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更新时间:2021-11-23 来源:互联网 点击:


No matter how far away my hometown is, it's the first impression the world gives me.


Bear to see spring go to Fangfei, and return to heaven to rely on you. Colorful and colorful, a flower is like a hundred flowers.


A thousand miles away, a mother worries, and a fallen leaf worries before the cold dew steps. The west wind is very cold tonight, and the old clothes can warm the autumn.


Looking up at the moon is not as bright as my hometown; bowing down to make noodles, who knows the fragrance of home dumplings; working deep in the night, it's hard to say the bitterness; four strangers, thinking of the right person.


Kuteng, old trees, crows, bridges and flowing water, ancient roads, west wind, thin horses. The setting sun, heartbroken people in the end of the world.


White clouds spread like a vast expanse of water, and the gap between them overlooks the sea field. The old swallow only has a shadow now, and flies to the south again.介绍家乡的高级句子英语(介绍家乡的英语句型)


Children travel thousands of miles and mothers worry. Don't go to hometown to call water flow. Cold dew and autumn wind ask each other again, but remember the warm and cold.


But the beauty is that the road of my hometown is still dirt road, and it is dusty in sunny days and muddy in rainy days.


Accent is the core of language, which makes language have the feeling of reality.


The changes in my hometown are so great, the roads are wide, the environment is beautiful, and so many new buildings have been built.


The light homesickness is that the hometown hasn't changed. The light sadness, the injury is that hometown's retrogression.


Dreams are always equal in the distance. One step closer to the distance, one step further from home.


I'm still in my hometown. I'm going back to my hometown. I want to be silent or loud in the sky of my hometown.


In fact, there is no road on the ground, and when there are many people walking, it bees a road.


Children walk thousands of miles and mothers worry. When will they e home and wash their guests. Don't forget the hometown moon in front of your bed. Draw the old Yan language of Liang.


I stumbled around all my life, saw several vicissitudes and listened to many hometown. Go home, laugh no home.


How I want to return to my hometown, and then to his side, to see his gentle and kind! Gentle and kind is the end result!


Think the next day to the Mid Autumn Festival, read why the family worried. Sit in the west window and look at the West. Look at the moon and think of your hometown.


Home road, familiar, but cordial, local flavor!


Neither the devil in hell nor the wicked in the world can stop me from going back to my hometown.


When I was young, the train meant my hometown, because every time I went home, I had to take the train; now, the train means the distance.


Seeing the autumn wind in Luoyang, I want to write a lot. I can't say it all in a hurry. I'm afraid that the pedestrians will soon open again.


The essence of life is a return. You go from naivete to vicissitudes, from ignorance to want, and your journey is also your hometown.


The cold light in the hotel can't sleep alone. Hometown tonight, I think thousands of miles, and worry about another year in the Ming Dynasty.


Children line thousands of miles mother worry, several times full moon quiet. I don't hate autumn frost to dye my temples. I only teach running water to send me back to my boat.


The stream of people, the bright hometown, but also tells about its prosperity of the motherland's prosperity.


Wave life is hard and fast, two difficulties and four beauties happen to be the same. Where does the old man not dream of Xiangwang e from.


Once an arrow is shot, it cannot be returned, but a man can. Almost forgotten, I still have my hometown.


A few years later, he returned to his hometown, looking for his old friends, only to find that it was empty and the scenery was totally different.


Sometimes looking back at my youth is like looking back at my hometown lost in the smoke.


Dream, I return to my hometown, wake up, but only a bowl of dim yellow light, should be lonely moon.


What can't be called far away, what can't be returned is hometown, what can't be seen, lost that old time.


The buds of Paeonia rose out of the ground, tender, sharp and red. The land of my hometown was like a carpet of red flowers with yellow background.


If you want to go far away, then all the mountains and fields are hometown. Where is the south of the Yangtze River.


To me, dream is to reality, just as far away is to hometown, the way of pursuing is full of nostalgia, settling down but suffering.


Sad songs can be weeping, long-term vision can be angelica. I miss my hometown very much.


I used to like to see the scenery all over the country, but my passionate love for my hometown made me willingly bury the free dandelion children in my heart.


Don't invite you to drink a cup of water from your hometown. When you travel around the world, don't forget to pack your hometown in your heart.


There are many mountains in my hometown, one after the other. Looking from afar, it's like a layer of rolling green waves!


The feeling that a person is far away from his hometown is like this. He doesn't even give the chance to meet his beloved.

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