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英语求职信万能模板 英语求职信参考通用7篇

更新时间:2024-06-02 来源:互联网 点击:


英语求职信 篇一

Dear Ms. Miles:

I am a recent graduate from Boston University with a degree in International Relations. A number of real-world professional opportunities in the United States, the Middle East, and Europe have augmented my educational experiences. The combination has provided me with a realistic view of the demands and challenges faced in a global business economy.

I would welcome the chance to discuss opportunities with your firm. My leadership ability coupled with financial, management, and sales experience can be of real value to your company. I am equally comfortable working independently to meet company goals as well as collaboratively as part of a team. I have always been able to establish and maintain excellent relationships with clients and colleagues at all levels. My professional skills include:

Financial and management consulting experience as an Intern with Sprint-Walker in London, England.

Business development management with full P&L responsibility for a residential painting contractor.

Group leadership responsibilities managing an overseas summer tour for students to the Middle East.

Self-confidence to adapt to complex situations and solve problems gained through exposure to a diverse set of circumstances, languages, and cultures.

Please consider me a serious candidate for an international position with European Enterprises. I look forward to a personal meeting so that I can provide you with additional information to supplement what appears on my enclosed resume. Thank you.


Jacob S. Williams

英语求职信 篇二

Dear leaders:

Hello! xxx university, i am a professional logistics management graduates. recently informed of your company are currently recruiting talented people, i can do the job of self-confidence, so wrote a letter ecifically. thank you for taking the reading in a letter to my job. after four years of professional study logistics. i am master of modern logistics and related knowledge. xxxx in the national logistics ecialist vocational qualification certificate.

Four-year university campus life and social practice, i continually challenge themselves, to develop innovative, value for the realization of their own to lay a solid foundation. while studying at the school teachers and has been unanimously endorsed by the students. as a professional logistics management graduates, and i look forward to start from the front-line positions to learn professional knowledge, and the actual work of combining the rapid accumulation of the most basic of experience, so the early stages of work, i look forward to engaging in the logistics actual operation.

I am in school is the best logistics marketing, this is because i love the decision, logistics management and marketing are my favorite professional, so i look forward to a combination of the two engaged in the logistics market ---- marketing. in college, i participated in many activities of social practice, and has done a number of companies in part-time jobs. for this reason that i have accumulated a wealth of practical experience, and greater emphasis on team irit and collective concepts, a more explicit goal of my life.

I firmly believe that life needs to outline its own, different way of life there is not the same. the cause of the future to explore more on our own and struggle. i ask you to believe that the work of a serious and reonsible attitude, if you can get the appreciation, practical action, i am going to trust you to return.

I very much look forward to enter your company and the company's contribution to the development of a power of its own. i wish you success in his work. good health.


Li Hua

英语求职信 篇三

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in Beijing Today. I majored in Business English. My training in Business English and Secretarial English will definitely meet your qualifications. I’ll graduate form Beijing University in June 2010. In addition to the required courses of my major, I’ve studied Computer as my second major. I’ve also had a part-time job as a secretary in a company for 2 years. I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me suitable for this position.

I have enclosed a complete resume for detailed information. I hope you will consider me for this position. Please reach me by telephone 134xxxxx.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

英语求职信 篇四

Dear leaders:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to review my written submissions, I will receive you look at the test to get the opportunity to work in your company. I graduated from college xx apparel fashion design professional. In-school period, I completed a foundation for many disciplines of fashion design knowledge and expertise to study and master the professional skills of fashion design, and has won three good students, outstanding student leaders, outstanding cadres of various honors classes and scholarships.

I‘m a child art and art design is very popular. In 2002, I finally came through the entrance his ideal institution --** Institute of Clothing Technology. Costume design professional learning in the hospital, I strongly feel that fashion design is my life, the most important component, and fashion design industry has a higher understanding. I normally conscientiously study professional knowledge, to focus on improving their cultivation and appreciation of art. In school and during the winter and summer vacations, through the practice in the community continue to accumulate their own practical experience, to learn different art factions of nutrition, to develop design ideas, active design thinking, and combining the expertise of science subjects for my own use. I am the spirit of play to their strengths, unity and cooperation with colleagues and serve your business long-term development plan, special to candidates.

I believe: If you give me a chance, relying on his strong love of clothing and dedication, I have to do to sell your phenomenal achievement. If you are a horses, I would sincerely and confidently tell you: "Choose me, can not be wrong! "Please believe I also believe that your own choice.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

英语求职信 篇五

Dear Manager:

I'm pleased to hear that you are seeking for a typist. I wish to offer my services.

I'm sixteen years old, female. I have learned English for three years, and has been the best in our class. I have just finished middle school. I can type 11 English words per minute.

If you are interested in my application, I would be glad to come for an interview. Thank you.


Wang Xiaoling

英语求职信 篇六

Dear Sir,


Thank you for reading my letter of recommendation, thank you!

I am Guangdong medical college XX XXX professional graduates, carrying medical career very looking forward, through three years of systematic study and practice, I have laid the foundation for the more solid theoretical foundation for the professional, develop strong self-learning ability, good team cooperation spirit and provided the real work style. Simple, steady, development, innovation is my character.

Three years of university life, make me in a good learning atmosphere, the continuous draw medical knowledge, and actively participate in social practice, enrich and improve themselves, not only have the qualities necessary for a clinician, and one-time through the National University English four levels of tests and computer two levels of tests, several times won the school, second-class scholarship, and was rated as hospital Miyoshi students, outstanding members. During the internship, I was able to learn theoretical knowledge and clinical practice of combined positive thinking, active hands-on, deepened the understanding of the disease, cultivate a good way of clinical thinking, I am master of clinical departments of basic medical technology, a common and frequently occurring disease of the Department can make the correct diagnosis and treatment. Strong interest in learning, a strong sense of responsibility, the ability to accept and hands-on ability, so I got the superior doctor's praise, but also let me confidence to a hundred times to the future work.

On this basis, I also pay attention to the comprehensive quality education and the cultivation of their specialty. Starting from a large, I in the spare time strive to learn computer, master of Windows98 / 2000 / XP operating system, on word, Excel, office and other office software application freely, make full use of network resources, in order to study the frontier of medical knowledge to create good condition, I have skilled master frontpage, Dreamweaver, fireworks, flash, Photoshop and other web page design and other relevant software. In addition, I am also very familiar with the construction of the LAN, I believe I will be the construction of the digital information service platform for your company to make its own contribution.

Knowledge in constant renewal, the pursuit of knowledge is my constant life creed. I firmly believe that: your unit needs, is a composite type, creative talent, and I, is firmly in the direction of efforts.

Dear leaders, I have done a good job to the community, to meet the challenges of the full preparation.


Li Hua

英语求职信 篇七

Dear SirMadam:

Its my great honor to browse this personal information!

I wish to apply for a position with your company as a regional sales manager. Iam twenty-nine years old and at present employed by the Xishan Company,where I have been working as an assistant manager for the past four years. Before that, Ihad ent three years as a sales agent in the Taiji Company.

My oniy reason for leaving my present position is to better myself as I feel I have potential for greater things. I wish to serve in a large company like yours so that I can learn new things and give full play to my talent.

I can give you references from both of the firms mentioned above as to my character and ability. Enclosed please find my resume.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

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