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写绿色生活英语演讲稿 篇一

Hello, teachers. My name is David. I want to say something about my school life.

My school life is very busy. I have seven classes a day. There are four in the morning and three in the afternoon. There are many subjects like Chinese, maths, English science,P.E. music ,science and arts. They are all very interesting. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very easy for me. And my English teacher, Susanna, is very kind and wise, I love her very much.

My school life is interesting, too. After classes, I often read books and draw pictures. I play football and basketball with my classmates, too. I like sports very much. Maybe I can’t get good grades, but I still like it. I have lots of friends at school. Jason is one of my best friends. He is tall and strong. He likes sports, too. He can jump higher and run faster than me. I like drawing. I often draw pictures and show the pictures to my friends. I like my school. I enjoy my school life. That’s all, thank you.

That’s all. Thank you for listening.

写绿色生活英语演讲稿 篇二

Now the earth is in bad condition。 For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths。 At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats。

Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem。 On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth。 Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action。 But can we save the earth only by one day’s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts。 What we should do is to make every day Earth Day。 Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature。

写绿色生活英语演讲稿 篇三

I usually get up at 6:00,I like sleeping ,but I can’t sleep too much time,because my mother asks me not to be late for go to school。

I must go to school by school bus . I go to school at 6:30 and I get school at 6:45. I have 4 lessons in the morning. I have a break when I have 45 minutes class. I have lunch at school ,but I don't like school lunch ,It's not good to taste In the afternoon, I have 3 lessons but on Friday, I only have 2.My favorite subjects are English and computer. I often play computer games at school. I like computer,I think is very useful. I finish school at 4:30 and I get home at 5:00.

I'm busy but I'm very happy!

绿色生活的英文演讲稿2022 篇四








绿色生活的英文演讲稿2022 篇五




写绿色生活英语演讲稿 篇六

Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can’t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.

On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.

Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.

写绿色生活英语演讲稿 篇七

"Low carbon" start small, since the sixth grade, as long as I don't save, mom and dad will speak of the words in my ear。 To this end, I decided that I really want to be a low-carbon life。 Remember once, mom after using the mask, just ready to throw away, just let me see, I hurriedly shouts to prevent a mother: "mom, can't throw away!" Mother heard after, immediately stop。 I ran over and took the mother in the hands of the mask。 Then said to his mother: "mom you have finished using the mask can't throw, said on television the mask after use can wipe furniture, not only a bright shine, and its fragrance。

"After listening to his mother, smiled and patted my head say:" my daughter really understand low carbon life。 "I can't agree in front of dad, in a few days ago, because our wardrobe very damp, mom and dad are there, then I thought of my grandma often use newspaper mat in the wardrobe, she told the newspaper can be moistureproof, still can absorb peculiar smell, so I went to the newspaper, but used the newspaper all let me away, now also really didn't have the newspaper in the home, the somebody else all say" books to time square hate less "but I want to say today" newspaper when hate nothing "。 Well, by the way, today I thought I saw daddy came home from work with a newspaper, I hurriedly found the father, "dad you back a newspaper today? "Dad puzzled nodded, I can't wait to say:" quick contribution out, I have an idea。 "

When dad see me the paper pad in the wardrobe, harm my dad can't find newspapers and buy one。 Now, I walk to school every day, no longer let father motorcycle send me; Every time I go shopping bring your own bag。。。 I want to live a low-carbon life。 Low carbon starts from me, let's construction of a new civilization, happiness, charm, donggang。

“低碳从小做起”,自从上六年级以来,只要我不节俭,爸爸妈妈就会在我耳边说起这句话。 为此,我决定真的要做个低碳生活的执行者。 记得有一次,妈妈用完面膜之后,刚准备要扔掉,恰巧让我看到了,我连忙大喊一声阻止妈妈:“妈妈,不能扔掉!”妈妈听见了之后,立即停下。我飞快跑过去,夺下了妈妈手中的面膜。然后对妈妈说:“妈妈你用完的面膜不能扔,电视上说面膜用完之后能够擦家具,不仅仅擦得亮,并且还有香味。

”妈妈听了后,微笑着拍拍我头的说:“我女儿真的懂得低碳生活了。” 在爸爸面前我也不能服输,就在前几天,因为我们家的衣柜很潮湿,爸爸和妈妈都无计可施,这时我想到了奶奶常常用报纸垫在衣柜里,她说过报纸能够防潮,还能够吸收异味,于是我就去找报纸,可是以前用过的报纸都让我扔掉了,此刻家里还真的没有报纸,人家都说“书到用时方恨少”今日我却想说“报纸用时方恨无”。嗯,对了,今日我好像看见爸爸下班时拿回来了一张报纸,我连忙找到了爸爸:“爸爸你今日是不是拿回来一张报纸?”爸爸疑惑不解的点点头,我迫不及待的说:“快贡献出来,我有办法了。”

当爸爸看我把报纸垫在衣柜里时,害的我爸爸找不到报纸又买啦一张。 此刻,每一天上学我都步行,再也不让爸爸摩托车送我;我每次逛街都自备口袋……我要过真正的低碳生活。 低碳从我做起,让我们一齐来建设礼貌、幸福、魅力、新东港吧。

绿色生活的英文演讲稿2022 篇八










写绿色生活英语演讲稿 篇九

Distinguished teachers, dear classmates:

Everybody is good! Today, on behalf of my grade (123) in class all the students do the speech. The title of my speech is "I love my campus".

Time in a hurry and relentless years, I from primary to secondary school, in the two years for many years. In these two years, I from a young girl into a capable of independent thinking, positive enterprising, the class cadre, from a naughty child into a, enquiry one of good students. More main is, in the time went by, I deeper feelings for our school, more strong. In eight months, we're going to junior high school graduation, left the school, how is that possible don't make me want to stay!

Our campus beautiful and harmonious. When the first sunshine in the morning quietly into the earth, come to the campus, the breeze blowing, I often accompany ear heartily enjoy difficult to describe a comfortable, easy to recite English words, happy to sing a prose poetry. In a beautiful environment, campus all seemed so lively, and my memory is surprisingly good. The joy of the harvest of knowledge, more become a kind of incentive I aggressive power. Is the sun shining through, spread LangLangDe home, national how like groups of jumping notes, play the feelings of our cross-century generation. Diligence knowledgeable and enterprising rushed, become our little the pursuit of every hundred households middle school students.

Our school is a happy, happy family. "SARS" period, our school as well as all over the country, no matter the leadership, teachers and the students, can be unified understanding, solidarity and cooperation, this will be added to our understanding of the school, the love of the school. In this special day, school leaders and teachers to give our loved ones the care, love, like brothers and sisters, between classmates all this touched me, warm me, made me has a special strong feelings on the school.

Our school is the cradle of talent. Luliang is scorching July, everything in the world is full of vitality, even the sky rise with hope. This for the small hundred middle school, it is a more excited harvest season. Throughout the county, city, province and even the whole country, all over the world, all walks of life, where there is no little hundreds of families in contributions, where there is no small hundred households middle school graduates?

Our school is a model of rural junior high school. Far, just in recent years, our school has been advanced provinces, cities and counties as demonstration schools, civilized, last year, and honor to become the secondary school, among the universities. At the same time, our school at the same time, expand the scale of this year and the best school steadily forward, with confidence to fight for the title of provincial green school, this school for every little homes of people is something to be proud of.

I love my campus, I love that spacious classrooms, a vast playground, green lawn, I love my mother more teachers and students of brothers and sisters. In the campus was filled with our laughter, leaving us grow, laid the solid foundation we grow. Students, and the light of hope has been rising on the horizon, let us work hard and forge ahead, put in the little door into the growth of the middle school years we can never forget the memory!


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