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北京英语导游词 篇一

Good morning,Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to Beijing,and welcome to today's Hutong tour!First of all,I would like to start with the term"Hutong",H-U-T-O-N-G what does Hutong mean?

According to experts,the word Hutong originated from Mongolian language meaning"Well"。In ancient times,people tended to gather and live around wells. So the original meaning of Hutong should be"a place where people gather and live." Nobody knows exactly how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing. But one thing is for sure,if we connected all the Hutongs together,their total length would even be longer than the famous Great wall,which is about 4000 miles longer.

Today you can find various Hutongs with different shapes,lengths or directions.The shortest one is only 40 centimeters wide, And some Hutongs have more than 20 turns. As we walk through the Hutongs,you may find most of them look almost the same with gray-colored walls and bricks. Actually inside those walls are the courtyard houses,where people live. In Chinese we call them"siheyuan"。

The gate building of each Siheyuan is the only thing that we can see along the Hutongs. Chinese people used to try to protect their privacy from being intruded by strangers. So the gate building,in old times,was a symbol to show the position of each house owner. look at thtis one nest door,it has the lion design,because that owner used to be a military officer. Interesting?

Now let's see the doorway. Almost every doorway has a threshold,that high step over there. For what reason they put a big step at the door?You know Chinese people believe all the evil spirits are short. They can not jump over high steps. So the threshold is actually for warding off evil spirits.

In old times,transportation was not as convenient as today,so street vendors played a very important role in Hutong life. They wandered from lane to lane selling various goods or providing all kind of services. People could judge the goods or services from their peddling or the sounds of their special instruments. The food they sold usually include baked pancakes,seasoned millet mush,or Youzhaguo,a kind of deep-fried twisted dough stick www.cha www. yi5.coms,and all kinds of vegetables.

But now,with modern life all around, it's hard for people to hear the traditional melodious hawking. Look at the crowd sitting over there!What do you think they are doing?Talking about Vic Tanny?Oprah's?Or just gossiping?Any ideas?Let's go and see!

Oh,they are building a new Great Wall. But their bricks are Chinese Mahjong!A very popular pastime among the Hutong people,especially among the senior citizens who have retired.

The main attraction of Hutong life is friendly and interpersonal communication.

Children living in one courtyard play together and grow up together like one big family. We want to save it as a treasure to show our later generations what Beijing used to be like.

OK. Time files. It's almost the end of the tour. Today,through our Hutong tour,I hope you are not only happy with what you have seen but also get a better understanding of the culture and people in the Hutong area.

Thank you for your attention,and hope you enjoy the rest of the tour in China!

北京英语导游词 篇二

Dear tourists, how are you? I'm your guide. You can call me Liu Dao. What we're going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place where the emperor worshiped heaven.

Emperor Yongle of the Ming dynasty built the altar for heaven worship in the south of Beijing, imitating the Great Hall of worship in Nanjing. The main building is the Great Hall of worship, which is the location of today's Hall of praying for new year. The temple of heaven has outer wall and inner wall. It is round in the north and square in the south.

Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. What we are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperors offered sacrifices to heaven. There are two enclosure walls in the round hill, which make the outside square and the inside round, in line with the statement that the sky is round and the place is round. What needs to be mentioned in particular is that the place where the emperor stood was the Tianxin stone in the center of the mesa. He is one of the three acoustic phenomena in the temple of heaven. When reading aloud here, the voice is particularly loud, and now it's the same here. You tourists may as well experience the strange effect, and like the emperor of that year, tell God your good wishes.

As you may have noticed just now, there are many cypress trees in the temple of heaven. Yes, it's like a natural oxygen bar in Beijing. Among these ancient cypresses, there is a cypress over 500 years old, which is the nine dragon cypress outside the west wall of echo wall. Its trunk texture is very strange, full of ravines, and twisted, like nine dragons winding around playing, so it is not too much to call it Jiulong cypress. Please don't climb trees. Pay attention to your words and deeds. This is a sacred place. We should keep a quiet mind,

After liberation, the temple of heaven has not only become a famous tourist attraction, but also an integral part of Beijing's urban green space. Not only tourists come here, but also some elderly people who are specially for physical fitness.

Today's tour is over. I hope this tour can make you remember and leave a deep memory in your heart.

I hope you will come again next time.

北京景点英语导游词 篇三


鲁迅(1881一1936),渐江绍兴人,中国现代文学家、思想家、革命家。故居内为“鲁迅故居旧景陈列”,这是一座精巧的小四合院,南北房各三间,东西房各一间,一直保持着当年先生居住时的模样,南房是会客室,北屋东西两房间分别为鲁迅的母亲和朱安夫人的住室,中间一间为餐厅,北屋当中一间向北凸出一小间,面积仅8平方米,是先生的卧室兼书房,即著名的“老虎尾巴”,先生自称“绿林书屋”,陈设十分简朴。东厢房辟为展室,举办“鲁迅在北京西三条21号”展览。  该馆在1993年被西城区人民政府命名为青少年“两史一情”(中国近代史、中国革命史和国情)教育基地。

北京英语导游词 篇四

ladies and gentlemen,leave you a good memory.

the first attraction of our tour in beijing is the forbidden city.the first thing people would think of when talking about the

the building arrangement within the forbidden city is symmetrical对称的。and it is divided into two parts :the outer court and the inner court 。the former is the place where emperors handled courts事物 and held different ceremonies仪式。it consists of taihe ,zhonghe and baohe halls.taihe hall is the largest hall within the forbidden city.it was the location where ming dynasty and qing dynasty emperors hosted their

enthronement and wedding ceremonies 。the inner court consists of qianqing, jiaotai and kunming halls where the emperor lived and handled day-to-day work.the lmperial garden lies on north of the kunming hall. it looks like a natural picture.this is the place where the emperor and his family play.

since the founding of new china, the forbidden city has been well maintained.it was made part of the world cultural heritage list in as the largest museum of cultural relics in china, it collected and displayed one million precious relics 。

as the saying goes, seeing is believing.with curiosity, lets walk into the forbidden city.lets appreciate chinese culture and feel the history of the rise and fall of the chinese emperors.

北京景点英语导游词 篇五

Beijing is the world's eighth largest "food city", among the top of the mainland. Flavor snack in Beijing has a long history, variety, dainty materials, made careful, is a virtue. Qing dynasty all door zhuzhi poems as basic data cloud: "three big money for selling flowers, glutinous rice cake ghost legs the za, a bowl of porridge, sweet pulp in the morning to eat tea liquor seasoned millet mush again; cool fruit Fried cakes, sweet ears, hanging furnace baked wheat cake, glutinous rice ball, fork just to sell, the fire and listening to hardfaced properties; dumpling wonton column trays, adding powder is good Tangyuan.。." These snacks are at the temple fair or down the street fair, people inadvertently will encounter, the image of the old Beijing called "to meet food"。 Beijing flavour snacks on behalf of it, miso candy, plum juice, tea, small steamed corn-bread and poria cocos burgers, sass, ice-sugar gourd, glutinous rice ball, yellow peas, snowballing usury, enema, deep Fried tripe, food is MMMMMMM.。. delicious, etc.

"Patriotic" is the core of the spirit of Beijing. Patriotism is the glorious traditions of the Chinese nation, is the core of the national spirit, is also the most important characteristics of national cohesion. The fortunes of a Beijing residents have an "the rise and fall in the world," a strong sense of responsibility, sense of mission. "May 4th" movement, "the July 7th incident, founding ceremony, earthquake relief, the Olympic Games and other major historical events, all show the Beijing people's engagement with the era mission, the heart of the national development and explorations of the sense of responsibility and strong feelings. In the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Beijing as the capital more need to carry forward the patriotic spirit, love the motherland, love people, love the communist party of China, socialism; More to the patriotic spirit into the construction of the capital, promote the development of passion.

The essence of "innovation" is the spirit of Beijing. Innovation is the soul of national progress, is the driving force for the prosperity of the family, is the core of the spirit of the age, is also the source of the eternal vitality of the party. Innovation reflects the advance with The Times, the positive enterprising spirit of the people in Beijing, Beijing development history is a history of innovation in a sense, never stagnation, reform and innovation, at the same time of carry forward the fine tradition, to make inventions and scaling new heights. Beijing more requires constant innovation spirit, the development of the future rely on innovation to win the initiative and win the advantage, win the future.

"Tolerance" is the spirit of Beijing characteristics. In the formation of a unified multi-ethnic country and grow in the process of the capital Beijing to attract his broad mind and an open mind, integration of the regional ethnic culture, formed the all rivers run into sea, magnanimouses, the mental state of being open, accumulated a rich history and culture, make Beijing had great cohesion and attraction, formed the special advantages of the development of Beijing and strength. During the course of building world city with Chinese characteristics, the Beijing need this more open posture and largeness of mind, respect for differences, allowing diversity and harmonious development.

"Thick DE" is the quality of the spirit of Beijing. History not only gives a brilliant cultural heritage in Beijing, also the excellent moral character has fostered a Beijing citizen civilized and polite. ShangLi, kindness, tolerance, help others is the history of the Beijing cultural heritage. In the process of moving towards a world city, Beijing residents more urgently need to practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, people-oriented, help the weak assistive, aged respected, vigorously carry forward the morality of honesty, friendship, mutual assistance and dedication, with administrative civilization quality and spirit to the world.


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