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更新时间:2023-09-12 来源:互联网 点击:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview。 I hope I can make a good performance today。 I'm confident that I can succeed。 Now I will introduce myself briefly。 I am 26 years old, born in Shandong pr读书破万卷下笔如有神,以下内容是为您带来的6篇《自我介绍英语翻译》,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给最好的朋友。

英语自我介绍带翻译 篇一


I am a sunflower like girl, although it is the most insignificant one in a large area. But I have a dream, my dream is to be like a sunflower that never yield in spite of reverses ever upward, learning and strong life, I believe that in the near future I must be a sunflower in the most dazzling, someone gave me the thumbs up shouting "Zhang Hengqi, your success"。


My name is Zhang Hengqi, is a timid but kind-hearted girl, love fantasy, love and fun, love painting and house. I dont have a lot of painting, though. But I love to draw beautiful MM. Beautiful MM is not in the eyes of others, but it is so perfect in my eyes. Mm is not only beautiful, but also witty, brave and humorous. I really want to be the next mm.


After the entrance examination, others were better than me, and only I was worse than my score in my partner. She was 327, she was 317, and I was 298. Only when I didnt get the admission notice, I was ashamed and embarrassed. I didnt dare to look in the mirror. I was afraid I would take a look in the mirror, and the mirror would be broken. Not only the mirror would be broken, but also my heart would be broken together, and I could not stick with 502 glue, and I would be laughed at.


What do I need at this time? A whisper in the ear: "abandon the past and start again!" I was surrounded by a share of warm current. Gradually, the heart slowly healed. I need to get up my courage and raise my head. Where to fall, where, the victory is in front of, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, as long as I work hard, I will be successful, it will be. Flush! Do not abandon, do not give up! In a word: "never give up."


Look, Im the guy who knows everything and I dont know anything. I am also a fantasy, anything to try, everything to be successful "silly girl." Today, as usual, I was standing in the doorway of a middle school with a schoolbag.

英语自我介绍带翻译 篇二


I 20xx University graduates Social Sports session, performance excellence, sports and basic skills down. University branch secretary for four years as class groups responsible, enterprising, hard working, high moral character, serious and responsible work. Won a scholarship every year, Excellent student title, and received outstanding graduates, outstanding intern, outstanding League Cadres, Party members.

In all respects strict demands on themselves, thinking motivated, study hard, work for, simple life. Four years of rigorous practice to make me a good university graduates. Strong self-learning ability, to overcome problems; with solid professional skills and strong theoretical basis

Calm; has a strong ability to identify and deal with non-; have strong organizational skills and social adaptability.

Certificates: National Computer level, Certificate III in English; the National Putonghua 2 B certificates; School Poetry Recitation Contest first prize.

Thank you!



我 20xx年大学毕业生社会体育会议,性能卓越,体育基本技能了。大学分公司四年来担任班级负责人、事业心强、工作努力、品德高尚、工作认真负责。每年获得奖学金,优秀学生称号,并获得优秀毕业生、优秀实习生、优秀团干部、党员干部。





自我介绍范文英文带翻译 篇三

My name is amiable, this year ten years old, Yang temple is in fourth grade four class, now after this summer vacation, will be in grade five.

I'm not tall, always sitting in the front row. At the same time I am not fat nor thin, has a black head of long hair, small curved eyebrows under have a pair of bright eyes.

I love to make NiHua, also recently in spring scenery! I also like watching books and computer graphics. Won the school first grade four groups of extracurricular knowledge contest third prize, third prize twice computer painting.

My weakness is watching TV, love to play computer, regardless of the job, just because of this, my mother often and I had a day.

My advantage is don't love with money.

I hate cats and dogs, because it is the children have a lot of fleas, bite my whole body is scars.

This is me, after I introduce to me some understanding!








英语自我介绍带翻译 篇四

I am a girl named yan-qing sun. On the fourth grade this year. But I am tall, now is 156 cm. Every time to dining room dozen rice when other people ask: "you is sixth grade!" "I am the fourth grade. I will tell them calmly. I have a pair of big eyes, a small and a big nose, a small mouth.

I have many hobbies: reading, painting, writing, lover, friend... You may not know my personality. My character is very cheerful. The whole class are my good friend.

I'm a bit of a fierce, the boys gave me up a nickname: "tiger." On one occasion, Ma Tao let out a cry: "tigress, the big bad Wolf." I know he want to fool me again. My voice is very high, I let out a cry. "You go - to - I - - -! My voice is too loud, the whole could be heard through the building. Ma Tao scared to shout loudly 1:" tiger angry! "Say that finish it off and ran away.

Listen to my introduction, you want to make friends with me?





自我介绍英语翻译 篇五

Each of the examiner and students "play" for a short time, how to ensure the accuracy of judgement in a short period of time? The examiners will say as much as possible to excavate the students from all aspects of the potential. "Maybe the time only to ask a question, may also have a dozen questions, in according to the examinee answer, further inquiry, if the candidates did not answer a question, I will continue to ask for a few point, has been whether he really do not know, only to ask other questions"。

In addition, each candidate must go through each examiner's investigation, and ultimately the views of all together, there are a few years of experience in an interview with the examiner said that the majority of the final evaluation of the consistency of the candidates are very high.



英语自我介绍带翻译 篇六

hallo,I call XX.This year is 22 years from XXXX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etc..Thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!



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