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英语发言稿格式 篇一

Good morning ,everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts becoming a grow-up.’’

As a child, I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever I wanted and do whatever I liked. Now I’m a grow-up, but I find things do not go as I expected. Although I can enjoy more freedom, at the same time I realize that being a grown-up not only means this, but also more responsibilities. I hope to do more for my parents and society in the future to make my life more meaningful. To reach the the goal, I must first try my best to pass the College Entrance Examination and enter a good universityt.

Thank you for listening.

英语发言稿格式 篇二

Leaders, colleagues and all my teammates, I am a literary team (position + name)。 I am very honored to be recommended today for the whole team to take the floor.

After two weeks of hard work, the preparation of the literary and art team was officially completed today. Here, let me, on behalf of the team of all literary and art teams, give the most sincere thanks to the leaders and colleagues in the process of building the team in the process of building a team.

Thank you for (bowing)。

For all of us, the literature and art team is not only a good platform for us to show our strengths and to show ourselves, but also a good opportunity for us to meet new friends and enjoy collective pleasure. We will work hard and orderly to complete the various tasks given by the hospital, give full play to our own maximum ability, create high quality programs, and make a contribution to the construction of hospital culture.

In addition, we have a clear understanding of an indisputable fact, as a new team, the formation of the teamfromthe team to the personnel structure, is still very young, here after 90 is a new force, after 80 is a scarce resource, the 70 is still looking for. Therefore, it can be said that the literature and art team is not short of vitality, but there is a clear shortage of experience, so in the next work, we will strive to win the support and help of all literary and artistic predecessors in the hospital, and actively mobilize the learning potential of all the players in order to make up for the lack of experience in the team so that the literature and art team will be able to do so as soon as possible. Stepping over the rookie stage and moving towards a mature and orderly position has become a useful supplement for the hospital departments.

Finally, we have reason to believe that under the care of the leadership of the hospital, under the support of all the colleagues in the hospital, under the efforts of all the teammates, the literature and art team of Lvcheng hospital will have a very good future!

Thank you for theendof my speech.

英语发言稿格式 篇三

Welcome to our English Corner. The English Corner was set up by some English teachers and students ten years ago. Every Saturday eveningfrom7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, studentsfromdifferent schools nearby gather here. In our English Corner, we can practice our oral English and improve our English abilities.

At the same time, we also meet a variety of people here, including some foreign friends. So we can use English Corner to make new friends and increase our knowledge. Usually we choose a topic for participants to discuss and we also organize activities, such as singing English songs and playing English games. So enjoy yourself here. Thanks.

英语发言稿格式 篇四

Fellow students:

Summer holiday is coming. And swimming safety becomes a big problem. I know swimming is a great way to keep fit and relax. However, not every place is suitable for us to swim. And I’d like to give you some advice to keep off the danger. The most important thing you have to know is that you are not supposed to swim in a deep river. Also, you can’t go swimming by yourself. You’d better go with your friends or your families. And before you swim, you should get ready for it instead of jumping into the water in a hurry. What’s more, you also have to look after your friends while you are swimming. Of course, you mustn’t swim for too long so that you and your partner won’t feel tired. Besides, if your swimming skill is not very good. You’d better not swim.

That’s all. Thanks.

英文发言稿的格式 篇五

Good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to becom#e a teacher.。.。

As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don’t expect com#plete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life.

I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of com#ic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. That’s the real com#munication of heart to heart.

I have the belief that my dreams should com#e true. I am looking forward to some day com#ing when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.

英语发言稿格式 篇六

I’m Li Ming, now I’m going to talk about how to swim safely. You know, swimming is a sport that most of us like because it can help us keep in good health. But there are still some things we should care about. First of all, it’s dangerous for us to swim in rivers alone. So we had better go with our parents or friends.

Next, before we get into the river, we should make sure that we have got enough preparations. Then, it’s dangerous to swim in a large circle. Swim in a small circle and you will get help quickly if you are in trouble and try to keep your swimming time a little shorter. Last but not the least, don’t swim in a river if there is a sigh says “No Swimming” 。 I hope all of us would do this sport in safe ways. That’s all.

英语发言稿格式 篇七

Ladies teacher and CLAssmate:

Good morning。 I am three years。 Twenty CLAss stadent。 My name is Jane Wong。 I would like to thank you teacher and CLAssmate giving me this chance to have book review , As is well-known。 Childhood is curiosity and reading。

Now I would like to share learning mate experience, To speak frankly, I like reading books about maths ,Especially problem sdving ones 。I can learn how to control your brain and master analysis and logicfrommath。 During the process of counting and understanding the question you will meet a good friend。 Her name is patience In truth, during the process of math, we not only manage our brains,we also operate our hands, We learn ways to use our brains and develop a pair of skillful hands。

Learning math has too many advantages, besides training our thinking and letting us know many friends。 The most important thing is we will use the arithmetic all our lives, for example: counting the candy in our pockets, the score on examinations, even the speed Dad drives the car。 There are so many examples in our lives, Lastly, I want to say thank you again for listening to my book review and I hope you will like math as much as I like it。 Thank you very much!

英语发言稿格式 篇八

Dear teacher and classmates:

I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time I/d like to talk something about English. I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

When I was seven my mother sent me to an English school. At there I played games and sang English songs with other children 。

英语发言稿格式 篇九

Hello everyone,it's really my honor to be , shall we talk about courage.

Courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men and women. Courage is the mother taking care of her sick child in the early morning hours. Courage is the father who shows up on time everyday at a boring, low-paying, dead-endjob to feed and clothe his family.

Courage comes in many forms, not onlyfromthoughts and deeds of greatness, but in the routine, everyday art of living.

When life gets you down, when it seems that your world is at anend, take courage and go the next step. You will be amazed at the power and strength you have inside.

Just gather up enough courage to take you through this day. You only have to live one day at a time. You do not have to deal with all your troubles at one time. Like the S www.shancaoxiang.com cotsman said, "The troubles of tomorrow must wait until this day is done."

Yes, courage comesfromdeep within the heart and flushes away the paralysis created by fear. A song, a story, a poem or a friendcould re-ignite the spark of courage and inspire us to take the next step to success.

That’s all,thank you!

英语发言稿格式 篇十

Hello, everybody!

I am very glad to be here to give you my lecture on how to prevent A/H1N1 flu.

Since the A/H1N1 flu is around us, we should pay great attention to our health and know something about the terrible disease.

First, develop a good habit of rest. Get up and go to bed early.

Second, have a healthy diet, for example, have meals on time and do not eat too much junk food.

Third, do some exercises you prefer to during your spare time.

Finally, do not throw litter everywhere, and be careful not to spit on the ground. I hope all of you can do as what I told you just now to keep good health.

Thanks for your listening.


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