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  导游英文自我介绍 篇【1】







  导游英文自我介绍 篇【2】

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Welcome to Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China as well as one of the four ancient capitals in china.Many foreign friends known Beijing because of the the success of the Olympic Games. Please sit back and relax. Iam your local guide for your Beijing tour ,you can call me Amry.This is our driver Mr. Zhang.We will make every effort to provide the best quality service.Like me, Beijingers are always ready to welcome friends from all over the world with their most hospitality.During you Beijing tour we will visit the Forbidden City、Great Wall、Summer Palace and other attractions.I hope that the old as well as fashion Beijing willleave you a good memory.

  The first attraction of our tour in Beijing is the Forbidden City.The first thing people would think of when talking about the

  Forbidden City is it the place where Chinese emperors used to live and hold their courts. .But the value of the Forbidden City is not limited to this.It is a microcosm of Chinese history, Chinese culture and Chinese architecture.The Forbidden City is located in center oBeijing. It was imperial palace of both Ming and Qing dynasties.With a history of over 600 years, it is the largest and most complete palace complex that still exists in the world. 24 emperors had rule the empir from here for more than 500 years. Forbidden City is also called Purple Forbidden City .In the feudal['fju:dl]封建时代的 society ,emperors had supreme至高的 power , so this residence was certainly a forbidden place . Purple was the symbolic[sim'b?lik] 象征color of the North Star which was believed to be the center of the cosmos宇宙 .So it got the name of Purple Forbidden City.

  The building arrangement within the Forbidden City is symmetrical对称的.And it is divided into two parts :the outer court and the inner court .The former is the place where emperors handled courts事物 and held different ceremonies仪式.It consists of Taihe ,Zhonghe and Baohe Halls.Taihe hall is the largest hall within the Forbidden City.It was the location where Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty Emperors hosted theirenthronement and wedding ceremonies .The inner court consists of Qianqing, Jiaotai and Kunming Halls where the emperor lived and handled day-to-day work.The lmperial Garden lies on north of the Kunming Hall. It looks like a natural picture.This is the place where the emperor and his family play.

  Since the founding of new China, the Forbidden City has been well maintained.It was made part of the world cultural heritage list in 1987.Tody as the largest museum of cultural relics in China, it collected and displayed one million precious relics .

  Now I want to ask you a question.How many houses are there in the Forbidden City? It was said that there were 10000 rooms in the complex of the Heaven Palace .As the son of the heaven , emperor had to build only 9999.5 rooms .Actually ,there are only 8707 rooms in the Forbidden City.

  As The saying goes, seeing is believing.With curiosity, let's walk into the Forbidden City.Let's appreciate Chinese culture and feel the history of the rise and fall of the Chinese emperors.

  导游中文自我介绍 篇【3】


  欢迎大家光临我们的&&,我更高兴我能为大家服务,能够见到大家是我的荣幸,现在请容许我先简单介绍一下我自己。我就是千年一遇的,旅游届最富有才华 、英明神武、智慧与美貌并重,英雄与侠义化身、人见人爱、车见车载,为司机师傅可以两肋插刀,为客人可以插师傅两刀的xx。



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