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更新时间:2023-08-10 来源:互联网 点击:


英语求职信格式 篇一

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in Beijing Today. I majored in Business English. My training in Business English and Secretarial English will definitely meet your qualifications. I’ll graduate form Beijing University in June2010. In addition to the required courses of my major, I’ve studied Computer as my second major. I’ve also had a part-time job as a secretary in a company for 2 years. I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me suitable for this position.

I have enclosed a complete resume fort7t8美文号www.t7t8美文号 detailed information. I hope you will consider me for this position. Please reach me by telephone 134xxxxx.

英语求职信 篇二

Dear leaders:


My name is the economic law of a tvu graduates。

In school during the strict mentorship lessons and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of marketing and other related theories; familiar with the work of popular foreign etiquette; with good english listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; be able to skillfully operate a puter office software。 At the same time, my spare time to extensively studied under a large number of books, not only enriched his own, but also develop their own multi-faceted skills。 More importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shaped me simple, stable and innovative traits。

In addition, i also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own。 University for four years, i deeply feel, with the best students to work to benefit me in the petition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration。

Grandparents have taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; xxx university, has trained i am being pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising style。 I love your organization are engaged in the cause, eagerly look forward to your leadership, the building blocks for this glorious cause; and in practice, learning and progress。

Believe me, believe your choice is right!

英语求职信 篇三

Dear Sir,

please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in“yangcheng evening news”of april 9. i am 28 years of age and unmarried. after receiving my b.b.a.fromxiamen university,i worked for three years as an office clerk at china great wall computer group(shenzhen)company. for the last two years i have been a secretary to the general manager of haicheng foodstuffs company,ltd. in shenzhen. i am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business. i have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. copies of my testimonials are enclosed,and if you are interested in my application,please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.sincerely yours,xxxdear sirs,please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in“yangcheng evening news”of april 9. i am 28 years of age and unmarried. after receiving my b.b.a.fromxiamen university,i worked for three years as an office clerk at china great wall computer group(shenzhen)company. for the last two years i have been a secretary to the general manager of haicheng foodstuffs company,ltd. in shenzhen. i am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business. i have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. copies of my testimonials are enclosed,and if you are interested in my application,please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.

sincerely yours,


英语求职信格式 篇四

Dear Manager:

I'm pleased to hear that you are seeking for a typist. I wish to offer my services.

I'm sixteen years old, female. I have learned English for three years, and has been the best in our class. I have just finished middle school. I can type 11 English words per minute.

If you are interested in my application, I would be glad to come for an interview. Thank you.


Wang Xiaoling


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