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Mariner magnificent life adrift in the sea, the vast expanse of the universe, the endless sky. Flying it! Colorful flying in the sky, let sights perfusion your head, let Mother Nature to make your mind blowing, so boring life can no longer imprison your soul.关于旅游的英语作文-毕业旅行(关于旅游的英语作文高中英语作文)

An old saying: "read better than ten thousand books." Travel is more than two feet bookcase to wisdom; travel orders the soul to reach sublimation. It was a trip, no matter how many years of experience, makes me nostalgic. Various recall before graduation, that smile look forward to the completion of the trip, but also Shenluo in my mind, finally finally wait until the completion of brigade, sunny morning, like the sun for our farewell. After hearing the principal, teacher's lecture, everyone is excited, chattering side edge of the car to talk.

Car, some people listen to music, some people in the chat joking, some people play slapstick, others kept pressing the shutter to capture a wide range of memories, some even too excited, has been absurd, prompting the whole car burst into laughter. After half an hour's drive, we arrived at the first stop ── Youth Activity Center. Satiation local folk cuisine, we were lively mountain training, it turns away an hour before the event. Wow! Each facility is very exciting and interesting, it looked shocking, white hair have been scared, but there are several volunteers after the first experience, we gradually willing to go, but in the end the girls are crazy play. Among them, I most like to play the "single cable suspension bridge", it was a man on a three-story ropes, sliding down the facility, is really more play the more addictive.

The next day we spent in the Miao, first ranch experience farm style. Bought a lot of local gifts, enjoy rustic cuisine, we try to do some dairy products, such as: butter, chicken cakes. Among them, the chicken pie time-consuming and bother. But when I tasted it loosely soft palate, the entrance of the home-made cakes, wonderful taste echoed in my mouth, like ocean waves hitting my throat. Next stop ── West Lake Resortopia, quiet forests, green scenery, blue sky, dotted with bright stars, located in the beautiful scenery of the cabins, seems to be especially gorgeous, very fascinating. The end of the three-day event, those views, I forget, flows in my heart throbbing, deep wash my heart.

This journey, I realized that invisible but profound impact on my thoughts of "friendship." Friendship graceful and moving, bright flames, like much, but indispensable. It is clean, satisfactory moving mind, ignited the hearts of people, listening to compose a song.






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