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更新时间:2024-04-14 来源:互联网 点击:

英语b级酒店预订范文 第一篇

Dear Sir or Madam, 

We have made following booking via my travel agency. Would you please help me double check whether it is confirmed already?

Comfirmation ID: 酒店确认号(如果有的话)

Name of Client: 客人姓名

Check in:  入住日期

Check out: 退房日期 

Room Type: 房型

Special Comments: Honeymoon

please kindly re-confirm my booking by return email.  


英语b级酒店预订范文 第二篇

Dear sir, thank you for your email in April. I'm glad to learn that you will come to Taipei next week. Please confirm your arrival date and time by email and let me know if I need to reserve a hotel.

I look forward to seeing you soon, Jack Chen.




英语b级酒店预订范文 第三篇

Dear XXX Hotel has made a reservation at your hotel. The reservation number is XXX. I will take flight XXX to Bangkok.

Arrival time: March 9 at Suvarnabhumi airport. I would like to reserve airport transfer service. Please confirm this reservation as soon as possible.

Thank you for coming.



英语b级酒店预订范文 第四篇

Dear sir, thank you for your email in April. I'm glad to learn that you will come to Taipei next week. Please confirm your arrival date and time by email and let me know if I need to reserve a hotel.

I look forward to seeing you soon, Jack Chen.



英语b级酒店预订范文 第五篇

Summer vacation travel has advantages and disadvantages. Students have a lot of time to spend. They don't have to worry about time.

But when we travel in summer vacation, there are too many people, the weather is very hot, and more importantly, tickets are more expensive. Sometimes there are too many people in famous scenic spots. We can't enjoy the beautiful scenery and food.

Sometimes it's difficult for us to book a hotel.



英语b级酒店预订范文 第六篇

Where can I get a ticket for the airport bus? Which bus can take me to the center? I want to go to the hotel? Where can I get off? Please tell me if I have a room available? I'd like to reserve a room I want to stay in Holt for a day. How much do you charge? Is breakfast not included in the rent% if I arrive late, do I need to pay a service charge? Please don't cancel the reservation. How safe is it near the hotel? I don't know how to fill in this registration card.

Please help me to deliver my luggage here. The rooms are all literate. The bellboy does need to pay a deposit.

The hotel here can keep my valuables Please wake me up tomorrow * * Please check me out. I need to arrive before * * Please open the air conditioner and open (close) the window. I'll get off here.

Please get off at the left (right) corner of the next street.



英语b级酒店预订范文 第七篇

I'd like to reserve a double room for next Tuesday. A double room with a front view is $a night, and a room with a back view is $a night. I think I'll have a front room then.

How long will you stay? We'll leave on Sunday morning. We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday. I'd like to reserve a single room with bath from October afternoon to October morning.

We have a single room available for these dates. What's the price, please? The current price is US dollars a night. Is there any service? It doesn't sound bad at all.

I'll take it. By the way, I'd like a quiet room to walk down the street if possible..







英语b级酒店预订范文 第八篇

Dear Sir/Madam:

I booked XX(酒店名字) via the XX(代理或者酒店预订平台名称) Could you please help me to check the reservation?

Hotel Information:XX(酒店名)

Confirmation Number:XX(预订号)

Room type: XX(房间类型+日期)

No. room: XX (房间数)

Meal plan: XX (餐饮计划)

Date: Check inXX,Check out:XX (入住和离店日期)

Total PAX: XX (人数)

Client name:XX (预订名字)

Special Comments: XX (特殊说明,可以是蜜月,可以要求无烟房,随便你定制)

I'm looking forward to your reply, Thank you very much!

Yours XX (落款名字)


英语b级酒店预订范文 第九篇

A: Hello, this is XX hotel. What can I do for you? B: Hello, I'd like to book a single room. A: when do you need B: May A: I'm sorry, we don't have single rooms that day, but we still have some double rooms.

If you book a double room, we'll give you a discount. The price is not high. B: that's OK, but I'd like a second floor.

A: OK, what's your name? B: Jim, green. A: your phone number is B: A: Yes, please. B: Thank you.

A: you're welcome.


A: 您好,这是XX酒店,我能为您做些什么B:您好,我想订一个单人房A:您什么时候需要B:May A:对不起,我们那天没有单人房了,但是还有一些双人房如果您预订双人房,我们会给您折扣,不高B:没关系,但是我想要一个第二层A:好,你叫什么名字B:吉姆,格林A:你的是B:A:好的,接B:谢谢A:不客气。

英语b级酒店预订范文 第十篇

Mr. or Ms. 1Dear: in March, I reserved a room at your hotel, where I was scheduled to stay overnight in April (reservation reference number: Rh / because I was planning to attend a meeting in your city, unfortunately, I was told that the meeting would be cancelled in April.

What's worse, I forgot to cancel my reservation with you until yesterday, the receptionist of your hotel called me and said I didn't check it I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll give up the deposit to compensate you for the loss. Your sincerity, Li Qing / Rh / 2 Dear Ms.

Li, we have received your letter in April explaining the reason why you failed to check in in in April. I'm sorry I can't help you, but please allow us to serve you the next time you visit our city. We have received your letter in April, which explains why you can't stay in April.

We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to serving you sincerely at ABC hotel in the future.




英语b级酒店预订范文 第十一篇

Dear Zhang Sheng, thank you for your letter. For the holidays, I think it's a good idea to go to the beach, because it's very interesting and exciting. You can go fishing, swimming and surfing.

You can also enjoy the sunshine and enjoy the beautiful scenery. You can book hotel rooms first. There are many large rooms and swimming pools in the hotel.

From the window of the room, you can see the beach. Finally, don't forget to take sunglasses, sun hat and swimsuit, take a few photos and have a good time.



英语b级酒店预订范文 第十二篇

Dear leader of XX Hotel: Hello, I am a student of Public Management Department of XX University of technology. I graduated in July this year. I am very happy to see your recruitment information on the Internet.

The job seeker has the liberty to submit a letter to the individual and look forward to your opinions. I studied public management, but it is more like a senior student of hotel management in the last semester. I just got in touch with the hotel manager I was deeply attracted to the Internet to search for information, and with a certain understanding, I found that this is what I want to do.

Although there are some evenings, after all, it is not easy to find love for my work. I am very lucky that the hotel is a place to bring comfort and pleasure to people. That kind of environment and atmosphere is what I yearn for, and people engaged in hotel management work in all these work Hotel industry is an industry full of vitality and development prospects, especially the rapid growth of domestic hotels, foreign hotels have entered China, which also gives the hotel industry full of opportunities and challenges.

I am committed to hotel management as a career to do, so your company recruitment cadres reserve positions, hope that this industry has a good development However, there is a certain degree of lack of professional knowledge, but I found that hotel management personnel have a strong thirst for knowledge, I was admitted to a four-year university, with good learning ability, and ready to apply for assistance, after the hotel management examination, I was ready to bear hardships and endure hard work. Your company is willing to start from the grass-roots level, so that their hotel with the continuous development of one Step by step, thank you for reading this letter and considering the requirements of my applicant. I hope to have the opportunity to have an interview with you.

I sincerely look forward to your reply. Sincerely, respectfully.


英语b级酒店预订范文 第十三篇

Dear Hotel xxx(酒店名字),

please reserve a double room (单人的话改成single room) for me from XX to XX(预定入住那天-离开那天的日子)

Please send an attached Doc-File to my e-mail address to confirm the reservation!

Thank you very much in advance!

My e-mail: 你邮件地址

Persons: 入住人数

No. room: XX (房间数)


Address: 你地址


Dear All,

I just booked the room and paid the money via credit card in your website. But i did not get the confirmation email and the items can not be found iin my booking page. Could you help me to check it and let me know the booking and payment status? My booking NO is XX(确认号)




英语b级酒店预订范文 第十四篇

Subject:Hotel reservation

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to book 3 single rooms from May 9 to 12. Could you please tell me what your rates are?If possible I would like 2 smoking rooms and one non-smoking you please confirm whether you have any rooms available for those 3 nights?Also, please let me know what the check-out time is on the 12th?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours truly,

Tom Qu


Zanzan Co.

英语b级酒店预订范文 第十五篇

Dear Mr. Baker, I'm glad to hear that you are coming to Fuzhou, so I welcome you to arrive early as soon as you arrive at the International Airport. You can take a taxi or airport bus to the Oriental Hotel.

It is about 20 kilometers away from the airport. I have reserved a room for you in the hotel. I suggest you come to my office and talk with me about business the next day.

If you need help, please call Words to me, I will always be here to serve you, I look forward to your sincere reply from Wang Dong.



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