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英文的简历 篇一





英文个人简历 篇二

English Resume

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you very much for you spending time to read my application letter.

To create a good opportunity for both of us,please allow me to introduce myself as below:

Personal Information:

Name: Xiaoling ZhangE-name:Vivian


Major:1. Applied Chemistry 2.Business Administration

Graduated School: South China University of Technology

English Level: CET-6

Working Experience: 3years

Mobile: 13538826xxxE-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Work Description:

July 20xx---May 20xx,worked in Maoming Petrochemical Mineral Ltd 。At the beginning I mainly charged of analysis products through chemic methods and reseached new products ,settled some producing problems.2 years later I changed to international trade,purchased producing materials which I must analyse them and make sure them in good quality and low price,followed up production process,made purchase plan ,received oversea visitors ,contacted customers by telephone and E-mail,dealed with some relative document, etc.

Special Skill:

1、 Knowledge covers the area of Chemistry and Business Administration

2、 3years working experience has improved my ability of organization and coordination,

3.Fluent in English,Mandarin and Cartonese

4.the international trade procedure

5.Proficient in MS such as Word,Excel,Powerpoint,Outlook


1.responsible,honest,easy-going and team work

2.Dynamic and pleased to accept challenge

3.Willing to study constantly and render all my knowledge to work

4.Attach much importance to self value increment

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Looking forward to hearingfromyou soon.

Best Regards


英文简历 篇三




Date of Birth: May 3th, 1971

Place of Birth: Gaobeideian City, Hebei Province

Professional Titiles: Senior Agronomist

Marrital status: Married

Current Adress: No. 2 Wenyuan Road, Gaobeidian City,

Hebei Province(Agricultural Bureau of Gaobeidian City)

Post Code: 074000

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

Driving license number (if you have ):


Education degree: Agricultural Extension Bachelor,Hebei Agricultural University

Major: Agricultural Technology Popularization

Name of emloyer: Agricultural Bureau of Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province

Working experience:

19xx---19xx: Worked in Sizhuang Township government of Gaobeidian City,as a agrotechnician;

19xx---present: Worked in Agricultural Bureau of Gaobeidian City ,from a Agronomist to a Senior Agronomist, Section chief of the Gaobeidoan Agricultural Technology Popularization station.

I have been engaged in Agricultural Science and Technology Research, popularization and management of important projects since I graduated, especially in the area of wheat and maize, cotton, mushroom, etc. I have been working for agrotechnique for 22 years. With professional knowledge techniques and experiments, I have taken part in the projects “service system of prospering village by science and technology ” as a expert.

educational back ground

1987---1991: studied in Baoding Agricultural College

major in Plant protection;

1995---1998: studied in Hebei Agricultural University,

major in Horticulture;

20xx---20xx: studied in Hebei Agricultural University,

major in Agricultural Extension.


In 20xx, I won the second prize by Ministry of

Agriculture for the project “ Wheat for quality high

yielding varieties and optimization supporting cultivation technology”;

In 20xx, I won the second prize by Ministry of

Agriculture for the project “Wheat advantage of

cultivation techniques of super-high-yield formation experiment and demonstration”; In 20xx, I won the prize of Jinnai Fund Award of farming ability promotion by The Chinese agricultural science and education foundation

英文简历 篇四

Xiao yong He

Rm. 2, 4F, Sun Tong Plaza, 1368 Huanhai Rd (W) English assistant position at a multinational company in Shanghai.


X X X Co., Ltd., Shanghai 2000-present Executive assistant to head of factory

Responsibilities include prioritizing appointment schedules and travel arrangements for the head of factory, managing confidential files and records, doing English and Japanese interpretation in business talks, and supervising and training clerical staff. Responsibilities included scheng appointments, keeping files, and traveling to Europe to make advance arrangements for client conferences and extensive client contact.

X X X Publishing Company, Shanghai 1995-1998 Office assistant

Responsibilities included word processing, data entry, filing, and sometimes bookkeeping.


X X X Training Center, Shanghai 1999

Completed course of computer typing skills, shorthand, computerized accounts, and manual bookkeeping.

X X X College of Continuing Education, Shanghai 1998

Completed one-year Japanese course

X X X College of Shanghai 1991-1995

Majored in English for Business, Obtained BA


Familiar with English accounting and bookkeeping

☆ Fluent in oral and written English

Able to communicate in Japanese

☆ Computer skills in Window XP

Typing speed of 80 wpm

☆ Good organizational skills

Experience of bilingual interpretation

References available on request

英文简历 篇五




to obtain a position as a biomedical researcher.

professional skills

operating systems

windows 98/95/00 , nt, linux

applications & languages

ms office (word, excel, powerpoint, access, frontpage), visual basic, labview, matlab, minitab, design expert

medical instrumentation

thermodilution, ultrasound, ecg, pacemaker, physiogrip, electroneurogram, electroencephalography(eeg)

design & optimization

using the graphic language labview, created electromyography (emg), electrocardiogram (ecg), automatic speech recognition (asr) system and performed basic engineering analysis


biogenesis labs, cleveland, oh

supervisor, XX to present

performed cancer research. assisted in overall lab management, directly supervising 8 researchers. responsible for maintenance of health and safety standards.

vitex labs, dayton, oh

staff scientist, XX to XX

investigated various aspects of eukaryotic metabolism, protein targeting and genetic transformation, ultimately leading to the metabolic engineering of organisms with designer pathways for biosynthesis of commercially valuable biochemicals and improved biomass accumulation.


b.s., molecular biology, XX

johns hopkins university, baltimore, md


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