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更新时间:2023-07-24 来源:互联网 点击:


英语单词mat的网络解释 篇一

1、 席:组成见表它是一些无机物经高温融熔合而成 再经玻璃纤维的制成可分两种 一种是连续式(Continuous)的纤维另一种则是不连续式(discontinuous)的纤维前者即用于织成玻璃布(Fabric) 后者则做成片状之玻璃席(Mat) FR4高电流密度

2、 席子:mat pat hat cat eat fat rat bat (相同字母:at) 席子(mat)拍子(pat)帽子(hat)堵,猫(cat)吃(eat)肥(fat) 。.。.。.第五步 发展品牌体验 发展品牌体验是品牌战略管理的第五个步骤,品牌体验是对品牌识别进行传递从而改变目标受众的。认知、态度、行为和关系的过程,

3、 垫子:第三次被捉时,守卫已经不见,你会看到一张纸条,写着钥匙就放在垫子(Mat)的下面。 拾起你的物品,与架上的鸟(MynaBird)不断交谈,由于游戏的谜题每次都会有变化,你必须将它所有可能的说话记录下来,大致上是在说哪种颜色的第几本书必须先或后被拉动,

4、 垫:那个肥(fat)的老鼠(rat),把一顶帽子(cat)当成了公寓(flat),在7点钟,坐在坐垫(mat)上正在和蝙蝠(bat)闲谈(chat),一只不知什么(what)颜色的猫扑了过来

5、 mat:machine-aided translation; 机器辅助翻译

6、 mat:microscopic agglutination test; 显微镜凝集试验

7、 mat:micro alloy transistor; 微合金晶体管

8、 mat:multiple access test; 多路访问测试

英文mat表达的中文意思 篇二

英 [mæt] 美 [mæt]

名词 席子,垫子; (体育运动用的)厚垫子; 衬边; 团,簇

及物动词 遮盖,用垫子作装饰; 使…缠结; 给(照片)镶框; 使…表面无光


形容词 粗糙的; 暗淡的,无光泽的。

英文单词mat的词典解释 篇三

1. (杯、盘的)垫,垫子

A mat is a small piece of something such as cloth, card, or plastic which you put on a table to protect it from plates or cups.

e.g. The food is served on polished tables with mats.


2. 地毯;地垫;地席

A mat is a small piece of carpet or other thick material which is put on the floor for protection, decoration, or comfort.

e.g. There was a letter on the mat...


e.g. Bring a sleeping bag and foam mat.


3. 一簇;一丛;一团

A mat of something such as grass or moss is a thick, untidy layer of it.

e.g. The houses are well spaced out, each on its own plot of ground and mat of coarse grass...


e.g. She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest.


4. see also: matt;place mat

英文单词mat的单语例句 篇四

1. The raw material is cattails, so it is also known as a cattail mat.

2. It has a classic mat varnish effect on the CD surface and spot gloss varnish on both sides.

3. Luo ran round the mat with a Chinese national flag to celebrate her win, politely making bows to the spectators around and shaking hands with some of them.

4. The document runs to five pages of small type and is full of technical terms such as " Multistate 12 MAT adjustable rate rider ".

5. I really hope the British government reconsiders its decision quickly and puts the " welcome mat " back on its doorstep.

6. Toyota told NHTSA in June it knew of 63 reports of possible floor mat pedal entrapment.

7. US President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 promising to go to the mat with China over unfair trade.

8. Even on a trip to Shanghai, he took his mat along.

9. Everyone should bring their own mat and a towel to place under the mat as you will be on the grass.

10. Authorities believe floor mat problems in Toyota and Lexus vehicles are linked to five US crash deaths since 2007.

英语单词mat的中文意思 篇五

英 [mæt] 美 [mæt]


名词 席子,垫子; (体育运动用的)厚垫子; 衬边; 团,簇

及物动词 遮盖,用垫子作装饰; 使…缠结; 给(照片)镶框; 使…表面无光

不及物动词 缠结

形容词 粗糙的; 暗淡的,无光泽的

英语单词mat的双语例句 篇六

1、 Mat Head, was a female, the spouse of Quetzal Macaw, and here is where the story begins.


2、 If I had it to do all over again, I would not have used the fiberglass mat.


3、 Then the Chinese furniture developed its own characters, such as mat, table, couch, desk, bed, stool, arm chair, chairs, and fauteuil, throne… With the development of society, the furniture tells the history of evolvement; as time went by, the differences on the tastes among the different classes became more and more visible.


4、 A border, such as a mat, that is used to frame or mount a picture.


5、 Kids will enjoy rolling the fondant on the work mat with the rolling pin.


6、 See there is tool of a few appearances on a piece of on the side of the master that building a car broken straw mat only, dropping about all around the model bowl that installs messtin and the rubbish that pile caboodle.


7、 In view of this pro blem, employing giant magnetostrctive mat erials to construct the base of the micr o-position is proposed in this paper.


8、 I am lucky enough to enjoy my closed cell foam mat.


9、 In case someone's trying to steal your bamboo sleeping mat.。.


10、 Our main products all kinds of, wireless bamboo mat, bamboo carpet wireless, as well as embroidery and other wireless products, factory design, production and sales; Products are exported to Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.



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