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商务英语写作 商务英语作文最新13篇 商务英语英语作文范文

更新时间:2024-05-23 来源:互联网 点击:


商务英语作文 篇一


Thank you for your comments.

A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future. I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future,please do not hesitate to write to this office.

We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.

商务英语作文 篇二

Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of 21st November,we have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers.

Besides those advertised in the Builders' Journal,our illustrated catalogue also enclosed shows various types of bathroom fittings and the sizes types can be suppliedfromstock.45——60 days should be allowed for delivery of those marked with an asterisk.

Building contractors in Hong Kong and Taiwan have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in appearance.Naturally all parts are replaceable,and our quotation includes prices of spare parts.We can allow a 2% discount on all orders of US$6,000 in value and over,and a 3% on orders exceeding US$20,000.

Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.

Yours sincerely,

Francesco Marani

Sales Manager

商务英语作文 篇三

Its About People

Talk and visit with people. Dont differentiate by position or standing within the company. Secretaries and janitorial staff actually have tremendous power to help or hinder your career. Next time you need a document prepared or a conference room arranged for a presentation, watch how many people are involved with that process (youll probably be surprised!) and make it a point to meet them and show your appreciation.

Make it a point to arrive ten or fifteen minutes early and visit with people that work near you. When youre visiting another site, linger over a cup of coffee and introduce yourself to people nearby. If you arrive early for a meeting, introduce yourself to the other participants. At social occasions, use the circumstances of the event itself as an icebreaker. After introducing yourself, ask how they know the host or how they like the crab dip. Talk a little about yourself- your hobbies, kids, or pets; just enough to get people to open up about theirs and get to know you as a person.

Keep notes on people. There are several "contact management" software applications that are designed for salespeople, but in business, nearly everyone is a salesperson in some capacity or another. They help you create a "people database" with names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, spouse and childrens names; whatever depth of information is appropriate for your situation.

Its a good idea to remember what you can about people; and to be thoughtful. Send cards or letters for birthdays or congratulations of promotions or other events, send flowers for engagements, weddings or in condolence for the death of a loved one or family member. People will remember your kindness, probably much longer than you will!

商务英语作文 篇四

















商务英语作文 篇五

The Basics

The most important thing to remember is to be courteous and thoughtful to the people around you, regardless of the situation. Consider other peoples feelings, stick to your convictions as diplomatically as possible. Address conflict as situation-related, rather than person-related. Apologize when you step on toes. You cant go too far wrong if you stick with the basics you learned in Kindergarten. (Not that those basics are easy to remember when youre in a hard-nosed business meeting!)

This sounds simplistic, but the qualities we admire most when we see them in people in leadership positions, those are the very traits we work so hard to engender in our children. If you always behave so that you would not mind your spouse, kids, or grandparents watching you, youre probably doing fine. Avoid raising your voice (surprisingly, it can be much more effective at getting attention when lower it!) using harsh or derogatory language toward anyone (present or absent), or interrupting. You may not get as much "airtime" in meetings at first, but what you do say will be much more effective because it carries the weight of credibility and respectability.

The following are guidelines and tips that weve found helpful for dealing with people in general, in work environments, and in social situations.

商务英语作文 篇六

In the 1960s a family vacation in the United States usually meant loading the kids into the station wagon and driving off down the highway toward a tourist destination. And when weary vacationers needed to rest for the night, they often looked for the familiar green signs with “Holiday Inn” written in script and a colorful star for emphasis. All across the United States, this sign welcomed travelers to Holliday Inn hotels with promises of quality, comfort, and value.

By 1968 Holiday Inn was so well known in the United States that it began opening franchises in Europe. In 1973 the company opened its first Asian hotel in Japan, and in 1984 it became the first U.S.-based hotel to open for business in China. For 25 years Holiday Inn enjoyed great success in the European and Asian markets, opening 600 hotels and earning a reputation as upscale , professional, and well run.

However, in the 1980s Holiday Inn’s fortunes were beginning to fade in the United States. Many of the franchises were outdated and substandard . Family vacationers were being replaced by business travelers as the hotel industry’s bread and butter , and aggressive competitors with superior marketing strategies were targeting this growing segment . In addition, overbuilding had set off a wave of price discounting . As a result, both Holiday Inn’s share of the lodging market and its image took a nosedive .

But in the 1990s this icon of the U.S. highway was brought back to life after being purchased by Bass PLC, a British conglomerate. Bass moved quickly to make Holiday Inn Worldwide the leading hotel chain, not just in the United States but around the globe. In the United States, Holiday Inn pursued a strategy that segmented the market into different types of travelers and created a unique type of lodging for each group. Under names like Holiday Inn Express, Holiday Inn Select, Sunspree Resorts, and Crowne Plaza, the company offered different accommodations and amenities at different prices to suit the diverse needs of business and leisure travelers. Combined with a campaign to bring all of the franchises back up to a high standard of quality, the strategy quickly began to pay off.

Even so, the top brass at Holiday Inn Worldwide knows that the greatest growth potential is not in the saturated U.S. market but in the evolving markets of Europe, Asia, and Latin America. With increasing tourism and business development in these regions, the demand for comfortable, consistent, and affordable accommodations is booming . Holiday Inn needs a strategy for tapping this vast potential. Would the strategies that fueled Holiday Inn’s turnaround in the United States bring similar results internationally? Large-scale construction of new hotels will play a major role, so what kinds of hotels should they be? How can the company best meet the needs of a wide variety of international travelers? Should Holiday Inn expand through franchises or by opening company-owned hotels? Should the same type of promotion be used for the entire global market or should it be localized to each geographic area? These are questions that Raymond Lewis faces daily as vice president of marketing. If you were Lewis, how would you answer them?

商务英语作文 篇七


Mr. and Mrs. Holand Walshman have the honour to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lucy, to Mr. Samual Russell on Saturday, August 11, 20xx.

商务英语作文 篇八

Dear xx,

Thank you for your comments.

A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearingfromhim in the near future. I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future,please do not hesitate to write to this office.

We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.

商务英语作文 篇九

Basic information

Name: YJBYS gender: female

Date of birth: April 30 people race: han

Graduate school: Harbin institute of financial repair major: financial management and practice

The highest degree: college record through: mudanjiang northeast

Graduation date: May registered permanent residence is in: mudanjiang northeast


Mobile: machine:

QQ: email:


Position type: full-time expect position: the bank teller bank teller bank teller

Expect salary: negotiable

Expected location: heilongjiang province in dalian Harbin mudanjiang northeast

I hope I can give a release of the energy of the place, let me have accumulated knowledge of your bank to create more profits

Education experience

Practical experience

In July graduatedfromhigh school, in a hotel LinKouXian do the order to the cashier

In September Harbin financial college part-time campus agent

In September theaters sell tickets of wanda part-time

Vocational skills specialty

Understand the various financial knowledge, in the major in financial management and professional practice, can skilled application using Word, Excel and other office software

Self assessment

Treat work responsibilities seriously, have a strong sense of responsibility and the ability to learn, pay attention to team, good at communicating with people, during the period of school can reasonable planning his career that I was a person who plans.

商务英语作文 篇十

Dear sirs:

I am writing to apply for the position of XXXX.

To briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of XXXXX majoring in XXXX and elect XXXX course, will graduation XXXX.

My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are appropriate for this position; please refer to my attached resume.

I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for you time.

Yours sincerely


商务英语作文 篇十一


Forward Bicycle Co. Ltd

987 Jiangnan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China

Tel: (0520) 500000 Fax : (0520) 500001 Zip Code: 215300

February 1, 199#

Gulf Commercial Center

P. O. Box 376

Abu Dhabi

U. A. E

Attention : Mr. Y. Mohammed

Dear sirs,

The 12,000 cycles you ordered will be ready for dispatch by 17th December. Since you require them for onward shipment to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar, we are arranging for them to be packed in seaworthy containers.

Each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 20 are banned together and wrapped in sheet plastic. A container holds 240 cycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, each weighing 8 tons. Dispatch can be made from our works by rail to be forwarded from Shanghai harbour. The freight charges from works to Shanghai are US$80 per container, totally US$4.000 for this cnsignment, excluding container hire, which will be charged to your account.

Please let us have your delivery instruction.

商务英语作文 篇十二


Letter of Thanks

感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。其具体格式和要求与邀请函相同。


Date and Place


Minister of _____



Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together.

I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. With kind personal regards,

Faithfully yours,


Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation


商务英语作文 篇十三

Charm of intonation

Answering a phone in a clear and pleasant tone can show the speaker's professional demeanor and amiable personality.Although your partner can't see your face, your joy or irritation will come through your voice.When you call, your tone should be smooth, soft and serene. Then, if you can talk to each other with a smile, it will make your voice more friendly and chew gum or eat while you're on the phone.

Decent questions and answers

The call should be answered immediately after the second bell rings

When the other party should take the initiative to identify the company or the name of the Department and its name, should not pick up the phone asked: “ Hello, who are you looking for? ” also, to call people need to leave a message should be clear to report the name, unit number, and a message in simple language.The end of the telephone conversation, usually made by the calling party, then politely said goodbye to each matter what the reason for the telephone call, the party shall be responsible for the redial.

Telephone Message

In business complaints, it is most common to fail to return calls in a timely manner.In order not to lose every opportunity to clinch a deal, some companies even make telephone calls to be within an hour of the provisions of the within 24 hours of the phone message to reply, if you call back, just in case the other party is not in, but also to leave a message, indicating that you have called back.If you really can't call back personally, you should trust someone else.

Pay attention to jet lag

Before making a call, make sure the difference between the time difference and the working hours of each country. Don't make a phone call on the day off so as not to influence the rest of the not to call home even if the customer has told you the phone number at home.

Use the telephone properly

In America you can sell the goods to a person be strangers to each other by telephone, while in Europe, Latin American and Asian countries, telemarketing or on the phone for a long time to talk business on the unacceptable.The best way to develop good business relationships is to negotiate face to face with customers, while the telephone is mainly used to arrange interviews.Of course, once the two

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