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  Today is May 11. When I had arrived at Anzhen Centre, I was suddenly notified by a teacher that I need to make a report about the first examination of the Popkids English Talent Competition. I went into the 304 classroom without thinking. It was really quiet in the classroom when I went in and all the competitors were concentrate in the listening test. I could see some of them writing confidently, but some of them were not certain about the answer.如何写英文采访稿范文(英文采访怎么写)

  After the exam, one of the students told me that she thought the part 4 and 5 were a bit difficult, but the rest were very easy, and she was sure that she can pass. Other students also gave similar answers to my question.

  At last, I wish all of these students can pass the test!


  Interview Report

  The theme of this interview: people‘s understanding of the Christmas and their attitude toward Christmas.

  The interview time: on Thursday, November 28th, 2013

  The person interviewed: a general student

  The interviewer: Chen Jiahua

  The questions in the interview:

  1. As we all know, we all like to celebrate the Christmas. Could you tell me what do you

  know about the Christmas Day?

  Answer: OK, the Christmas in the foreign countries is as important as the Spring Festival in China. What‘s more, they have a long vacation in Christmas, and people all over the world will have a lot of programs to have fun.

  2. Do you usually celebrate the Christmas?

  Answer: Oh, I celebrated the Christmas when I was a child, and I was very excited about it, but now I seldom celebrate it.

  3. And how about your Christmas in your childhood?

  Answer: we held a big party and invited all our friends. We celebrated it by singing songs, exchanging our postcards and so on.

  4. What do Chinese usually do in Christmas? And how about the shops, the schools, the


  Answer: The shops always decorate their places and attract customers to buy their goods. In addition, the schools will hold some large parties and activities. As to families, they may have a dinner together and decorate their Christmas trees as well as giving presents. However, Christmas is more popular in the foreign.

  5. What’s the importance or significance of celebrating the Christmas in China? In

  another words, you just need to evaluate this phenomenon that Chinese celebrate the Christmas.

  Answer: As a saying goes: every coin has two sides. For a long run, celebrating the

  Christmas has a great benefit to our development in economy. In the term of person and family, celebrating the Christmas can help us get along well with each other and keep harmonious relationship. However, it may be a big strike to our traditional culture but it is impossible that the Christmas will take the place of our traditional festivals if we protect them well. So, it is ridiculous that someone say it is a kind of cultural aggression. The experience from this interview:

  The students look forward to observe the Christmas, and they have a good command of the base knowledge of the Christmas. Therefore, we should hold more activities and parties to satisfy their demand to make the atmosphere more attracted.


  For all Roger fans ,today is a special day,Roger has been world NO.1 for 100 weeks.

  To be honest,my favorite sports celebrity used to be david Beckham,I've been keen on him for more than 6 years.But when the first time I saw Roger play on the court(I mean a live match,not Sports news or something),I knew something changed.I began to know how hard he was working,though he is NO.1,though people are still talking about who and how can defeat Roger Federer,for he is so mentlly strong.

  The last tournament of 2005.The Shanghai Tennis Master's Cup.Before it started ,we had known it would be hard for him,for he was injured and walked with a stick just three weeks ago.But he played so well that made us almost forgot his injury.the last match.Roger Federer VS David Nalbandian.they'd had faced before the final in that tournament.the final was a hard match ,and it lasted 4and a half hours,but goger lost the game because of his injury,you could see how upset he was.That was the last match of the year!But he still smiled and congrstulated his opponent.

  That match,he lost but he wasn't been defeated.As one of his fans,I'm so proud of him.He is not only a great player but also a great man!A true man!

  The new year is coming and he has gone to Australia to prepare.He has sacrificed so much for tennis,sohe deserves what he got!2006 is a brand new year,and challenges and trophies are awaiting him ahead.GO,ROGER!


  Q: Some people say that in 2005 and 2006 season you are unable to defend. From the reporter's point of view, you can not defend every season. According to your own opinion, do you think the season which is unable to defend himself? There is nothing you factor in the achievements of the invincible?

  Kobe Bryant: I think 2003 was my best performance of the year, that year I am 24 years old and have played all the talent. Probably in 2003, and just count each season passes smoothly.

  Q: Kobe, I learned in your training manual you usually get up at 4:00 in the morning are training every day, but you always feel tired, right? These times, how do you overcome fatigue?

  Bryant: Well, even if I feel exhausted, I will not stop thinking. I just kept training, especially if you are a team leader, you can not give up. When you think of teammates, how to better communicate with them? How to win more exciting? Like watching a movie, you're looking at everything, including listening to music inside. All of these things I have as an opportunity to learn. Even if I do not run, do not jump, do not steal, and all of these, I will stick to learn from it. So the training never stops.

  Q: You made up my mind to become the best basketball player. What kind of life is a turning point, so you decided to become a big shot it?

  Bryant: Why not. From the outset. My question is, the better, for all of us what it means? On such writers, is what makes a writer wants to become a first-class writer? Yes, this is your job. This is what you do. You enjoy it. I want everyone to go all out. So, for me, did not want to be somebody's idea of it is not normal. In that case, I do not understand.

  Q: You have said that you are waiting for the arrival of an important day, just like now you're faced with a career in one of the most difficult challenges. To win the title again, what do you do to prepare?

  Bryant: It's a good feeling. This feels great. I mean, really amazing. I sit here, we are full of doubt for me. You know, I'm caught in a situation, all is not very constructive. More distant time. Very beautiful. This is an opportunity that I can take to think clearly, to enhance self-awareness. To how to see through the riddle, the answer revealed it? How to win again the championship? It will be very interesting. I'll be as excited when training. Has no such a long, long time.

  Q: This is a great season, I understand. What do you think the first thing is to rebuild the team?

  Bryant: Defense and rebounding, everything has not changed, has always been defense and rebounding. To win the championship, this is to be good at. This is the beginning of everything. After that, everything will come out ahead. The most important thing is defense and rebounding.

  Q: So, how do you prepare for, and how to maintain it?

  Bryant: You know, through practice. That is, I'm doing something very important, it comes from my needs. Day after day, I pay all the sweat. Therefore, when I play, it has become the flow of blood in my body. Without thinking, I just do enough.

  Q: Many people come here. If you choose one word to inspire them, or want to be successful in basketball career, you will use what word? Why?

  Bryant: Adhere to. Like sailing not always smooth sailing, any achievements can not be easily able to get. If you are very simple, and that each person will be successful. So you have to adhere steadfastly towards goal, pay more sweat expense.

  Q: Do you plan to do in the future when a coach?

  Bryant: No.

  Q: But you have a lot of basketball knowledge can be passed to the young people.

  Bryant: For these kids? Yes it is. Like now, I will fight alongside the players, and to communicate with them, but not in an official capacity as head coach. No chance. How many of you people have the opportunity to run a school to teach children?

  Q: What are your plans next season?

  Bryant: I think it would be great. I'm looking forward to next season. My teammates also, coaches are no exception. We all look forward to. This is a great opportunity for us because nobody had any expectations. I think this is very good. We train hard every day, then the next season to play the best level. Routine training.

  Q: As we all know, you are a fighter. Even if you are injured, you can still continue to play. What makes you stick to it?

  Bryant: I love to play basketball. Basketball is a tense game, victory or defeat lies in between a few minutes. Before we train so hard, was ushered in this critical moment. We trained very hard. That moment, if I fall, will make the opponent the opportunity to score. I can score. I can shoot, I can do. I can not do that. Then I go cloakroom. If I do not shoot, let the opponent have the opportunity to enter a three-point shot, then the game would be no suspense. Before we went through hard training, the key moment, and how it can fall. Insist that it is right.

  Q: You always wholeheartedly focus on the things you have done, no matter what happened, training or competition. Do you think this attitude will remain forever?

  Bryant: Yes, it is. You know, I never feel hard. I enjoy it. I like to play basketball, and hope has been crushed. I enjoy the process of practice. I enjoy the process of thinking what to do next. This is why I will be here today in reason. Because so many years of persistence, hard work and resolute.

  Q: The influx of people know you are, how do you usually choose their own shoes? You wear your favorite shoes or shoes meet the everyday wear?

  Bryant: Yes, quite a lot of shoes in my house. So I just need to pick a pair to wear depending on the occasion.








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