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英语教学反思 篇一



2、体现了学生的主体地位。纵观这节课,我设计的环节都是让学生自主的根据情境说,学生参与面较广,充分调动了学生学习英语的积极性。整节课充分体现了以生为本的教育理念,安排了多样的学生活动,其中有个人、两人、小组的,有教师指导性的,也有需学生独立或合作完成的。让他们通过小组合作,pair work学会与他人交流,从而使学生的思维和想像力、审美情趣和艺术感受,协作和创新精神等综合素质得到发展。并以“小组比赛”的方式,充分调动了全体学生的参与积极性。



英语教学反思 篇二

Reflection on Teacher-centered and student-centered

strategy in English Classroom

For centuries, education and curriculum designers emphasized English curriculum on teacher-centered learning. In recent years, although student-centered teaching method has been developed and been approached in real learning environment, the decision such as selection of language contents, ways of learning, assessment and evaluation of learning outcomes are still being made by teachers or educators. Traditional teacher-centered teaching and learning was the main way how students learned and teachers taught when I was a student. Normally, in the initial stage of English study, learners learned new rules and some vocabularies firstly, and then during the period of the practices imitation, learners practiced their pronunciation, exercised about the grammar, recited vocabularies. And after some English structures have already been acquired, sentence patterns and grammatical features were acquired gradually.

Teaching features of traditional teacher-centered method Teacher-centered English learning environment in Chinese classroom for me at each English lesson can be a picture of those teachers specifying class objectives, highlighting entry and learning behaviors, selecting and sequencing learning activities, and then evaluating the outcomes and behavior of students at the ending process. The activities which teachers (www.)choosing were general answering question, reading together with classmates, listening to tapes, dialogues study, playing and using flash cards. The teacher may barely used discussion and some student activities from students sides. There also might be little interaction between students and the teacher and few group works in the classroom. The methods to assess and evaluate the language learning outcomes was the form of examination. The only role of a student was merely a listener.

Advantages of teacher-centered method:

This traditional English teaching -learning method in Chinese classroom as a foreign language focuses on input of knowledge and structures of language itself and grammatical system. To beginners of English learning or inexperienced learners, it is often necessary to begin by teachers instructing enough fundamental knowledge and making most of the decisions as the foundations of learning. Also learners from the teacher -centered English classroom may cover more topics during the same period and for teachers, they could achieve their objectives efficiently and control the class effectively.

Shortages of teacher-centered method:

Learners who exposed in a long listening environment as listeners rather than participants will feel bored, fatigued, tired, undisciplined and sleepy. Teacher -centered English learning situations in Chinese classroom also are less tolerant toward the expressed students’ viewpoints, and it is more restrictive, critical in valuing the behavior and motives of the students. This will constrict the creativity of students and they will less bring forth new ideas. Besides, one of the aims for learners to learn another language is for social interaction (Long, 1981)。 Students need to gain language communicational skills, need to carry out real world tasks and what they do with the language. While teacher -centered English teaching -learning style may block and less focus on the development of students ability to listening and speaking in English.

Student-centered learning has advantages for both students and teachers. Students develop learning and other skills and gain meaningful knowledge that will help them throughout life. The relationship between rights and responsibilities is learned.

Students discover that learning is interesting and fun and they learned more because they were involved. Teachers have less traditional work to do, especially in the upper level classes. Students are more attentive and willing to participate in the class.

Complaints about irrelevance and unfairness decrease. Teaching is interesting and fun. Disadvantages:

One disadvantage is that there are students who do not relate well to student-centered learning in spite of a teachers best efforts. This is most prevalent at the lower levels but can occur in upper level classes. Another disadvantage is that the students have to work in teams. They complain about being on teams. Also students find it difficult to work in teams because they have not been taught team skills. Since student-centred learning places much more reliance on the active role of the student than does traditional teaching (where the student has a relatively passive role), student commitment and motivation must of necessity be very high. Thus, it may be less appropriate for use with young or inexperienced learners than with older, more mature learners. Indeed, some people are never able to adapt to a student-centred style of learning.

As well as being the producers of learning materials, teachers have another new role in a student-centered learning system. They are no longer the primary conveyors of information, but adopt a more supportive counselling and tutorial role. This function may be difficult for some teachers to fulfill effectively (or even to accept) and, in many cases, it may be necessary to organize in-service courses and other staff development activities in order to help teachers to carry out their new role effectively. Teacher-centered method can give students lots of knowledge and information in a limited time. Student-centered method makes learning less stressful and more enjoyable. However, personally speaking, maybe the teacher-centered method is better for Chinese students. This method is more suitable in China, which has a large population and has a large number of students at school. Firstly, it is quite common that each class has more than 50 students, which makes the class hard to control. Such a large number makes the student-centered method almost impossible. Because the teacher doesn’t have enough time to organize any teaching activity, such as pair work, group work, and role-play. So class time is the first barrier of using student-method. Secondly, in China students’ seats are mostly set in a relative small space so that it is inconvenient for them to change their seats when a teaching activity is proceeding. Finally, the teacher-centered method can give students more knowledge and information in a limited time. That’s to say, this method can make our class as informative as possible. On the other hand, college students are eager for knowledge and ability so they prefer to learn a lot from their teachers and professors. I can’t deny that student-centered strategy is a trend in teaching-learning environment but teacher-centered one is more applicable and feasible in China of course we shall spare our great efforts to make adjustment to it.

英语教学反思 篇三

本课是关于运动会的话题,所以教学的重点单词就是有关运动会项目的词汇,Sports Day, have, metres, everyday, good luck, come on.重点句型分别是:1. We’re going to have a Sports Day.2. What are you going to do for Sports Day? 3. I’m going to ??基于此,我将教学的目标设定为1. Learn some new words of sports. Sports Day, have, metres, everyday, good luck, come on.2.Learn the asking and the answering way of the future tense with “be going to”。 What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to run the 100 metres.Where are you going, Daming?I’m going to run in the park.3.Some oral phrases: good luck! Come on!

在warmer环节中,我通过让学生谈论自己近期的打算引出句型What are you going to do? And :Where are you goingto go?通过练习,学生已经基本能够运用重点句型进行语言操练。在此基础上,我告诉学生:We are going to have a Sports Day. What are you going to do for Sports Day? 这时适时的展示新单词,让学生在学的过程中将单词放入句型加以运用,加深了记忆,同时也使学生更好的理解了重点句型。在学习完课文内容后,我设计了一个运动会报名表, 要求学生四人一小组运用本课的重点句型、单词,完成运动会报名表,达到了语言的实际运用。


英语教学反思 篇四






英语教学反思 篇五


第一课时,我处理了第一部分有关运动的四个单词,因为以前学生都接触过这些单词,学起来并不困难,我也改变了自己的教学方法,即我说字母在单词中的发音学生说字母,这样学生既能了解字母的发音规律,又能更好地记忆单词,同时也避免了教师在书写单词时学生大声说出后面字母的现象,对于学生来说是一种很新鲜的学习方法。同时“词不离句”的原则在本节课体现的很好,如在讲到basketball时,我会问,“Is basketball a food?” No,“Is that clothes?”No,"Yes,Its sport。后面的单词学生都知道了……is sport。在今后的课堂中我会继续沿用这个办法。不足之处在于对学生的个别关注还是不够,学生之间的差距很大,要多关注那些不会认读单词的孩子,可以降低对他们的要求,课堂上多关注这些学生。

在第二课时教学活动中,我们学习了T—shirt,shorts,runners和句型Do you have any……及其回答。T—shirt和shorts是以前学过的单词,对于学生来说并不困难,runners是新单词,但发音也不难,学生很容易就掌握了这个单词,在学习单词的同时我们也带入了句型Do you have any……在这样看似学单词的同时却学会了句子,而且我还发现当让孩子们在书上做笔记如“any用于疑问句中,some用于肯定句中”记这样的知识点时孩子们是很愿意写的,也许因为有汉语吧也许他们喜欢做笔记,刘洋小樊都在很认真地写笔记,随着年级的升高,有很多的语法知识点是可以让学生做笔记的。

英语教学反思 篇六













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