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导游欢迎词英语优秀13篇 导游欢迎词英语优秀13篇翻译

更新时间:2023-07-10 来源:互联网 点击:


英文导游欢迎词 篇一

city,shanxi province, 70km from wutai county town, 140km from xinzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north, with a total area of about 2837sq.km.wutai mountain scenic spot area is situated in the region with taihuai town as center in the north part of wutai county, with an area of 376sq.km. it is a national ╟level scenic spot area at nation level and a national class 4a tourist scenic spot area wutai mountain has peaks rising one higher than another and chain of mountains in stagger like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger. the whole mountain has more than 1100 varieties of plant and, among them, the wutai mountain mushroom is both the good food for eating and valuable drug and was determined as an article of tribute by an emperor in history wutai mountain is the highest mountainous land in north china region, with the north platform top being at an altitude of 3058m above sea level and called “roof ridge of north china ”,wutai mountain had its name because it has five main peaks with flat and broad platforms. it has five called cool mountain by the buddhists believers and is one of the five main buddhist holy lands in the world and also a famous activity place of buddhism in china, ranking first among the “four main buddhist famous mountains in china, where often reside 1200 monks and nuns now, from north wei to qing dynasty, the emperors of the past dynasties all have arrived wutai mountain and the eminent monks and great teachers of wutai mountain came forth in large numbers, these great teachers and grand masters in the history of chinese buddhism have made outstanding contributions for the buddhist culture of wutai mountain so that wutai mountain has become an institution for the overseas believers to study abroad and listen to scriptures and written down a brilliant historic volume of sino-foreign cultural exchange. wutai mountain is a treasure ╟house of ancient architecture of china, where the cultural relics gather together and treasures come together in crowds. now, wutai mountain has 47 temples, and among them are 4 national-level key cultural relic preservation units and nearly 20 are provincial ╟level key cultural relic preservation units. of the four wood ╟structure buildings of tang dynasty kept in shanxi, two are in wutai mountain, tang song, liao, jin, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, and minguo all left behind large buildings of typical wood structure and this itself is a volume of vast and numerious ancient architectural history of china.

英文导游欢迎词 篇二




英文导游欢迎词 篇三

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to Panyu.

Please sit down and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don't haveto worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has 25 years of driving. My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Miss Gao, which is my surname. We'refromthe China International Travel ServiceCITS, Panyu Branch. On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I'd like to welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, we'll do everything possible to make your visit a happy experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don't hesitate to let me know.

You're going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. The hotel is in downtown, it is easy access to many places of interests in Panyu. And you'll be staying our city for two and a half days.

There is one thing I must warn you against. You must remember the number of our bus. The number is 84645555. let me repeat: 84645555.

I hope you'll enjoy your stay in our city!

英文导游欢迎词 篇四

Welcome everyone to come here, let me introduce for everybody! Hangzhou has a long history, as early as four years ago, in the Neolithic Age in Hangzhou area, our ancestors have multiplied, and has called the "dawn of civilization" Liangzhu culture. Hangzhou is one of the seven ancient capitals of China (Beijing, Nanjing, Xi'an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Hangzhou), and is also one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Before the Xia Dynasty, according to legend, Dayu to Kuaiji (now Shaoxing county) to the princes of the general assembly, in the "homes hang (Hangzhou) landing", because "Yu Hang", after the "Yuhang myth". During the spring and Autumn period, the two countries contend for hegemony, Hangzhou first belonged to Wu, and after the destruction of Wu, Wu Yue belonged to vietnam. In the Warring States period, Hangzhou was placed in the territory of Chu state after the Chu Dynasty was destroyed. Qinwang Zheng twenty-five years (222 BC), Qin Miechu, today the Tangxian County Hangzhou regional money, also belong to the home Yuhang County, Kuaiji county.

Hangzhou since the Qin Dynasty set up county, has 2200 years of history. Sui kaihuang nine years (589 years) waste money Tang County, Hangzhou, Hangzhou for the first time in history. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Wude four years (AD 621 years), Yuhang County of Hangzhou, in order to avoid the taboo, instead of money for the Qian Tang County of Tangxian County. Hangzhou was the five generation of Wu Yue in the Southern Song Dynasty and the two generation of capital. The period of the Five Dynasties, Wu Yue in the Southeast (refers to the feudal dynasty had had lost the Central Plains and Gou only part of the territory), the capital of Hangzhou. At the time of Hangzhou said the West or west, state governance in Qian Tang. Gaozong Jianyan three years (AD 1129), in order to avoid the emperor from Yangzhou south to Hangzhou Jinbing, to the state government for the palace, Hangzhou Ling'an Prefecture, also known as the "line in the". Shaoxing eight years (1138), the official capital of Ling'an, which lasted more than 140 years.

英文导游欢迎词 篇五

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China! Welcome to x! With such great joy, on behalf of CITS, I’d like to extendour warm welcome to all of you. At first please allow me to say a few words about myself, My name is Wanli, you can simply call me xiao Wan. And this is our driver, Mr. Liu, who has been driving for more than twenty years, so don’t worry about your journey when you are using this tour bus. If you have some questions, please ask me, I’ll do all my best to answer it. At last, I also hope that during your short stay in Wuhan, you can not only satisfy your eyes and stomach, but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of the Chinese people and its on-going reform, which shaped the greatness of China.

Ladies and gentlemen: The time has gone by quickly and your trip to x is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you can’t stay in our country any longer. Allow me , then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.

I would like to tell you that it had been a great pleasure for me to spendthe last few days as your guide. I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know you, and we have spendmuch time together. I hope you have enjoyed these last few days as much as I have. I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support you have given me in the past several days. I’d like to add that you are the best group we’ve ever been with.

As you have probably observed, x is developing very quickly. I sincerely hope that you can come back in the future and to be you guide.

Once again, I wish everybody have a pleasant journey in x!

英文导游欢迎词 篇六





英文导游欢迎词 篇七




英文导游欢迎词 篇八

Good afternoon,everyone,welcome to Nanjing on behalf of our company,I am your local guide xxxxx,this is the driver Mr.Wang. It’s my honor to be here to provide service to you. whenever you need my help just tell me please,I’m always ready for it and hope you have a pleasant trip with me.thank you!Nanjing is the provincial capital and the political,economic and cultural center of Jiangsu Province.It’s located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze river.It covers an area of over 6500 square kilometers,with a population of about 6.4 millions,about half of them in the urban area and the other half in the suburban area.Nanjing is one of the 4 ancient capitals in China.The city of Nanjing has a history of over 2400 years ,it was first built as a city in 472 BC.its name was Yuecheng.Nanjing bears the reputation of the capital of Ten Dynasties,being since the year 229 AD the capital of Wu,Easten Jin,Song,Qi ,Liang,Chen,Southern Tang,early Ming Dynasties,Taiping Kingdom and Republic of China subsequently.Nanjing is not only the cultural center of this province,it’s also one of the 4 cultural center of the whole country.I should say that Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities with splendid cultural heritage.It produced many scientists,litterators and artists in the history,And now there are 48 universities and institutes for higher learning and 523 scientific research institutes with 350,000 scientific and technological personnel in Nanjing,some of them are quite well-known in the country.It has 4 clear seasons with average temperature of 15 degrees centigrade.we have plenty of water here.We have about 40 inches of rainfall annually.This area is called the land of fish and rice.Nanjing is quite famous for it’s beautiful trees.We’ve planted more than 30 million trees along the main streets,averagely 10 trees per person..and we’ll try to build the whole city as a garden city.I wish you’ll enjoy your stay in Nanjing,thank you!

Nanjing is an ancient capital of six Dynasties with a history of more than 2500 years,and also called the Metropolitan of Ten Empires.They are the Easten Wu, Easten jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen,southern Tang, early Ming, Taiping Heaveanly Kingdom and the Republic of China.

Nanjing is now the provincial capital of Jiangsu,hence the political economic and cultural center of the province.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,Nanjing has become a productive city.Especially from 1978 when china started practice of open policy,fast progress has likewise been made in the fields of industry, agriculture,education, science & technology, culture and tourism as well.Its GDP has reached to over 150 billion RMB a couple of years ago.

Nanjing is located on the lower reaches of the Yangtze river.It covers an area of 6515 square kilometers with a population of more than 7 million.As in the subtropical zone,its climate is mild,having the four seasons clear cut.It used to be one of the three furnace cities along the Yangtze river.But thanks to the efforts made in forestation,it is no longer a furnace any more.

As a city with an ancient cultural background,there are many places of historic to visit.According to the itinerary made for the group,I’ll take you to

vist dr. sun yatsen’s mausoleum this morning.

Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political,

economic and cultural center, is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, southwest of the province. The population of its urban area is about 2.7 million.

Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state. The discovery of the Nanjing Ape revealed the trace of human influence some 350,000 years ago. The area war inhabited and cultivated about 6000 years ago. Nanjing bears the reputation of the Capital of Ten Dynasties, being since the year 229 AD the capital of Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen,

Southern Tang, Ming, Taiping Kingdom, and Republic of China subsequently.

Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultural heritage. It produced scientists, literators, and artists. The great scientist Zu Chongzhi computed the Ludolphian number with the accuracy to the 7th place of decimals, 1000 years ahead of the rest of the world. The Imperial Academy of Ming Dynasty in Nanjing, which received some 9000 students, was the largest higher education institution in China at the time. Many celebrities were buried in Nanjing after their death.

The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultural heritages. It is a famous scenic tourist city, which is an integration of mountains, waters, forest, as well as monuments and historical relics. With many a relics of the Republic of China era in particular, Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history

Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (中山陵) is situated at the foot of the second peak of Mount Zijin (Purple Mountain) in Nanjing, China. Construction of the tomb started in January of 1926 and was finished in spring of 1929. The architect was Lu Yanzhi, who died shortly after it was finished.Guangdong province of China on November 12th, 1866, and died in 1925 inBeijing, China. On April 23rd, 1929,the Chinese government appointed He Yingqin to be in charge of laying Dr. Sun to rest. On May 26th, the coffin departed from Beijing, and on May 28th, it arrived in Nanjing. On June 1st, 1929, Dr. Sun was buried there. Sun, considered to be the Modern Chinaimperial Qing government and after the1911 revolution ended the monarch reign system and founded the Republic of slope, the majestic

mausoleum blends the styles of traditional imperial tombs and modern architecture. Lying at the mountainside, the vault is more than 700 hundred meters away from the paifang on the square below, which is the entrance of the mausoleum. There is

a three-tier stone stand on which a huge bronze ding, an ancient Chinese vessel symbolizing power, perches. To the north of the square, the paifang towers high. Beyond is the 480-meter-long and 50-meter-wide stairway which has 392 stairs, leading to the vault. On both sides, pine, cypress, and gingko trees guard the way. At the end of the stairway is a gate which is 16 meters high and 27 meters wide. The tri-arched marble gate is inscribed with four Chinese characters written by Dr. Sun, gate, there is a pavilion in which a 9-meter-high stele is set, which is a memorial monument set by the Kuomintang (KMT). A few stairs up is the sacrificial hall and the vault.In front of the sacrificial hall there stands a pair of huabiao, ancient Chinese ornamental columns, which are 12.6 meters high. The sacrificial hall is actually a palace of 30 meters in length, 25 meters in width and 29 meters in height. In the center of the hall a 4.6-meter-high statue of Dr. Sun sits. The statue was sculptured out of Italian white marble. The ceiling of the hall features the flag of theKuomintang. Biographical information on Dr. Sun is available to visitors in the hall. North of the hall lies the bell-shaped vault, wherein lies the sarcophagus of Dr. Sun.Architectural influence of the Mausoleum's design is evident in Taiwan'sChiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

英文导游欢迎词 篇九





英文导游欢迎词 篇十

Members of the group:

Hello,I'm glad to join us in the XXX tour organized by our XXXX travel agency. First of all,please allow me to introduce myself. I'm called XXX,a full—time tour guidefromour company。 Everyone calls me x guide or small X. The one who is on my side is the X teacher who has worked hard for the most time in our trip. Here we give you a warm applause to thank our x master.

It is regrettable that everyone can not accurately estimate the tour plan here because of the weather reasons. Although the weather can not be accurately estimated,although it is regrettable,we do not have to worry,since we come,we will give everyone the best service,will take everyone to the most essential places to visit,I hope you can play the spirit,only When the spirit is good,the tour process can be called enjoyment. In addition,we will try our best to find a travel agency to discuss whether we can refund some of the cost to you. I hope you will understand.

In the next few days,I will be with master x to serve all of us,and make sure that all of us can get satisfactory service in our journey. There is no need to help,although we say we should try our best to satisfy everyone's requirements.

Therefore,we also hope that every member here can cooperate with the work of our tour guide,and care for the cleanliness in the compartment.

Finally,please once again,with warm applause,wish us a happy and pleasant journey.

英文导游欢迎词 第十一篇

Good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx. let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.

英文导游欢迎词 第十二篇

Ladies and gentleman good morning !Welcome to广州please sit back and relax.your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you don't have to worry about that,first on behalf of nanhuo international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to广州province,I’m very pleased to be your guide during your stay in广州province,if you have just come to here I can show you around. now please allow me introduce myself my name is li xx Or call me xx, which is my English name,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one,We will always be using the same bus while we are here in广州so I recommend that you write down the number on our license plate .There will be a lot of tour buses at the scenic spots we visit.If you happen to get separated from the group,you will have the bus number and still be able to find our bus .an old Chinese saying may express our hospitality:"Isn't it a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar ".Mr li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable ,I hope that your visit to this ancient province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life .

You are going to stay at the Holiday Inn Shangri-La Hotel.Hotel Details,Shangri-La Hotel, guangzhou is the city's only international luxury hotel. Located in the centre of one of China's fastest-growing cities, the hotel's 458 guest rooms and 98 fully serviced apartments provide a convenient, private and quiet haven for short- and long-term guests.As you’ll be staying in our city for three days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus. The number is 97710. Let me repeat: 97710. We will always in from you in advance when we will meet to go somewhere and when we will have our meals.It's very important taht you always try to be on make sure that we don't have any problems,I'd like to remind you of the time difference.While you are traveling in Chian,you will always use Bejing Standard Time.Right now it is Sptmber 20 and the current time is 10:00 AM.please adjust you watches now.So that we can avoid any confusion later on.

If you have any special interests,please don't hesitate to let us know.Our job is to smoon your way,care for your welfare,answer any questions you have assist you in whatever way we can.We relly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope you will enjoy your stay in my city.

英文导游欢迎词 第十三篇


How do you do!Welcome to visit the Confucious'temple in Bishan. I am a tour guide Hu Ting Yue. I hope that my explanation will satisfy you and enable us to appreciate the long history and antiquity of Confucious'temple.

The Confucious'temple in Bishan is the only Confucious' Temple existing in Chongqing. This temple was built in the South Song Dynasty. In 1194,it was rebuilt for four years in Xianfeng. The temple seat was west to the East and Lantau Peak,the front was the broad grand square,and the big and majestic government building on the right.The total area of Confucious'temple is 1240 square meter.

There is a statue of Lv Fengzi before the temple. The Confucious'temple is to commemorate Lv Fengzi,and Lv Fengzi was born in 1886. After adulthood,he taught traditional Chinese painting in Colleges and universities in four provinces and cities like Shanghai. Lv Fengzi is a famous painter and calligrapher in modern times,and also an art educator.He has made many contributions to the cause of art education.

Please look at the gate with my gestures. The red wall of the gate is inlaid with a yellow ball,which is so solemn and solemn,with two gold characters on the top of the Confucious'temple,and we can see the ancient people's ghosts and gods. Please step in the doorway,the left hand side is the Lv Fengzi Memorial tube,and the right is the advertising studio. Everyone followed me up the stairs ahead. The stone wall was carved with a Kowloon map. There was a mighty dragon in the middle. There were eight lovely dragons around it. Every detail of this stone painting was meticulously carved,which was the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients. As you can see,the main hall is double roofed with yellow tiles,red walls and two dragons on top. Everyone walked into the main hall,where tables and chairs were neatly placed,and people were drinking tea leisurely here.

We bypass the main hall,go up the hillside,and look at these gods. Their dignity is very respectable. Many gods have been weathered and their dignity is not lost. The statue of this side was devastated by the cultural revolution.

Friends,please protect the cultural relics,but also protect our homes.

This is theendof today's tour. Please give my valuable advice to us. See you next time!


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