so that意思是“以便,为了 ”,常常引导结果状语从句。“so (such) …that”引导结果状语从句,作“这么……,以至”或“所以”解,so接形容词、副词或分词,而such则接名词。

5. had searched 是过去完成时。

6. ad是缩短词,也可写成advertisement。

7. as well意思是“亦;也;又;同样”。

8. different kinds of 不同种类的。

9. click on the screen 点击屏幕

10. she had ordered在这里修饰the camera,指她所订购的那台相机。

* Show the pictures about clothes and some words, such as:

cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small; he,she,we,they,John,I

Ask students make sentences with so that.

The jacket cost so much that he didn't buy it.

These trousers are so long that I can't wear them.

VI. Work in pairs

Look the Chinese translation of text (which is offered in text.exe ) and think about what the writer could tell us. Divide the students to four parts. Show the topic below, and let them prepare this in groups.

Simulate you will do shopping online, what should you do and what will be appeared to you? Could you speak out the process in English?

Sum up the points of shopping online or show the answers to the class. Otherwise finish the exercise Lead you shopping online which is offered.

VII. Homework

1. Review the contents of the lesson and retell the story. Pay attention to telling students that the most important thing is the main idea, is not the whole text itself.

2. Go shopping at spare time, and write a dairy about shopping.

Lesson 篇七


1.复习Is there…?Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.

2.掌握四会句子:Are there any animals in the picture?

Yes,there are.

No,there aren’t any.

How many boats are there in the picture?


1.教学Are there any…?句型及其肯定与否定回答。

2.复习How many…?句型。


1.在Are there any…?中,向学生指出any用在疑问句,如Are there any boats in the river?或者用在否定句中,例如:There aren’t any flowers in the room. 比较Is there a…?和for there any…?两个句型。向学生指出:a + singular noun and any + plural noun用法。

2.在How many…?句型中,复习How many后应接可数名词复数,如How many students are there in your class?


运用名词的复数形式,指着实物,教学Are there any…?句型。让学生用Yes,there are. 来回答,先教师问,学生齐答;然后让学生根据挂图,两人一组、一问一答。待学生熟练上口后,再练习用否定回答。




Step l Revision

1.Duty report.

2.Free talk即检查昨天留的口语作业,运用Is there…?句型,但可以扩展,运用更多学过的句型。

3.复习上一课所学的句型,运用挂图、实物练习Is there…?句型。

Step 2 Presentation

拿出一些物品,并把它们堆放在课桌上说:Look at this desk,we can see many things on it.然后提问Is there a pen on the desk?帮学生回答,接着问 Are there any pens on the desk?(引出There be句型的一般疑问句的复数形式),帮助学生做肯定回答和否定回答,Yes, there are./No,there aren’t.

Step 3 Practice


2.看书第 54页的图,教师问Are there any…in the picture?学生回答。(可以让全体学生一起回答,也可以让个别学生回答)


Step 4 Presentation

指着教室问Are there any windows and desks in the classroom?让学生回答Yes,there are./Yes,there is one.再问Are there any birds in the classroom?让学生回答No,there aren’t.


Step 5 Practice


Step 6 Presentation

利用实物来复习How many…?句型,指出How many之后要接可数名词复数形式的用法。

例如:T:How many boys are there in the classroom?

S: There are…

T: How many teachers are there?

S: There is only one.

Step 7 Practice


2.把课本的3个部分合在一起,运用所学的句型Are there any…? How many…?


A: Look at the picture. Are there any birds /…in the picture?

B: Yes, there are.

A: How many birds /… are there in the picture?

B: There are…/There is only one. / There aren't any.

Step 8 Consolidation


Model: There are some boats in the river. (five)

Are there any boats in the river?

Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.

How many boats are there in the river?

There are five.

1. There are some old men under the big tree. (nine)

2. There are some boxes in the car. (twenty)

3. There are some jeeps near the house. (twelve)

4. There are some cups on the table (eight)


1. There are some boats on the river. (改为否定句)

2. There are some houses in the picture. (改为一般疑问句并肯定回答)

3. There are three people in my family. (对画线部分提问)

4. Are there any apples on the tree? (改为单数形式)

5. There are some hills in the picture. (与trees构成选择疑问句)

Step 9 Workbook



Step 10 Summary

1.让学生总结本课的句型Are there any…? How many…? 并提醒学生any的用法和How many后应接可数名词复数。

Step 11 Homework

1.口语作业:准备Free talk,运用句型Are there any…?How many…?



Lesson 篇八

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector, Pictures.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Listening Practice.

2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

Language focus:

be asleep, be busy with something/ be busy doing something, is if, break in two, at sea, shout to/ at. . . ,grab. . . ,in one's mouth, at least

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check homework first, practise some sentences using the Infinitive and ask some students to make up a dialogue.

III. Listening

Tell the students that there is something wrong with somebody in the listening; the doctor gives him diagnosis Prescription and some other suggestions. Listen to the text then do Exercise I in the workbook, read through the questions, play the tape again and find the answers, finally, check the answers with the whole class.

IV. Presentation

Tell the students today we are going to read a story about how the dog saves the baby .First the students read the text quickly, and find out what happened in the text. Then read the passage carefully, answer right or wrong. Correct the wrong statements.

V. Reading aloud

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Explain some language points.

1. be busy with / be busy doing

I am busy with my homework.

I am busy doing my homework.

2. as if She felt as if she was in a storm.

Get the students to do Exercise 3 in the workbook.

VI. Practice

Ask the students to read the proverbs below and understand the meanings of them, suggested infinitives to make your own proverbs.

VII. Write

Workbook Exercise 4. Write a report about what your parents do. First give the students an example, then ask them to do it.

VIII. Checkpoint

Go through Checkpoint 15. Explain something if necessary. Spend some time on the useful expressions.

IX. Workbook

Ask the students to do Exercises 4 and 5. Pay attention lo the use of the Infinitive

X. Summary

Exercise in class

Complete the following sentences.

1. The animals can't find____________________(足够吃的食物).

2.You need ____________________(一些喝的) , don’t you?

3. Li Lei has got___________________. (一些有趣的事要告诉我的)

4. Ifs very important ____________________ (好好休息) .

5.____________________(做早操)is very important every day.

6.Ifs good____________________(多喝水).

7.You’d better (吃些药)

XI. Homework

1. Revise the contents of the whole unit.

2. Retell the story.

3. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Lesson 篇九

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise the dialogue and picture in SB page 23, Part 2.

2 Revise the dialogue in Lesson 23, Step 2 and add a further suggestion using Why not…?

A: Shall we go to the zoo?

B: No, let's go to Zhongshan .Park!

A: OK! Why not ask the twins too?

B: Good idea!

Step 2 Word families

SB page 24, Part 1. Speech Cassette .

Ss listen and repeat. Remember that, for each group, the pronunciation is the same but the spelling varies: toilet, boy. Practise the individual sounds and the words with flashcards in the usual way.

Wb , Ex. 1. The answers are: meal, twin, toilet, from.

Step 3 Stress and intonation

SB page 24, Part 2. Speech Cassette .

Ss listen and repeat. Get them to use gestures to show the stress and intonation as they speak.

Step 4 Reading

Ask What animals live in a zoo? Make a list of the Ss' answers on the Bb.

SB page 24, Part 3. Ask Which animals do Lin Tao and Jim see? Get the Ss to read the dialogue quickly to find the answer. Then the Ss do Wb , Ex . 2 in pairs . Check the answers with the whole class .

Speech Cassette . Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.

Step 5 Acting

Ss practise the dialogue in pairs in the usual way. Get some pairs to act it out dramatically (using books for reference only ) .

Step 6 Checkpoint 6

Go through Checkpoint 6 and explain any problems arising.

Practise telling the time.

Step 7 Test

1 Dictate the following words and expressions:

a quarter past nine, half past eleven, ten minutes to four, a little earlier.

2 Write the following on the Bb:

1 A: ______?

B: No, thank you .

2 A: ______?

B: I would love to.

3 A: ______?

B: All right .

Get the Ss to complete the above dialogues.

Step 8 Workbook

Do Wb , Ex . 3, if time permits .

Do Ex . 3 in writing first, then the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs .

The answers are:

1 Would/Could; Yes/Certainly; Shall;

Good idea .

2 is going; great/good; Shall; Let's; All right/OK/Great .


Learn the contents of Checkpoint 6.

Revise the language items in this unit .

Lesson 篇十


1.掌握四会句型和短语:There is a map on the wall in the classroom. a man of China, Let’s look at the map. Where is/are + 介词短语?a map of, in China, on the wall(注意介词on, in, of的用法)。

2.掌握四会单词:China, let, us, Let’s=Let us,三会词turn, now和三会句型It’s your turn now.



l.课文第一部分句子:There is a map on the wall in the classroom.It’s a map of China. Let’s look at it.

2.on the wall, in the wall, a map of, look at, in China.掌握介词的用法。



1.It’s a map of China. China是专有名词,开头字母必须大写。of China是介词短语作定语,修饰名词map, of表所属关系。

2.Let’s=Let us

3.字母e在开音节和闭音节读音规则,以及辅音k, g, s, z的发音。






Step 1 Revision

1.Duty report.根据值日生报告提出几个问题,叫其他学生回答,或者让值日生本人提问其他学生。

2.Free all根据39课第三部分内容,利用实物自编自演对话。(检查家庭作业)

3.运用图片复习单词wall,clock,flower,blackboard,chair…和介词in/ on/ behind可以通过以下对话进行:

T:What’s this in English?/ What are these in English?

S:It’s a …/ They are some…

T:Where is it? Where are they?

S:It’s / They’re on/ in/ behind under…

Step 2 Presentation

教师把一张标有本省本市的地图挂在墙上,说:This is a map.It’s a map of China.

Now let’s look at the map.(板书并解释China是专有名词,Let’s=let us,是缩略形式,讲解a map of)领读这几个句子。指着地图上几个地点说:This is Beijing.This is Daqing and we are here.然后叫起一名学生问答:

T:Where is Beijing?

S1:It’ here.(用手指着地图)

T:(问所有学生)Is that right or wrong?

Ss:It’s right.


T:Where is Daqing?

:It’s here.

T:Where are we?

:We are in Daqing.

Step 3 Practice

1.合上书(听课文第一部分录音),问下列问题:Where is the map?Is it a map of China?放录音,第一遍听,注意语音、语调,第二遍跟读,模仿语调,听完录音后,找学生回答问题。

2.打开书齐读第一部分课文(解释Class Three是指三班全体学生,a map换成the map的原因),把全班分成两组(男生一组,女生一组)朗读并背诵课文。

3.让学生根据班级的实际情况,争取说出下列话语:There is a tap on the wall in our classroom.It’s a map of china.

Step 4 Presentation


T:Where’s Shenzhen?Do you know? Harbin → Heilongjiang

S:It’s here. Guilin → Yunnan

T:Er, is it near Chinese Taiwan? Guangzhou → Guangdong

S:No, it’s near Hong Kong. Chengdou → Sichuan

T:Where is Macao? Shenyang → Liaoning

S:Is it in Guangdong? Wuhan → Hubei

T:Oh, no, it’s an SAR.


Step 5 Practice





Step 6 Listen, read and say

1.教师出示一组单词卡片让学生朗读,然后板书he these see jeep e [i:]

再出示下组单词卡片让学生朗读,然后板书:egg desk pen spell e [e]

引导学生总结两组单词读音规则,然后写出音标[i:] [e]。讲解字母e在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则。打乱卡片次序,让学生读准单词。


Step 7 Listen and answer

1.对学生说:Open your workbook at Page 139, Listen.



Step 8 Presentation

教师把一块表放进文具盒里说:This is my it is in the pencil-box.然后叫一学生到讲台和老师进行下列对话:

T:Where’s the watch? Is it under the bag?

S:No, it isn’t. It’s in the pencil – box.

T:(把表拿出来放到书包下面)Is it in the pencil-box, now?

S:No, It isn’t. It’s under the bag.


Step 9 Checkpoint


Step 10 Consolidation



1.三班的学生__________ 2.他们教室的墙___________

3.他们教室的门_________ 4.在中国_________________

5.两张中国地图_________ 6.窗下___________________

7.在河北______________ 8.在门后________________

9.在墙上______________ 10.看一看图片___________

Step 11 Summary

让学生总结本课所学四会词和四会句型:There is a map on the wall in the classroom,a map of China,Let’s look at it.fish bowl,如有漏掉,教师补充。

Step 12 Homework

1.笔头作业:Workbook Ex. 5 and 6. 做在作业本上,其他的直接写在练习册上。

(Key:Ex 5 I can’t/No/ No; Ex 6 in the box/ on the floor/ on the/ desk/ near the door/ under the bed/in the book/ in the toilet/ on the hill



Lesson 40 (I)

New words:

This is a map.

china It a map of China.

let Let’s look at the map.

us a map of

let’s =let us in China

Macao look at

SAR fish bowl



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