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中国购物的变化英语范文通用6篇翻译 中国购物的变化英语范文通用6篇

更新时间:2024-05-01 来源:互联网 点击:

中国购物的变化英语范文 第一篇

Shopaholics of Our Times


In trying to keep up with the Jones, many people buy more than they can really afford.


For some who purchase many items they neither need or use, however, there is more than merely trying to keep up with the Jones going on.


These people have a compulsive shopping disorder, addicted to going to malls and buying things they really don't need.


They spend a lot of time juggling accounts and bills to be able to continue to shop for more things and lie to others about the amount of shopping done and the amount of money spent.


Compulsive shopping is the uncontrollable desire to purchase items.


In a society that celebrates spending and credit, this behavior is usually looked upon as a joke rather than a serious problem.


Shopaholics are often viewed as merely being financially irresponsible and therefore left on their own with no support in dealing with their problem.


Studies indicate that as many as 1 in 12 people in the US suffer from shopaholism with 80%-90% of those suffering from it being women.


The typical compulsive buyer is a woman in her early to mid-30s who has a number of credit cards and whose family earns a low to middle income.


The shopaholism can have devastating effects.


It often leads to financial problems, such as overspending and can also create mental and emotional difficulties.


中国购物的变化英语范文 第二篇

Note: in this section, you can write a short article about online shopping in a few minutes. You should at least write a short article according to the outline given below: online shopping, as a behavior of purchasing products and services through the Internet, is becoming more and more popular. Many people like this shopping method because it is simple, but like other new equipment, People may be unconsciously exposed to its threat.

For those who work long hours, the Internet first provides them with a lot of convenience. They don't have time to visit stores during normal trading hours. Online retailers also allow 24-hour orders every day.

Because there are detailed product descriptions in most cases, online shopping provides customers with comparative product prices Compared with traditional stores, these goods are cheaper than online stores, so they attract most people. At the same time, online shopping has many advantages. There are also threats and concerns about this way of shopping.

Information security is the focus of people's attention. Online payment may be less secure because of identity theft. Another problem of online shopping is misleading and false Product information in my opinion, online shopping is a double-edged sword, shopping in well-known online stores is a double-edged sword, a good solution to ensure pleasant and comfortable online shopping.


中国购物的变化英语范文 第三篇

Note: in your article, write an article according to the table below, you should explain the table below, and write down the words you should write on the answer sheet) the table above shows the changes of shopping methods. From the above table, it can be seen that the ratio of online shopping has been rising from year to year. From to, the traditional shopping has grown from small to large, from small to large, and the online shopping rate and traditional shopping rate are both at With the development of China's economy, people have changed their lifestyle.

They don't think traditional shopping is a good thing. Therefore, the ratio of traditional shopping begins to decline. Secondly, with the improvement of people's living standards and Internet technology, people can enjoy the fun of online shopping From the chart discussed at present, it can be predicted that this situation will continue for a period of time in the near future.

People's traditional shopping will become less and less, and they will enjoy more and more online shopping.


中国购物的变化英语范文 第四篇

]Note: for this part, you can write a composition about the nearby shopping center in a few minutes. You should at least write an article according to the Chinese outline given below: a shopping center nearby, although the large shopping center is very convenient and a good place to spend leisure time, they also bring some disadvantages, so I don't agree to build it in my community One. First of all, one of the disadvantages of having a large shopping center is that the traffic volume will be greatly increased.

More cars will not only bring traffic congestion, but also bring noise and parking problems. A large shopping center needs a lot of space to build a shopping center. Some open spaces will have to be sacrificed.

We may no longer have space to build a sports ground just because of the lack of it I would object to any plan to build a shopping mall in my community, even though it is necessary for me to go to the mall. Sometimes, I can spend some time going to another place not far away. My neighbor is a quiet place.

I hope it will always be like this.



中国购物的变化英语范文 第五篇

Nowadays,peole have more new ways to shop than they had before,and at the same time,peole can buy more things than give an example,people can't shop on the Internet before,but now,shopping on the Internet is becoming more and more this way,people don’t need to go to the shops,instead,people can easily surf on the Internet and order clothes,books and even cars in their as people’s living condition is getting better and better,people are able to buy more expensive things,such as house,cars and my opinion,the development of the technology not only bring us more new ways to shop,but also make our shopping faster and more ’s more,as people’s spending power is getting stronger and stronger,I believe we can live a more harmonious way.

中国购物的变化英语范文 第六篇

There are many places for shopping in modern times. Years ago, people mainly go shopping at department stores. Recent years, various places for shopping have emerged, such as supermarket, shopping mall&plaza, pedestrian street shopping center, etc. The advantage of shopping at a department store is that people can get almost everything they need for their daily life. Ho, the average price at department store may be expensive. The price at a supermarket be much cheaper and people choose to shop at supermarket mainly because it is convenient for them to buy daily products. As for myself, I prefer shopping at supermarket. It costs me less time to buy I need from the supermarket, and the price is al reasonable.

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