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免费英文个人简历模板 篇一

brandi. d potts

4930 powder house road

lake worth, fl33463


email id-

career objective

seeking the position of an architect in a reputed technology/it firm that offers immense growth opportunities and allows me to utilize my cognos experience and business intelligence skills for the advancement of a project and the organization.


8+ years of total work experience

experience in cognos and olap software and solutions

in-depth knowledge of business intelligence and performance management

proficient in the use of systems architecture

knowledge and experience of data warehousing practices and applications

skills and proficiencies

expert in developing and designing architectural solutions according to project/business need

ability to understand end to end scope of work by analyzing the requirements provided

strong command in written and verbal communication

ability to deal with both domestic and international clients

good presentation skills and detail oriented

professional experience

jan XX to present

abc technologies. ltd., new york

senior architect architect

job responsibilities:

designed cognos framework according to the need of the project

handled tm1 and controller products to install, configure and apply in the server

engaged in project planning, controlling, and documentation

involved in project budget and cost estimation

arrange all project solution and transfer it to the testing and production unit

handled a number of issues and made necessary changes immediately

coordinated with off-shore clients directly

managed several projects and completed them successfully

prepared reports of all cognos models

june XX - dec XX

rst corporation, ny

cognos architect

job responsibilities:

managed both off-shore and on-shore clients

designed cognos and olap framework models and reports

developed, managed and monitored testing and production environment

handled multiple projects including over 20 application servers

arranged to obtain the cognos licenses after negotiation with vendors

worked on cognos tools including tm1, xcelarator, enterprise and express

manage cognos data in excel and spreadsheets

ensured delivery of projects within deadline

may XX - june XX

xyz inc, fl

cognos developer

job responsibilities:

developed and managed projects through cognos solutions

applied and worked on cognos tm1 and enterprise

coordinated with the client and took project requirements and feedback

provided valuable input at all stages of work

took care of the technical and operational issues

ensure that the projects were completed within the deadline and budget

build and installed framework

ensured proper scheduling and administration of cognos connection

educational qualifications

master's degree in information technology from xyz university of technology, new york, XX

bachelor's degree in computer science from abc college, fl, XX

major achievements

received best contributor award consecutively for four years till date

awarded by ibm for being a part of major development team

invited as a speaker at the cognos global conference



designation: sr. software manager

organization name: abc technologies. ltd., new york

telephone number: 793-xxx- xxxx

email id:

自我评价工作思路 篇二


成语食品开幕词 篇三


英语求职简历格式 篇四


个人基本简历简历编号:更新日期:姓 名:国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:梅州身材:161 cm 50 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:28 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易类:翻译,外贸跟单、英语翻译:采购员,外资公司跟单、贸易类:外贸跟单、外贸业务员、进出口业务员工作年限:3职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时月薪要求:--3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:广州名扬光电科技有限公司起止年月:-07 ~ -05公司性质:私营企业所属行业:其他担任职务:出口业务经理工作描述:负责业务开发,带领团队离职原因:公司名称:广州金华阿拉科贸易有限公司起止年月:-10 ~ 2006-07公司性质:外商独资所属行业:担任职务:外贸跟单工作描述:负责产品价格咨询,报价,下订单,订单跟进,订柜,出货,做单等外贸整个流程。离职原因:公司名称:广州中人华昌日产汽配有限公司起止年月:-08 ~ 2003-10公司性质:所属行业:担任职务:销售员工作描述:负责销售产品离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学最高学历:大专毕业日期:2002-07-01所学专业一:商务英语所学专业二:西班牙语受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号-092002-07广东外语外贸大学商务英语课程毕业2000-09-07广东外语外贸大学日语周末班课程`毕业2003-03广东思科达管理认证顾问培训中心ISO9001质量体系课`毕业2006-01参加多次阿里巴巴环球资源的`市场开发培训`毕业2006-09-07广东外语外贸大学西班牙语课程`毕业语言能力外语:英语 优秀其它外语能力:西班牙语 一般国语水平:优秀粤语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长专业技能:











随同英国某某公司行政总裁到广州香雪制药厂,南海月顺电声器材厂,里程实业(香港)有限公司,广州科玛化妆品制造有限公司,永泰和汽车用品有限公司等。详细个人自传注:保险、中介勿电,任何网站不得私自。个人联系方式通讯地址:联系电话:138XXXXXXXX家庭电话:保险中介勿电手 机:138XXXXXXXXQQ号码:电子邮件:个人主页:

主义鄂教版庆典申请报告 篇五


谚语建党 篇六


英文版工作简历模板 篇七

Personal information


Education: master of engineering

Mobile phone:


Mail Address: Room 402, No. 32, Lane 1133, Zhang Yang Road,

Pudong, Shanghai, PRC, 20xx20

Work Experience

Jan 20xx--Oct 20xx. Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC.

Aug 20xx--Jan.20xx. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group)。 My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC.

- Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services)。 With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong.

- As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company.

Major skills

Rich experiences in sales and engineering project management

Managerial skills in operation of rep offices

Intimate sense in business


Sept 20xx- Mar.20xx, Dong Hua University(Formerly known as China Textile University, Master’s degree in Engineering obtained, research subject was using single chip computer to collect and monitor the signals from the process machine.

英文简历 篇八


nationality: China

At present location: hai national: han

Seat of registered permanent residence: the tianhe district figure: 163 cm 48 kg

Marital status: single age: 25 years old

Education background

Graduate school: south China agricultural university

The highest degree: bachelor degree: graduation date: 2009-07-01

Objective and work experience

Talent type: ordinary applying for a job

Applied position: clothing design

Term: the title: intermediate

Job types: full-time date available: at any time

Monthly salary requirements: 2000-3500 hope work areas: guangzhou shenzhen foshan

Personal work experience: the company name: start-stop years: 2009- 2010-09 brahman Sally fashion international garments Co., LTD

The company properties: private enterprise by sector: clothing/textile/leather/shoes

In the position of: design assistant

Job description: according to company development and the requirements of customers, assist the designers to find information, drawing, looking for textiles face, good finishing design sheet and communication how to hit edition version division, with edition (including all of the textiles face and process in the follow up)。 Out in the sample after version and the revision and participate in the customer order.

Leaving reason:

Company name: start-stop years: 2008-05-2009-04 merchant dress Co., LTD

The company properties: private enterprise by sector: clothing/textile/leather/shoes

In the position of: design assistant

Job description: according to the company's brand style, each quarter theme development plan design, tie-in textiles face, finish the first draft of the governor reviewing, then take the examination and approval and good draft version division to communicate a version, and with edition includes with embroidery, printing, etc, until a new design template complete. And participate in the late judge version and overhauling.

Leaving reason:

英文简历模板 篇九

basic information

Resume: RESUME

Name: XXX

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: Jan.18, 1975 Marital Status: Single

Mobil: 13822291300



20xx.09-- 20xx.12 AIA International Financial Reporting Standards Course

20xx.09--20xx.07 Guangzhou Radio & TV University

Bachelor: Accounting

1994.09--1997.07 Jinan University, Finance Department

Associate: Stock Investment

Working Experience

Guangdong Securities Co., Ltd 1997.07—20xx.09

Postion: Staff , Customer Service Department

1. Gathered information from financial media in support of the investors’ decision-making;

2. Provided staff training on investment conception and analytical skills,;

3. Assisted in organization of large-scale lectures on investment consulting, writing lectures’ briefs and recommended securities and services;

4. Provided consultation on trading operation, dealt with counter business (including securities trading, accounts opening and funds transference).

Everbright Securities Co., Ltd. 20xx.10—20xx.03

Position: Customer Service & Financial Advisor, Customer Service Department


1. Provided frontline customers with investing instruction and suggestion for their risk- return preference;

2. Introduced online business and Stock Trading Settlement Service on Commission;

3. Maintained daily operations on the trading floor, communicated with departments and reported trading conditions and problems to management;

4. Managed trading rooms for middle clients, providing consultation on business affairs, making statistical analysis of the monthly margins/volumes.

Xinjiang Securities CO., Ltd. 20xx.04—20xx.11

Position: Account Supervisor,Customer Service Department


1. Provided investing suggestions to clients;

2. Promoted the company’s marketing strategies;

3. Broaden client base, introduced online business and Stock Trading Settlement Service on Commission;

4. Maintained relationships with key accounts, providing consultation on business affairs, making monthly margins/volumes statistics and analysis.

Guangdong Ericsson Technology Co., Ltd. 20xx.12—20xx.03

Position: Administrative Associate, NRO Division


1. HR data statistical verification and budget control in CATS system,

2. Assisted in dealing with the financial budget application, approval and payment issues for the division;

3. Organized the team-building activities for departments;

4. Made damaged products replacement application through ECHO system;

Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd. 20xx.04—

Position: Administration Supervisor, Purchasing Department


1. Wrote purchase cost-analysis reports, establishing costs control evaluation and forecasting systems;

2. Developed Asia Pacific suppliers channels, leading price negotiation with vendors;

3. Handled department’s financial issues and ensured tim(t7t8美文号www.)ely purchasing payments;

4. Followed up purchase orders, oversaw vendors’ production and delivery;

5. Provided performance evaluations of suppliers, dealt with department administrative affairs and document filing.

Special Abilities

English (CET- 4)

Securities Investment (Certificates of Stockbroker and Investment Analyst )

Accounting(AIA IFRS Diploma & AMIA Certificate)

Computer (Office20xx, Website design, Typing: 80words/ min)

Writing (Advertising Copy, Business Papers and Analysis of Marketing Research)


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