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Bookmarks and Favorites书签与收藏夹(英文)(书签英语翻译)

  With millions of websites and more coming online daily, you will undoubtedly find ones you want to revisit. Bookmarks or Favorites save the addresses of your favorite sites so you can return to them quickly, without having to retype the addresses. Whether you are using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, the procedure is similar.

  Once you find a site you want to save, go to the Bookmarks or Favorites menu or click on its icon and select Add. When you click on the icon again, the title of the web page you recorded will appear at the bottom of the list. To revisit a bookmarked website, just double-click on it.

  Putting Your Links in Order

  Soon you will discover that you've got dozens of bookmarks. It's now time to organize them into folders*.

  If you use Internet Explorer 5.0, click on the Favorites button on the toolbar to open the Favorites window. Now select Organize Favorites*. Click on the folder icon to create a new folder, then name it. We suggest organizing your bookmarks in folders by subjects*, such as Food, Travel, News, Sports, etc. Now click on each Favorite once, hold down your left mouse key and drag the appropriate Favorite into the subject folder.

  If you use Navigator 4.0 or a later release*, click on the Bookmarks icon to view all your bookmarks. Under the File menu, select New Folder. In the Name box, type in a name for the folder, then click on OK. Now return to your list of bookmarks, click once on one to highlight it, then drag it into the appropriate subject-related folder. Repeat the process for the other topics and bookmarks.

  Sometimes the names of the bookmarks aren't descriptive, so you may want to alter them. With Navigator, select the bookmark you want to change by clicking on it once. Go to the Edit menu and choose Bookmark Properties. Now type in the new name and click OK.

  With Explorer, open the Favorites window, then click on Organize Favorites. After the dialog box opens, click on the favorites you want to change. Next, click the Rename button. Now you can type a new name.



  Organize Favorites:整理收藏夹



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