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故宫英文导游词 篇一

Hello, everyone:

We are noe 500 years. The Palace Museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout Beijing, is unique for its location: to the north north to south and 750 meters east to s in it 。 According to legendthere are 9999.5 room-units in all 。The pound is enclosed by a 10-meter-hign pound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-plex straddles on an 8-kilometers-long central axis that stretchesfromYongding (Forever Stable) Gate in the south to Gulou (Drum Toinence plex, tplicated processes and high cost, these brick are called “golden bricks.” The Palace Museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to China` s ancient architecture. It reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese plete group of royal residences, the Palace Museum is a prominent historical and tourist site.

What -units. It is flanked by tplete with multiple and four edged eaves and pinnacles. All of these structures are connected by a colonnade. Because these halls resemble a soaring bird, it was also know as wufenglou (Five-phoenix Tower) 。 Inside the main hall there is a throne. Drums and bells were stored in the wings. Whenever the emperor presided over grand ceremonies or observed rites in the Hall of Upreme Harmony, drums, bells and gongs would be struck to mark the occasion.

故宫英文导游词 篇二

Hello and welcome to the Forbidden City to visit, my name is Chen, you call me Chen guide line. I'll introduce you to the palace, after introducing taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, dry, and the qing. The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, is China's important historical relics protection, 1987 by the UNESCO "world cultural heritage" list. Two views are the origin of the Forbidden City, the first one is in accordance with the theory of ancient Chinese horoscope, the north star in transit, the Forbidden City just to the north star, corresponding to the nature and man; The second is: for the palace is purple, it is beat city, so the imperial palace is also called the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty emperor yongle began to build the palace, to the Ming yongle eighteen years (1420)。 After more than five hundred years, a total of 24 emperors living here. There are 10 m high wall around the Forbidden City and 52 m wide moat. City, north and south long 961 m, 753 m wide, covers an area of 720000? 。 The palace building layout along the central axis to expand, palace building area of 163000? 。 The hall of supreme harmony is the emperor summoned minister to hold and discuss state affairs. Since 1420, after the completion of burned repeatedly, and rebuilt many times, see today is the qing dynasty emperor kangxi thirty-four years (1695) reconstruction. The hall of supreme harmony construction area of 2377? , the equivalent of 50 classrooms, 35.05 m high, equivalent to ten stories tall, is the largest temple in the Forbidden City. The hall of supreme harmony decoration is very luxurious, spread inside the brics, sets up the throne. The brics, but the brics is not made of gold, the brics is meant for use by the palace a quality shop place brick, made in places such as suzhou, songjiang, excellent materials, production process complicated. Because of its strong fine texture, knock up a metallic sound, therefore the brics. Before the hall of supreme harmony has a broad platform, called Dan positions, commonly known as the platform. Platform display sundial, jia quantity each, turtles, copper crane each pair, bronze dings 18. Everybody look on both sides of the hall of supreme harmony, there are a lot of big tank? It is stem what of, by the way, is a fire. The bottom of the tank has a groove, because the water freezes in winter, fire into the groove can not let the water freezes. The hall of supreme harmony is the most is always important in the Forbidden City palace, many will go out from this historical decisions. After the hall of supreme harmony is zhonghe palace, is the place where the emperor rest forwards. Baohe Palace is located in and behind the house, is where the first position. Exam's first name, second name is pound of eye, the third is the number three. I don't know the emperor sits on the above, the examinee is nervous shiver. The emperor put position within the palace, the emperor is more visible attaches great importance to the first position. The palace after half is the place where emperors and concubines life and living. Qing dynasty palace is the largest palace harem, is the emperor's bedroom. Palace hanging above the throne "legitimate" plaque, reportedly emperor himself prince name on the "legitimate" plaque, heir to the throne were determined by this method, and reduce the fight for the throne since the massacre. Palace of earthly tranquility is the queen's bedroom, it is the only one on the central axis of the living quarters for the concubine, also from dry recently, qing reflects the status of the queen in the palace, "behind a successful man, there is always a successful woman" this sentence for here. In front of the palace of earthly tranquility there is a small palace hall, it is the queen in the art festival handsel. Just important palace on the central axis, which we paid a visit to the back of the central axis is the imperial garden, both sides have some palace, the first part is the hall of supreme harmony as the center, in the second part is the living quarters for the some concubines and maids. Explanation is completed now, please visit freely.

故宫英文导游词 篇三

The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the fame.

The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum have the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.

故宫导游词中英文 篇四







Dear visitors, everybody! I am the guide from you He Re empty, you can call me ho. Today I want to take you visit the place is lijiang city of yunnan province lijiang ancient city, I hope I can accompany you a nice day.

Lijiang ancient city was built in the early yuan dynasty, also known as dayan town, is China's famous historical and cultural city in the only ancient city without walls. Its reason is said to be the old town of lijiang hereditary surname wood, think of the ancient city with the wall as "wood" word box, which read "trapped", quite unlucky, so after the completion of the old town of lijiang, there is no walls. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, more than 25000 people, mostly in the naxi. Here, 30% of the population engaged in textile, made of silver, and other traditional crafts, you can be in play in the process of choosing a few back to hometown, must be a memorable exquisite handicrafts.

Now we've come to the entrance of the old town of lijiang, you see the entrance that reads "lijiang" four characters of the brand? We can take a photo here after, to continue our journey...

Good, you packed the camera, check your belongings, we continue to go forward. , in lijiang ancient town, we can see that is full of manual of civil structure of the building, the ubiquitous Bridges, smooth and clean green flag road... Take a look at our feet, the spreading of the slab are red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won't fly ash of the dry season. Look, SLATE and decorative pattern, and the whole city environment bring out the best in each other...

Now everyone's position is the center of the ancient city of lijiang, square street! From the square street, one hundred meters to the east of ancient city and new town at the junction, lijiang ancient town, and there are the most distinctive landscape, large water wheel is one of the old town of lijiang sign.

Everyone can enjoy the scenery, took photos, to savor the "Oriental Venice" beautiful lijiang!

故宫导游词英文带翻译 篇五


Dear friends, hello. You are welcome to visit the Forbidden City. My name is Li Yizhang, you can call me lee or xiao li. Led by me today everybody together to explore the world heritage - the Forbidden City.


We first to know about the Palace Museum! The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing, used to be called the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City palace buildings are wood, yellow glazed tile roof, green white stone base, decorated with resplendent and magnificent painting.


Now we are in the front Chambers of the imperial palace is the palace of heavenly purity. Palace of heavenly purity is the main hall, the main of which was 20 metres high. The center of the temple is the throne, there are "legitimate" plaque. Palace of heavenly purity is the living quarters for the feudal emperor, the qing emperor kangxi to the emperor lived here before and dealing with affairs. After the qing yongzheng emperors moved to yangxin dian, but still played in the reviews, history and summoned liegeman appointed officer.


Now we came to the palace of earthly tranquility, in the Forbidden City is in the middle of the palace of earthly tranquility, yongzheng, west NuanGe for the sacrifice of the shaman. Its Middle East NuanGe for wedding bridal chamber, the emperor kangxi managment, two emperor, were held in the wedding. House there are many such as: east sixth, hand over tai temple, west sixth...


Ok, I will first come here, please slowly appreciate. And you remember oh! When browsing don't litter, don't touch items, don't trample objects, so you can see the air has a history of the Forbidden City. I wish you all have fun and play.

故宫导游词中英文 篇六


Hello, welcome to the Palace Museum, and I'm glad to serve you, I am the journey zi-ang li, you just call me lee, today today have I accompany you have a good time.


For the completion of the imperial palace was built in 1406, 1420, is the Ming dynasty emperor Zhu Dishi build, now with me, please go to the imperial palace the biggest palace in the taihe palace. Here is the place where the Ming emperor summoned to the White House orders in ceremonies, the whole temple width, depth 5, outside corridor column, outside the house stood 72 pillar of big, the 35 meters high, inside clear height of 14 meters, 63 meters wide, for all the palace, the largest wooden hall.


We came to neutralize the temple, the hall of supreme harmony of the Forbidden City. Is the emperor rest the night before they go to the hall of supreme harmony, ministers and accept a mecca for officials.


Play the zhonghe palace again, I'll take you to visit the Baohe Palace, the Baohe Palace is the qing dynasty state banquet hall and test for examination hall. As everybody knows, qianlong nearby have a minister called liu2 yong, he is in the Baohe Palace was admitted into the draft.


The Forbidden City tour here, today's explanation to me still satisfaction? You are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I'm very grateful to, finally, I wish everyone have a good time. thank you


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