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cruise on the huangpu river 篇一

cruising on the huangpu river, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the monument tower to the people's heroes, the famous waibaidu bridge and huangpu park on one bank, and the orient pearl tv tower, international convertion center, jin mao building and the newly rising pudong new area on the other. the yangpu and nanpu bridges span the river. from the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at wusong and the magnificent view of the yangtze river as it empties into the sea.

nanjing road east, honored as china's no. l street, has become an all-weather pedestrian arcade. shops and restaurants provide products and services with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place that integrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.

the museum and tomb are located in lu xun park. lu xun was an imminent man of letters. the museum exhibits lu xun's manuscripts, some of his personal effects, document., and photos. the headstone at the tomb of lu xun is in the calligraphy of vhio zedong and reads he tomb of mr. lu xun.

上海英语导游词 篇二

Shanghai, is China's largest economic center and trade port, is the nation's largest comprehensive industrial city, also is the national important science and technology center, trade center, finance and information center, is located in 31 degrees north latitude 14 points, east longitude 121 degrees 29 points. Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river delta front, the east faces the east China sea, south is near hangzhou bay, west of jiangsu and zhejiang provinces, north of the Yangtze river estuary, is located in central China's north-south coastline, convenient transportation, vast hinterland, the geographical position is superior, is a good jianghai port. Comprises in chongming island, covers an area of 1041 square kilometers, is the third largest island in China.

Shanghai 100 km wide from east to west, north and south long 120 km, the city's land area of 6340.5 square kilometers, including outer ring within the city covers an area of 610 square kilometers. Existing 18 districts (huangpu district, xuhui district, luwan district, jing 'an district, changning district, zhabei district, putuo district, yangpu district, hongkou district, baoshan district, qingpu, minhang district, the pudong new area, jiading, jinshan and songjiang districts, nanhui, fengxian) (for) and 1 county. Shanghai north subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons, full of sunshine, abundant rainfall. Short, moderate and moist climate of Shanghai in the spring and autumn, winter and summer is longer than the other. A year 60% of rainfall concentrated in flood season from may to September, flood season have a spring rain, rainy, autumn rain three phases of the rain. Change and clear all the year round: long winter and summer, short spring, autumn, winter, about 126 days, and around 110 days in summer, spring and autumn season two together about 130 days. Annual average temperature was around 16 ℃, July and August is the highest temperature, monthly average of about 28 ℃; Lowest in January, the monthly average of about 4 ℃. Winter without cold, summer without heat, can travel throughout the year, and the two season, spring, summer is the best tourist season.

Shanghai's history is not long, but opened since 1843, formed the five party clans, a blend of Chinese and western cultural characteristics. Shanghai's new financial securities, futures, foreign exchange and technology such as the establishment of the national market, established the position of Shanghai as a national resource allocation center, but also accelerated the pace of Shanghai's economy and international standards. In October 20xx, the APEC conference was held in Shanghai, Shanghai as one of the new century international economic, financial and trade center status has been preliminary established. Entering the 21st century Shanghai, prosperity and open here sow, Oriental pearl TV tower, jinmao tower, Shanghai international conference center, pudong international airport, all depict the international metropolis the open prospects, of the 21st century Shanghai, glory and dream here convergence, Shanghai museum, Shanghai grand theatre, the urban planning museum, all make a broad feelings of international metropolis. In the new century of Shanghai has become a modern and fashionable international, specimen!

上海英语导游词 篇三

Town God's Temple is located in the inner side of the east wall of the shopping mall in the downtown area. It is an ancient building complex from north to south, covering an area of 6600 meters. There are Mountain Gate, front hall, music building, main hall, back bedroom hall and other buildings. Due to historical changes, many buildings in Town God's Temple were destroyed, and the existing main buildings remained basically the same. According to the reco(www.)rds of Zheng county annals, the temple was founded at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty. In 1369, the second year of kongwu in Ming Dynasty, it was granted Lingyou Marquis, so it is also called Lingyou Marquis Temple of City God. It was rebuilt in the 14th year of Hongzhi (1520xx), the 6th year of Jiajing (1520xx) and the 4th year of Longqing (1570). Since the 30th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1691), it has been repaired many times. Recently, the relevant departments have allocated special funds for renovation.

This group of buildings are glazed tiles, rolling shed out of the building, cornices out of the building, the construction of refined rolling shed, the front hall, the back hall and the kiln connected, known as Goulian tower type, the construction area of 423 square meters, red lacquer wood edge door hanging on the top of the "no square net domain", "its respect no pair", "Ze Bei cangsheng" plaque, there are two Arabic plaques in the hall, rolling shed and front hall, the roof is covered by green glazed tiles The back hall and the back kiln are covered with gray tube tiles. The ridge is decorated with relief flowers and plants, and the whole hall is simple and solemn.

Beida mosque is a place where Muslims engage in religious activities. Since 1982, the relevant departments have carried out repairs by stages. Now the main hall, the moon tower and the main gate have been repaired, taking on a new look to welcome visitors from religious circles at home and abroad.

上海英语导游词 篇四

The Oriental Pearl Tower is 468 meters tall and is the second highest towerin Asia and fourth in the world. It is second only to Guangzhou new TV Tower,Canada Toronto TV Tower and Russia Moscow Ostankino radio and TV Tower. TheOriental Pearl TV Tower, once the tallest building in Shanghai, has beenreplaced by the global financial center. However, the Oriental Pearl Tower isstill outstanding in modern buildings in Lujiazui. The Oriental Pearl TV Toweris located in Pudong New Area and looks across the river with the "universalarchitecture Expo" in the Bund. It is the symbol of Shanghai, like the statue ofliberty in New York, Sydney Opera House and Eiffel Tower in Paris. It forms adouble dragon ball with the Nanpu bridge on the left and the Yangpu bridge onthe right. The Oriental Pearl Tower is located in the modern architecturalbuilding in Lujiazui. It connects with the the Bund world architectural Expo,and the Jinmao Tower and the world financial center, which are newly built inthe rear area. It shows the spectacular view of the international metropolis.The Oriental Pearl Tower is one of the services of sightseeing, catering,shopping, entertainment, Pujiang tour, conference and exhibition, historicaldisplay, travel agency and so on. It has become one of the landmark buildingsand tourist hotspots in Shanghai. At present, the number of sightseeing andtourism income of the Oriental Pearl Tower ranks second in the world's towersafter France's Eiffel Tower, thus squeezing the ranks of the world's most famoustourist attractions.

The Oriental Pearl is also quite magnificent. The tower is a world class360 meter transparent three track lift lift, which is located in the threehigh-speed elevators with a diameter of 9 meters and the world's firsttransparent elevator. The designer is full of fantasy to connect 11 spheres ofdifferent sizes and different heights from the blue sky to the green grass,while the two Ruby like crystal clear giant spheres are held up high andintegrated, creating the artistic conception of "big beads and small beadsfalling on the jade plate". On February 1994, President Jiang Zemin wrote thename of the tower of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

Richly endowed by nature, guests feel at home. Be not of the common sort,the Oriental Pearl air rotary restaurant is located on the 267 meters of theOriental Pearl Tower. It is proud of being the highest in Shanghai. It has theunique landscape advantage, the unusual diet culture and the warm service athome. It is the highest rotary restaurant in Asia with a business area of 1500square meters, which can accommodate 350 guests. At the same time, therestaurant provides a variety of luxury packages and Chinese Western buffet,more than 100 kinds of delicious food are continuously supplied, so thattourists can share the delicious food and beautiful scenery.

There are a superb collection of beautiful things in the 1000 Orientaltourist counters. The Oriental Pearl Tower receives about 2800000 guests fromall over the world, and is a comprehensive tourist cultural attraction with manyfunctions, including sightseeing, dining, shopping, entertainment, cruise,exhibition, historical display, radio and television transmission, etc. TheOriental Pearl Tower has become a landmark building in Shanghai. It is one ofthe ten new scenic spots in Shanghai. As one of the National Tourism hotspots,the Oriental Pearl Tower was awarded the first batch of AAAA tourist attractionsin the country by the National Tourism Administration in early 20xx for itsexcellent service.

The Oriental Pearl TV tower has a total of 3 sightseeing layers with 360degrees. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the city at different heights. Thespace capsule is located at 350 meters, the highest revolving restaurant in Asiais at 267 meters, the subjective light layer is at 263 meters, the outdoorsightseeing layer is at 259 meters and 90 meters, the space amusement city islocated in the lower ball body at 90 meters, and the zero meter hall is theexhibition Hall of Shanghai's urban history and development. Among them, thepreface hall is "the spring and autumn of chariots and horses", the first hallis "city style", the second hall is "a glimpse of port opening", and the thirdhall is It is a "Ten Mile Ocean City", the fourth museum is "old shadows on thesea", and the fifth museum is "architecture Expo". The "China" cruise ship isthe latest and luxurious sightseeing cruise ship of the Oriental Pearl.

The Oriental Pearl TV tower has the best view of the night scene inShanghai. Standing on the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, overlooking thewhole city of Shanghai, it only feels like the whole city has become thebuilding blocks of architects. The wisdom of architects is undoubtedly amazing.Cities extend the height of human beings and also gather them together. Thisreinforced concrete forest not only protects human beings, but also destroys theliving environment of human beings.

When the wind and sunshine are on the Eastern Pearl Tower of Shanghai, welook up and look forward. All the world's architectural Expo Group in the Bund,Nanpu bridge and Yangpu bridge all have a panoramic view. It's the best place tohave a panoramic view of Shanghai. But you must go on a sunny day. If you go ona rainy day, you can see that it's all foggy outside. You will feel that you arewasting so much money. Moreover, the various exhibitions on the Oriental PearlTower in Shanghai are also of historic and delicacy. Although it is a littleexpensive to use buffet in a revolving restaurant, it is worth it!

The Oriental Pearl TV broadcasting tower in Shanghai consists of threepillars, 9 meters in diameter, a space capsule, an upper sphere, a lower sphere,five balls, a tower and a square. At present, there are only 50 people carryingdouble deck elevator and 7 meters per second high-speed elevator in China. Thestereo lighting system is gorgeous and beautiful. With a diameter of 45 metersand a height of 263 meters, the dazzling upper sphere is the best place to havea bird's-eye view of Shanghai. When it's sunny and windy, when you look up fromafar, Sheshan and Chongming Island can be seen indistinctly, which makes youfeel relaxed and happy. The upper sphere is also open to visitors with a 267mrevolving restaurant (one circle per hour), disco dance hall, piano bar and 20KTV rooms at 271m.

The skyrocketing space capsule is 350 meters away, with a sightseeingfloor, a conference hall and a coffee shop. It is elegant, luxurious and unique.The air hotel is located in five small balls, with 20 rooms, comfortableenvironment and unique taste. Shanghai Oriental Pearl Wan Bang department storehas an area of 18000 square meters, delicacy in shopping, food, arts and crafts,gold and silver jewelry, leather goods, food and so on.

dr. sun's residence 篇五

dr. sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution, and his wilr soong ching ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. it was in the residence that dr. sun yat-sen met representatives of the communist party and fostered the first cooperation between the chinese communist party and the kuomintang.

上海英文版导游词 篇六

Does everyone know where to look at Chinas 100 - year history? Yes, it is Shanghai. What about 20 years of history? He came to the Bund. The Bund is the window of Shanghai. It reflects the features of Chinas largest economic center city, an international modern metropolis, and has the characteristics of a famous historical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese like to call the Bund of Shanghai the first bay in Asia. Yes, she is very beautiful. Look, she runs from Waibaidu Bridge in the north to Xinkai River in the south. It is more than 1800 meters long, curved like a crescent moon and beautiful like a picture.

According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi Road and Huangpu Beach Road. In 1945, in memory of dr sun yat - sen, the name was changed to Zhongshan road, which is still in use today. the bund used to be known as oriental wall street. With the rapid development of Shanghais urban construction, it is more modern. In 1995, it was named one of the " Top Ten New Sceneries in Shanghai in 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of tourists every day.

Ladies and gentlemen, today when we are bathed in the sunshine of reform and opening up, we can enjoy many beautiful sights while walking on the bund. First of all, look at the west. That is one of the symbols of Shanghai - the World Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai was designated as a commercial port ( bu )。 At that time, Shanghai gradually formed the place where foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western-style buildings were built on the Bund. The Huangpu River is crowded with banks, clubs and nightclubs from western countries, which reflects the plunder and invasion of Shanghai by western colonization. Although the towering buildings on the Bund were not designed by a designer or built in the same era, they have common features. They were all the most popular styles in the West at that time. They adopted western classical architectural forms. The whole building had solemn and majestic momentum and the architectural colors were basically uniform. In addition, looking to the east, people can also see the broad and magnificent Huangpu River from the viewing platform Shanghai. The river breeze blows ( fu ), the river surface shimmers ( lin ), hundreds of boats compete, white seagulls fly high and low, and you can see the port scenery of big cities. Looking ahead at Pudongs most innovative skyscraper complex across the century, the magnificent momentum has enabled the Bund to borrow beautiful scenery. As a symbol of Shanghai, the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrates western classical customs and modern Chinese civilization. Now lets look at the main buildings along the Bund from south to north.


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