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2024年希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿 希拉里竞选演说

更新时间:2024-04-02 来源:互联网 点击:

2024年希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿 篇1

I promise you tonight that I will reach across partylines to bring progress for all of New York's families.


Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans.Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers.


And how fortunate we are indeed to live in the mostdiverse, dynamic and beautiful state in the entireunion.


You know, from the South Bronx to the Southern Tier, from Brooklyn to Buffalo, from Montaukto Massena, from the world's tallest skyscrapers to breathtaking mountain ranges


I've met people whose faces and stories I will never forget.


Thousands of New Yorkers from all 62 counties welcomed me into your schools, your localdiners, your factory floors, your living rooms and front porches.


You taught me, you tested me and you shared with me your challenges and concerns


about overcrowded or crumbling schools, about the struggle to care for growing children andaging parents,


about the continuing challenge of providing equal opportunity for all.and about childrenmoving away from their home towns because good jobs are so hard to find in upstate New York.


Now I've worked on issues like these for a long time, some of them for 30 years, and I amdetermined to make a difference for all of you.


You see, I believe our nation owes every responsible citizen and every responsible family thetools that they need to make the most of their own lives.


That's the basic bargain, I'll do my best to honor in the United States Senate.


And to those of you who did not support me, I want you to know that I will work in the Senatefor you and for all New Yorkers.


And to those of you who worked so hard and never lost faith even in the toughest times, I offeryou my undying gratitude.


2024年希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿 篇2

I’m getting ready for a lot of things. A lot of things.

It’s spring, so we’re starting to get the gardens ready and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood.

My daughter is about to start kindergarten next year, and so we’re moving just so she can belong to a better school.

My brother and I are starting our first business. After five years of raising my children, I am now going back to work.

Every day we’re trying to get more and more ready and more prepared. Baby boy, coming your way.

Right now I’m applying for jobs. It’s a look into what the real world will look like after college. I’m getting

married this summer to someone I really care about.

I’m gonna be in the play and I’m gonna be in a fish costume. From little tiny fishes.

I’m getting ready to retire soon. Retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways.

Well we’ve been doing a lot of home renovations. But, most importantly, we just

want to teach our dog to quit eating the trash.

And so we have high hopes for 20xx that’s going to happen. I’ve started a new

career recently. This is a fifth generation company which means a lot to me. This country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.

I’m getting ready to do something, too. I’m running for president.

Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck

is still stacked in favor of those at the top.

Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion. So, you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead. And stay ahead! Because when families are strong, America is strong. So, I’m hitting the road to earn your vote. Because it’s your time, and I hope you’ll join me on this journey.















2024年希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿 篇3

New York Senate Race Speech by HillaryClinton


You know, you know, we started this great effort on asunny July morning in Pindars Corner on Pat and LizMoynihan's beautiful farm and 62 counties, 16months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 blackpantsuits later, because of you, here we are.


You came out and said that issues and ideals matter, Jobs matter, downstate and upstate,Health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, Social Security matters, awoman's right to choose matters.


It all matters and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, New York!


Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what wecould do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation.


I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you.


I will...I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerfulexample of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.


I would like all of you and the countless New Yorkers and Americans watching to join me inhonoring him for his incredible half century of service to New York and our nation.


Senator Moynihan, on behalf of New York and America, thank you.


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