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更新时间:2023-07-24 来源:互联网 点击:


opera的单语例句 篇一

1. The opera's international cast and Italian conductor Janos Acs are now in Beijing for the final rehearsals.

2. This will be followed by a piece adapted from the modern Peking opera Sha Jia Bang.

3. She is not a soap opera junkie, but just knows the secret to christening fictional individuals by way of association.

4. Today, it has become something of a byword for Peking Opera itself.

5. Perhaps this explains why the fois gras looks like the perfect chocolate opera cake but retains the savory indulgence.

6. The young acrobats are dressed in vibrantly colored costumes that draw inspiration from Chinese cultural elements such as ink calligraphy and Peking Opera.

7. You may even chance upon a wedding procession or a Cantonese Opera show that adds a punchy splash of color to the scenery.

8. The canvas features 11 figures in which an old Shanghai gangster - surrounded by his concubines and bodyguards - is watching a Peking Opera performance.

9. The books published by the capital's Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press comprise the country's first serial translation of Peking Opera works into English.

10. I appreciate his returning to Chinese opera from pop singing to carry on Mei's approach to playing female roles.

opera的中文意思 篇二

英 [ˈɒprə] 美 [ˈɑ:prə]

原级:opus第三人称复数:opuses; opera

名词 歌剧; 歌剧艺术, 歌剧业; 作品( opus的名词复数 ); 砌


1. She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera.



1. 歌剧

An opera is a play with music in which all the words are sung.

e.g. ...a one-act opera about contemporary women in America.


e.g. ...Donizetti's opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor'.


opera的双语例句 篇三

1. I knew his opera whose score was published. It had a sickening smell of glue.


2. This account of the aspect of reformation of Chinese Opera reveals its features and limitations.


3. The decision was inspired by a spontaneous opera performance by the BBC at London`s Paddington Station in 2004, the paper said.


4. Fauchery, who had caught up his opera glass, looked at the countess, a plump brunette with a white skin and fine dark eyes.



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