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更新时间:2023-02-09 来源:互联网 点击:

英文欢迎词 篇一

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen !

First let me introduce myself.My name is Mina ,a student from Nanjing Audit University 。I'm honored to have this opportunity to welcome dear guests from Skema Business School 。

An old chinese saying may express our hospitality:“Here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!” Your visit makes our campus full of fragrance and passion despite of the extremely cold weather. This also marks the friendship between Skema Business School and Nanjing Audit University is just like a ship which is advancing through the huge waves and winds. The communication will promote the Internationalization process between the two schools. Therefore, please allow me to express the sincere greetings and warm welcome to our honorable guests on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school. To all of you who just arrive at our school , I know there are a lot of things new to you. You may be excited, may be amazed by the differences and even a bit confused.It is totally understandable and expected. But there is one thing we want you to know that you are all welcomed here with warm arms and hearts! There is no doubt we are totally two different cultures and there are a lots of differences. However, the fact that you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing to take

initiatives to learn more about our schools, our country and our culture. As we all know, culture is not what runs in your blood, but how you participate.

Since you have lived in Suzhou for a long time ,I suppose that you are familiar with Nanjing to some degree.Located in the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple-producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center.

Nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes. It is one of the first 24 well-known historic and cultural cities announced by the state. Dr.Sun Yat-Sen's Mausoleum, the Ming Tomb, the ancient city wall of Nanjing, the stone carvings of Southern Tang Dynasty,the Rain Flower Terrace and other places are the main scenic spots and historic sites. The Eastern Suburbs Scenic Area, the Qixia Mountain, the Xuanwu Lake, the Mochou Lake, the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt and other scenic areas are well-known far and near. Among them, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Mausoleum and the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt are among 40 best tourist scenic spots in China.

Today, we build a new cooperation platform, and we will make a new contribution to the friendship and communication between the two countries.

May the friendship between Skema and NAU live forever. May the two schools make great progress together.

We sincerely hope our noble French guests will have a good trip in Nanjing.Thank you very much!

欢迎词的英文 篇二

Respected leaders and teachers:

Good morning!

More than ten days in the exam, how to do a good 07 years of the exam preparation for the examination is a common concern of all of us now, in line with the "sharing of resources, complementary advantages, mutual promotion, common improvement", we have come together in several schools. On behalf of the Yangxin experimental middle school, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the colleagues from the Daye experimental middle school, the iron mine 1 middle school, the Tuan Cheng mountain experimental school, the color second middle, the nine middle and fourteen medium brotherhood schools. Health, work to win!

This year is the tenth year of Yangxin's return to Huangshi. Today we are welcome to all of us. This day appears to be of special significance. In the past ten years, we have good cooperation with the brothers school in Huangshi. To further strengthen exchanges and cooperation, to achieve "win-win" to "multi win" has always been the common desire of all of us, experimental middle school With the good reputation of "Millennium Confucianism and one hundred years old school", it is the friendly cooperation and exchange that promotes our development and expansion. Under the correct leadership of the party's total branch and the school committee, the real people set up the concept of "let every student get fully developed", and adhere to the "people-oriented, democratic decision, expert treatment and coordinated development"。 "Strategy" has gone out of the road of "managing schools according to law, setting up schools with quality, promoting research through scientific research, and improving quality and strengthening schools"。 The school has been awarded the honorary title of "Hubei province safety and civilization school", "Hubei province sports traditional project school", "Hubei province education research experiment base" and "Huangshi city education and scientific research experiment school", "Huangshi city primary and middle school 35 Prussian advanced collectives", "Hubei province civilization single place" and so on, these achievements are taken It is also inseparable from the help of the brotherhood school.

This exchange will be held in our school. All the leaders and teachers are experts in teaching and expert in preparing for the examination. We have rich experience and unique views. We believe that the exchange of this platform will let everyone get inspiration and help, and take this as the beginning, and continue to push us into the deeper level. Cooperation. This year is the first midterm of the new curriculum standard in Huangshi. It is our concern to analyze the characteristics of the test questions in recent years, to grasp the direction of the exam proposition, to clear the strategy of the exam, to take effective countermeasures and to strengthen the pertinent review. In the form of examination papers exchange, question discussion and free exchange, we plead with everyone to speak out and speak out. We should focus on the key, explain and solve difficulties; we should pay attention to the hot spots and grasp the dynamic; we should pay attention to the research and share it together; we should strengthen the connection and cooperate constantly.

In the end, I wish we will have a full success in this exchange. We have achieved satisfactory results in our mid-term exam, and I hope you will often come to our school to be a guest. Thank you.

欢迎词英语 篇三

Leaders and teachers:

Good morning, everybody! Today is another great event of our educational circles in Lu Kou Town。 Today is full of the attention of all schools to teaching and research activities, which fully shows the enthusiasm of our teachers to participate in the teaching and research activities and the desire for the implementation of the new curriculum and the promotion of quality education experience。 In particular, Mr。 Ho, the director of the Education Bureau, will come from Hefei to visit the field for guidance。 Mr。 Wang and Mr。 Wang will make a special report for everyone in his busy schedule, which is more inspiring to each of our teachers in Lu Kou。 Here, on behalf of Lu Kou Zhen central school, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and teachers。

With the support of the director Liu and the Ling Party group, the education and research activities have fully reflected the care and affection of the County Education Bureau and the leadership of the teaching and research office to my town。 At the same time, it also condenses the enthusiasm and strength of the general colleagues of the schools to the teaching and research activities。

In recent years, under the correct guidance of the teaching and Research Department of the county, Lu Kou Town focuses on the sustainable development of education, deeply comprehends the spirit of the whole church, combines education with the plan of 12th Five—Year, tries to standardize the behavior of running a school, deepens the curriculum reform, based on the main channel of the classroom teaching, and develops the multi channel effectively, in order to realize the three orientation of quality education。 A lot of exploration has been made to achieve the "three dimensional goal" of the new curriculum。 In this period, teaching research and research activities are carried out in various schools, and teaching research is supported by teaching research to promote the progress of teaching, promote the growth of teachers, and apply the achievements of teaching and research to practical teaching。 But there is still a gap between the expectations of leaders and the aspirations of the community。 We sincerely hope that the leaders will give us valuable suggestions and suggestions during the meeting, and the teachers will learn and understand them carefully and further improve the level of school and the quality of education in our town。

Comrades, quality education gives us the important task of history and provides a broad innvation stage for teaching and research work。 Let us make full use of the platform of collaborative teaching and research, strengthen cooperation and exchange, create a new situation for the teaching and research work of my town hand in hand, and create a team of famous teachers in my town。

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all of you who have won this joint examination, and wish this conference a complete success。 Thank you。

欢迎词英语 篇四

Leaders, guests and comrades:

At the time of the triumph of the Olympic athletes, the Chinese nation is about to usher in the 55 birthday of the Republic, the fourth staff sports meeting of the city's water conservancy system is opened today。 This is a great reunion of the history of the city's water conservancy front。 It is a grand meeting to show the spirit of the water conservancy people to the whole society。 As the host of the games, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the victory of the conference on behalf of the Qian Guo County Water Conservancy Bureau。 I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and guests who have come to the opening ceremony, and to express their high respect and sincere greetings to all the athletes and the staff of the general assembly。

Water conservancy is the basic industry of the national economy。 It is the lifeblood of agriculture。 It has shown an important position in the economic development and social progress。 The water conservancy people with common pursuit and ideal are going hand in hand to the brighter tomorrow。 This games will be held in the former Guo。 It is a good opportunity for us to learn from the whole city's water resources and to the brother county。 It is also a review of the work of the former Guo water conservancy。 It will undoubtedly play a great role in promoting our sentiment and inspiring the spirit of fighting, and will further enhance mutual understanding and enhance the friendship between each other。

We have a long history of origin, beautiful rivers and lakes, and splendid national culture。 Chagan Lake, which has the seventh largest freshwater lake in the country and has the reputation of "outer pearl", has the former Guo irrigation area, one of the four major irrigation areas in the northeast, and the vast expanse of the vast expanse of grassland。 Under the correct leadership of the county Party committee and the county government, the children of all 560 thousand ethnic groups in the county, with the emancipation of the mind as the guide, the project development and the investment and investment as the main line, fully implement the "three three" economic development strategy, unite one heart and strive to be strong, every cause leaped the forefront of the whole province, and the tourism industry has been developed unprecedentedly。 The beautiful and rich galrose like a Mercedes of galloping horses, flying in the vast expanse of Horqin prairie, and soaring on the Bank of the Songhua River, like a plump eagle, as an angry sunny flower, with its unique charm, to decorate the earth of Songyuan。 We sincerely welcome all the leaders, guests and colleagues to come to the city's water conservancy games to visit the former Guo。

We firmly believe that through the extensive exchanges and cooperation of the whole city water conservancy workers, we will be able to further implement the policy of water management proposed by the Party Central Committee, fully carry forward the great spirit of flood resistance, try to practice the important thought of the "Three Represents", and write a new chapter for the healthy development of the water resources and the economy。 Make new contributions to the development and social progress, and strive for the goal of building a well—off society in an all—round way。

Finally, I wish the fourth staff sports meeting of the whole city water conservancy system a complete success。 I wish all leaders, guests and members of the team a happy time in the former Guo。

英文欢迎词 篇五

Dear guest,

It is with our pleasure we welcome you to hotel, 襑ork hard and create new earnestly and enthusiastically try to be the best?are our objective.

We would like to offer you the perfect hotel service with our all hearts, in order to make you feel warm and genie. We are expecting our service will leave you a very good impression.

We wish you every success whether your visit is for business or pleasure.

Welcome you back next time.

Sincerely yours

General manager

欢迎词的英文 篇六

Distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, comrades and friends:

Hello everyone! This evening, the X song competition finals were held in our * * city. We are all very happy. First of all, we would like to express our warm welcome and sincere thanks to the chairman * * * * * * * * * * * * * president of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the opening ceremony, the leaders of the provincial literary Federation, the leaders and contestants from all the brothers and cities, as well as the guests and friends.

We are very grateful to the provincial CPPCC and the Provincial Federation of literary and art unions for their attention and love for our * *, and put the provincial CPPCC first "* * Cup" Cantonese Opera Competition finals in our * * *! The Party committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People's government attached great importance to the competition and gave clear instructions and strong support to the preparatory work of the competition. We, the Municipal Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the Municipal Cultural Bureau, the City Cultural Federation and the relevant units, were also active and mutually assisting in the preparation of the tournament, and endeavor to live up to the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the Provincial Cultural Federation. Great trust。

This Guangdong opera final can be held in our city, not only because our city is the birthplace of Cantonese opera culture, Cantonese opera, Cantonese and Cantonese culture and art have good traditions and good mass base in our city, and more mainly is the Qionghua Cantonese Opera and art culture festival held in the previous period of our city and the Guangdong opera performance competition in our province in Foshan. A test of success. We warmly welcome all the leaders, experts and guests to give valuable comments on the cultural construction of our city.

We also cherish the opportunity to hold the final of the first "* * Cup" singing contest of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference in our city, further promote the city's mass Cantonese singing, excavate more outstanding Cantonese talents, carry forward the excellent traditional culture of South of the Five Ridges, flourish Cantonese Opera and Cantonese culture and art, and make Cantonese opera culture a famous cultural city in our city. Important strength and characteristic brand should contribute to the building of a cultural province.

Finally, I wish the athletes of every city to play their best, sing their own style, sing their best standards and get the best results. I wish this competition a complete success!

Thank you all.

欢迎词的英文 篇七

Ladies and gentlemen:

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary anniversary of the plant, please allow me to extend my warm welcome to the distinguished guests from all over the world on behalf of the plant and in my own name.

My friends have come to congratulate and discuss trade cooperation in spite of the distant journey. I feel happy for the 30th anniversary factory celebrations of our factory. I sincerely feel happy and express our sincere thanks to our friends for their efforts to promote friendly relations between the two sides.

Many of you here today are our old friends, and we have good cooperative relations. Our factory has built up factories for 30 years and can achieve today's results. We cannot do without our sincere cooperation and strong support from our old friends. In this regard, we express our sincere admiration and thanks. At the same time, we are very happy to have the opportunity to meet new friends from all over the country. Here, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new friends again, and hope to work closely with new friends and develop friendly and cooperative relations with each other.

"It's not a pleasure to have friends coming from the distance." On the occasion of the meeting of the new friends and old friends, I propose:

For further cooperation between us,

For the growing friendship between us,

For the health and happiness of my friends,


英文欢迎词 篇八

Dear friends:

Good evening,Thanks to experts present, with you attending the symposium, the whether of Shanghai has became cool and comfortable from the day you came to Shanghai. Before this, Days of shanghai continuous high temperature above 38 degrees break the historic record, it let me really feel that environment without borders. The solution of regional issues and global environmental problems should depend on Cross-border actions and international cooperation Research. In this regard, Kyushu University, as a world-renowned university has set us a good example. I also believe the contribution of the multi-layers cooperation between Kyushu University and Tongji University is positive and profound.

At the time when Shanghai World Expo held, Kyushu University in Japan and domestic scholars in other universities take the time to come to Shanghai. On behalf of Tongji University, I extend a hearty welcome to you all.

Yesterday, we visited beautiful chongming island, Today, we completed a total of 30 presentations, and 2 keynote lectures, There are many reports on the East Asian environment problems, besides, some of the Sino-Japanese cooperation are very consistent with the theme of EAEP. Tomorrow afternoon, we have a visit to shanghai word Expo, I wish you have a good time in expo park and in shanghai,。

How happy we are, To meet friends from far away! Among of you, many are our old friends, we have a good relationship. Besides, I found some are new face, I am so happy, because of you, the symposium can be more successful. I suggest,We must drink to our cooperation and friendship. Cheers!


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